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No. I. One Shilling 

New Gallery \ 

/ 1888 


Illustrated Catalogue 




Published by Special Permission 



MAY 18S8 

'■' AU mgktt rtstnye, _ 





JBIRTT A Oo. oesire la emimaatis the tKC Cbat tbeii 

'a.'biiix and ^rt NoTeltlBS oan onlr M obtaJned In Idatlon 

,t tlielT Kcge&t Street BeD3« and In tbe Oonnmr of 

th^ ivis aooreaitea AgsntB. 


'Liberty" SUfca. "Li'oerty" 

14 Inches iDd 30 [aches wide. nnshm ATAK 

nice 1.. id. and ai. i.rf. per V/aWUneieB. 

lard. For Ludio'aidChUdKD'i Then Stocki have been 

DiCKei. btoiIt luEioented. and cancuxn 

Largest ranae of Ait Coloun. aa endLe&a vaiieF/ of rare 

PmUy of Uatciial and cobun. 

Sterling Value. /^m, Pxttina Post Fret. 

N^P«lts^.P»t Fra. U Libgrtj " 

"Liberty" Kamil Cloth. 

ITagpore Silk. 

e wodII. 
7 yanil, 3; mchei »id«. ^^^ ""j* ^d^^cia" ™lm 

&Co- Inala^ 

Gorah Silks, Tassore 

Silks, Soft Ivory- u^^^^^ 

White Silks. i^oerty^ 

and nuDibecleis olber makes d| _ , \^,g,^, 

"Liberty" Silks. '^'Si'.'A.Z'. 

Nm PalUm Pnl Frii. wide. Pnce — 
Medium qualit 

"Liberty" Art "'^^^i^ 

Embroidery Silks. "Liberty' 

tela by l*t 

(hawing >It lh< 

Valley Cloth. 

Prir^ ^- yi' per yaid, 4} 
Nn> Pa'llemt Pnal Frtt. 

™.,™ - „ 1- Cotton Cloths foi 
ii^?!^ '& :::::: ^: P. Spring & Summei 
S^BiftT^d aLS^-f Waslmig Dresses. 

Slflu Pofl Fi*". ESTiHATBS glvfin ioches Wide. Price i*. a^ 

SlSb™^^™'™'™^'"'''^^ per yard. ! 

M^broiCety. ^ Ar^ p^Umt Pott Fra. 

Liberty Art Ore- " Liberty" i 

tonnes & Chintzes. Woven Muslins 

Many nev »d beautiful spe- More generally known unde 
ciaLities haTO been added 10 this ^•^ OBiTe Icnn " Madras," ii 

Price from If, to ;f. 6^. pa 

''^ ziaiFatu,n! P'ni Fm. ' 

Plleei from Sd, 

LIBERTY & 60 {SSSejReffliit §t.,kiidoii,W; 

,.New Gallery Notes. 


An Illustrated Catalogue, 

Facsimiles of Sketches by the Artists. 







^A9 1888. 

iAll Sigkli n:trvta.l 


Cri* Vica is mkiHfni* tlu tfil marktd .en tki PlaH.f 




The first summer exhibition of " The New Gallery " was opened on ' 
the 9th May, i888, in the new building designed by Mr. K R. Robson, ' 
F.S.A., and constructed in little more than three months by Messrs. Peto, ' 
the well-known builders. 

The New Gallery is under the management of Messrs. C. E. Halld 
and J. W. Comyns Carr, the promoters; with a Consulting Committee, 
consisting of Messrs. L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. ; E. Bume- Jones, A.R.A. ; 
W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. ; H. Herkomer, A.R.A. ; A. Gilbert, A.R.A. ; 
E. Onslow Ford, A.R.A. ; W. Holman Hunt, J. W. North, Alfred 
Parsons, and E. R. Robson, the architect • 

The West and North Galleries are on the ground floor, and are 
entirely devoted to oil paintings. In the Balcony above, which is carried 
round the sides of the Central Hall (as indicated in the illustration), 
are smaller works in oils arid water-colours ; also etchings and drawings. 

The building itself is of great interest, not only on account of the short 
time in which it has been completed, but for the ingenuity and good taste 
of the architect in dealing with existing" conditions — in giving dignity and 
beauty to a site and to a structure where meanness had reigned supreme. 

The cast-iron columns, which supported the roof when this building 
was used as. a co-operative market, have been cased with Cipolino marble, 
and now present the appearance* of massive marble shafts, which carry the 
roof with delicately modelled capitals of Greek type, solidly gilded. The 
architrave, frieze, and cornices above the columns are covered with 
platinum, giving the effect of dead silver. The floor of the hall is paved 
with marble, with a fountain in the centre. 

The beautiful panels of Giailo Antico and Cipolino marble, which 
enrich the central courtyard and form so excellent a background for 
Sculpture, should be noticed; also the harmonious wall papeirs and 
generally good arrangement and lighting of the galleries. 


Sketches for the Illustrated Catalogue (Summer Exhibition) should be 
sent to the Editor, at his residence, iq3 Victoria Street, S.W., early in April, 
in each year, or to the " care of the Secretary of the New Gallery," at the 
time of sending in pictures. 

For Regulations respecting the exhibition of pictures application should 
be made to the Secretary. 

Th£ " Private View " lixis held on Tuesday^ May SfA, and the Exhibition 
opened to the public on Wednesday^ May gth^for three months. 

B 2 


Allan* R. W., 7» p. 8. 

Alma-Tadbma, L., R.A., 180-1M» P* 471 

275, p. 63. 
Alma-Tadbma» Mrs. L., 61iP- 3<S : 288f p. 60. 
Alma-Tadkaa, Miss A., 234f p« 60. 
Armstrong, Miss £. A.» 46t p* X9* 

Bartlett, W. H., 7S» p. 99- 

Batbs, D., 94t p. X2 ; 906, p. 58- 

Batbs, H., 316-318* p. 66. 

Batten, J. D., 151, p. 51. 

Bbavis, R., 136, p. 47. 

Bbnett, Newton, 176, p. 55. 

Benson, £., 122, p> 45- 

Bird, S., HI, p. 43. 

Boucher, A., 314, 815, p. 65. 

BouGHTON, G. H., A.R.A., 81, p. 33. 

BowcHBR, A. W., 823, p. 66. 

Bowybr, Miss £., 190, P' 56. 

Bromlev, Mrs. Val, 2^, p. 59* 

Burgess, F., 2d6i p. 6s. 

Burne- Jones, £., A.R.A., 53, p* 33 ; 54, p. 34 ;. 

55, p. 35 ; 2ffiB,p. 61 ; d67, 270, p. 6k ; 276- 

278, p. 63 : 280-288, p. 64. 

BURNE-JONES, P., 14, p. XX ; 51, p. 3X ; 241, 

244, p. 6i. 

BUZZANGA, Q., 811, P« 65. 

Cadogan, S. R., 20, p- X3 ; 52, p. ax. 
Canziani, Mrs. L. S., 82, p. X5. 
Carr, D., 10, p. 8; 143, p. 49* 
Cartwright, Miss R., 135, p. 47. 
Casella, Miss, .842, 348,' p. 67. 
Casella, Miss N., 340, 341, p. 67. 
Charles, James, 67, P* 37 ; 254* p- 62. 
Christie, J. £., 38, p. z8i 
Clarke, Mrs. S., 180, p- 56. 
Clarke, Miss I. W., 319, p. 66. 
Clausen, G., 37, P- x8 ; ^^ p. 19. ' 

Clay, Sir A., Bart., 115, p. 4a. 
Coleman, C. C, 308, p^ 64. 
Collier, Hon. J., 154, p. 32. 
Cook, G. £., 207, p. 58. 
Corbett, M. R., 114, p- 42 ; 250, p. 6x. 
Costa, Prof. G., 77, p. 3» » 129, p. 46- 
Cox, Miss H., 335, p. 67* 
Crane, W., 182, p. 56; 220; 222, p. 59: 
231, 232, p. 60; 251, 252, p. 6z. 

CUNYNGHAME, H., 189, p* 56. 

Currey, Hiss F. W., 171, p. 55. 
Curtois, Miss D., 266, p. 62. 

Davison, Miss N., 178, p. 56 ; 259, p. 6a. 
Donaldson, A. B.. 196, p. 57* 
Donne, B. J. M., 205, p. 58. 
Donnelly, Major^Gen., 194, p« 57; 268, 
p. 62. 

Drbsslbr, C, 820-322, p. 66. 
Duncan, W., 184, p. 56. 
D'Urban, W., 68, p. 37. 

£arle, C, 287, p. 60. 

£ast, a., 46, p. Z9 ; 118, p. 44- 

£bnbr, L., 16, p. XX. 

£llis, a., 209, p. 58' 

£llis, T., 200, p. 57 : 236, p. 60 ; 253, p« 62. 

£vANS, Miss W. M., 146, P- 5x. 

Fahby, £. H., 289, 247, p. 6z. 
Farrbr, T. C, 119, p. 44 ; 189, p. 47. 
Fisher, M., 27, p. X3 ; 120, p. 44- 
Fitz-Marshall, J., 21, p. X3 ; 167, P- 55* 
Ford , £. 0., 844, p> 67. 

Goodwin, A,, 26, p. xa. 

Grace. J. £., 31, p. 15: 186, p. 56. 

GuLLAND, Miss £., 264, p. 6a. 

HALLi, Miss £., 337*, P- 67 ; 338. p. 68. 
Hall£, C. £., 44, p. 20; 89, p. 34; 126, 

p. 46. 
Halswelle, K., A.R.S.A., 84, p. 17. 
Hastings, Mrs., 108, p- 40. 
Hatton, Miss H. H., 176, p. 55* 
Hayward, a. F. W., 17, p. XX. 
Hayes, E., 224, p. S9- 
Helck£, a.. 62, P- 26 ; 112, p. 43- 
Hbmy, C. N. 6, p. 8 ; 86, p. 33 » 144, p. 49 ; 

192, p. 56 ; 215, p. 58. 
Hennbssy, W. J., 149, p. 5x. 
Herkomer, Prof. H., A.R.A., 23, P* xa ; 29, 

p. X5 ; 105, p* 38 ; 113, 117, p. 43- 
Herkomer, H. G., 79, p. 3x. 
Hill, T., 71, P- 28. 
HoLL, F., R.A., 33, p- x6 ; 100, p. 37- 
Hughes, A., 128, p. 46.' 
Hunt, A. W., 35, p. 151 67, p. a6; 217, 

p. 58. 
Hunt, W. H., 85, p. 33- 
Hunter, C, A.R.A., 73, p. a8 ; 125, p. 46* 
Huxley, Miss N., 258, p. 63., 

Ireland, T.> 13, p. xi. 

jACKSONf F. H., 236, p> ^' 
Jay, W. S., 50, p. ax. ' 

Kelly, T., 160, p. 55- 
Kennedy, C. N., 107, P* 39* 
Kennedy, Mrs., 166, p. 55 1 187, P- 56. 
Kinsley, A., 268, p. 63. 
Knight, C. P., 116, p. 43- 
Knowles, D., 159, p- 55' 

La Thangue, H. H., 6, p. 7 ; 59) p. a6. 

Lawson, Mrs. C, 179, p. 56. 

Lawson, Mrs. E. R., 162, 178, p. 55 ; 261, 

p« 6a. 
Legros, Prof. A., 8, p. 9; 64, p. 27 ; 271- 

274, p. 63 ; 299-802, 80^-807, p. 64 ; 810, 

Lbhmann, R., 82, p. 31. 
Lkmok, a., 19, p. 12 ; 48, p. 19. 
Lewis, C. J., 141, p. 48. 
Lewis, L., I47, p. 51 ; 245, p. 61. 
Lindsay, Lady, 228, p. 59- 
Linton, Sir J. D., 142, p. 48. 
Lorimer, J. H., A.R.S.A., 28, p. 15; 249, 

p. 61. 
LovATTi, A., 165, p. 55. 
Lucas, A., 58, p. 26 ; 145, p. 51. 
Lucas, B., 172, p. 55- 

Macallum, H., 92, p. 35. 

McCracken, K., 159*, p. 55. ' 

Maclaren, W., 1, p. 6. 

McLachlan, T. H., 41, p. 19 ; 188, p. 47. 

McWhirter. J., A.R.A., 2, p. 7. 

May, Mrs. A. S., 127, p. 46 ; 140, p. 47. 

Medallists, Exhibition of the Society 

OP, 830-882, p. 67. 
Meo, G., 188, p. 56 ; 204, p. 58. 
MiLLAis, Sir J. E., Bart., R. A., 99, p. 37 ; 

167, p. 54. 
MiLLAis, £., 809, p. 65. 
Millet, F. D., 150, p. 51. 
MoBERLY, Mrs. H. G., 22, p. xa. 
MoNTALBA, Miss H. S., 888, p. 67. 
Montalba, Miss H., 155, p. 53. 
Moore, H., A.R.A., 15, p. ii ; 88, p. 31. 
MuLLiNs, E. R., 827-829, p. 66. 
MuRCH, Mrs. A., 187, p. 47 ; 216, p. 58. 
Murray, C. F., 70, p. 28. 

Murray, D., A.R.S.A., 80, p. 31 ; 110, p. 4t ; 

168, p. 55* 

Naftel, Mrs. P. J., 248, p. 6x. 
Naptbl, Miss M., 212, p. 58. 
Nattrbss, G., 229, p. 60. 
North, J. W., 4, p. 7 ; 97, p. 37- 

Orrock, J., 288, p. 60 : 257, p« 63. 
Osborne, Miss £. M., 109, p. 40. 
Ottewell, B. J., 214, p. 58. 

Padgett, W., 104, p. 39; 124, p. 46 ; 181, 

p. 56. 
Paget, S., 98, p. 36. 
Paris, W., 280, p. 60. 
Parsons, A., 248, 246, p. 6x. 
Parsons, J. R., 168, P* S5* 
PfeppBRCORN, A. D., jl^ p. 18 ; 47, p. X9; 90, 

p. 34: 152, p. 5z* 
Perugini, C. E., 49, p> X9. 
Pbrugini, Mrs. K., 60, p. a6. 
Philups, L. B., 68, p* 37. 
Phillott, Miss C, 191, p. 56. 

Pickering, Miss E., 198, p. 56 i 199, P* 57* 
Pollock, M., 174, p. 55 ; 265, p. 6a. 

Reed, E. T., 240, p. 6z. 

Richmond, W. B., A.R.A., 74, p« 30; 78, 

p. 3z i 91, p. 34 ; 98, 101, p. 37 : 168, p. 5x. 
RoBsoN, £. R., 808*, p. 64. 
RooKE, T. M., 188, p. 56. 
Ryland, H., 202, p. 58. 

Sargent, J., 211, p. 58. 

Savage, R., 88, p. 34; 221, p. 59» 

Schmalz, H., 128, p. 45. 

Shannon, J. J., 94, p. 36. 

Shepard, H. D., 185, p. 56 ; 266, p. 63. 

SiMONDs, G., 812, 818, p« 65. 

Solomon, S. J., 158, p. 54. 

Somerset, R. J., 56, p. a6* 

Spiers, R. P., 260, p. 6a. 

Stanhope, R. S., 121, p. 45. 

Stephens, W. R., 889, p. 68. 

Stephens, R., 164, p. 55- 

Stillhan, Miss L., 269, p. 62 ; 308, P< 64. 

Stillman, Mrs., 96, p. 36 ; 886, p. 59 ; 888, 

p. 60. 
Stoney, C, 161, 170, p. 55. 
Stott, E., 12, p. IX ; 887, p. 60. 
Strudwick, J. M., 9, p> 10. 
SwYNMBRTON, Mrs. A. L., 84, P' 33; 108, 

p. 39; 177, p. 55. 
SWYNNBRTON, J. W., 886* 887, p- 67. 

Tennant, Miss D., 208, 218, p. 58. 

TOFANO, E., 11, p. II. 

ToMsoN, A., 76, p. 30. 
Topham, F. W. W., 18, p. xa. 
Thornycroft, H., A.R.A., 834, p. 68. 
Thornycroft, Mrs., 824, 326, p. 66. 
Tylbr, W., 886, P' 66. 

Vos, H., 8, p. 7* 

Waite, E. W., 69, p. 37. 

Walker, J. W., 176a, 176b, p. 55. 

Walker, W. E., 2(02, p. 6a. 

Walus, H., 169, p. 55' 

Ward, £. A., 26, xa ; 36, p. 18 ; 66, p. a8 ; 

206, p. 58. 
Waterlow, E. A., 108, p. 38. 
Watts, G. F., R.A., 30, p. 14. 
Weeks, Miss C. J., 87, p. 34. 
Wbguelin, J. R., 148, P* 50; 196, p. 57* 
Whimperis, E. M., 66, p. a7. 
Whipple, J., 106, p. 39. 
Wilkinson, C*, 76, p. 30. 
Wilkinson, H., 40, p. x8. 
Williams, Mrs. E., 218, p. 58. 
Wills, E., 43, p. 19. 
Wood, Miss E. S., 219, p. 59. 
Wright, C. M., 96, p. 36 ; 166, p. 53* 

Wyatt, a. C, 197, p. 57 ; 801, 210, p. 58. 

Wylie, Mrs. C, 198, p. 57. 



41 «S 44 « 48 4f 

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4 i ' *®^ To M 




TT T8 




The West Gallery contains three important pictures by E. Bume- 
Jones ; also works by G. F. Watts, R.A. ; Holman Hunt, Legros, &c ; 
and portraits by Holl, Herkomer, and Richmond— 

The position of the first picture in the order of the catalogue is 
marked on the plan above — 

No. L " 0/ive Branches^ WALTER M aclaren. 

Twilight ; woman on the left in brown and white ; the one on 
the right in dark blue ; background of olive trees. 

No. 2. ^^ Santa Maria delta Salute — Storm passing off'' 

John McWhirter, A.R.A. 

The buildings seen across the lagune stand \fhite against dark 
storm clouds ; two small figures on bridge in foreground. 

No. 3. ** Portrait of Madame van Weede ;" seated. 
Red dress with lace. HUBERT Vos. 

No. 4, ''A Little Bit of Somerset:' J. W. North. 

A quiet English landscape in fresh summer green ; hazy sunlight. 

(See also his ''Buds of May;' No. 9T, in North Gallery.) 

No. 5. "^ Gas-light Study:' H. H. La Thangue. 
A lady, in black evening dress, seated, writing ; an open drawer 
with papers ; pink gas globe above. {No sketch received,) 

New Gallery Notes, i8 

No. fi. " Th£ Crabber's Homey C. Napier Hemy. 
Girl knitting at cottage door ; fish on the stones ; glimpse of sea. 

.No. 7. "SUniotin." R;W, Kvlas. 

No. 8. ""Femmes enPrih-e." A. Legkos. 
■ Normandy peasants .kneeling; one holds a lighted .tap^r ; 
mass of dark dresses and white caps. (See sketch.) • ■ 

David Carr. 

New Gallery Notes, i8. 

No. ft. " Acrasia." ]. M. Strudwick. 
One of the most elaborate works In the gallery. A knight in 
black armour lies asleep, his head resting in the lap of a dark- 
haire4 woman ; roses are strewn over him, and a silver goblet has 
fallen from his hand ; girls with musical instruments are partly 
seen behind the foliage. Note the delicate painting of the draperies 
and leaves, and the elaboration of detail throughout the picture. 

fVeSf Galtery\ 


No. 10. " A Wayside Idylir David Carr. 
Boy with red bundle, at a cottage gate ; girl comes down the 
garden carrying a china bowl. {Sketch, p, 8.) 

No. 11. ^^ Portrait of Michael^ son of the Hon. Arthur Saumarez!^ 


In sailor costume ; background of sea, 

No. 12. 94 X'3S. 

No. 12. " Homewards^' Edward Stott. 

No. 18. ''When the leaves are falling'' Thomas Ireland. 

A pool near a wood. 

No. 14. 'SA Prayer to the Penates!! Philip Burne- Jones. 

A small upright picture. Figures standing round an altar in 
a hall with bright green marble pillars. Red, blue, yellow, and 
green draperies. 


No. 15. ''Early Morning— Hastings!' Henry Moore, A.R.A. 

A shallow shore, with boat being hauled in ; grey sky with 

No. 16. ''Buying eggs — Hungary!' LEWIS Ebner. 

Woman holding egg up to the light ; several other figures. 

No. 17. "Anemones!' A. F. W. Hayward. 
White flowers in brown jar. 

New Gallery Notes, i8 

No. 18. " Tke Fall of Rienzi. Escape from Rome of Adrian and 
/frtw."— Bulwer's ' Rienzi.' FkanK W. W. Topham. 
Sail of boat being hoisted ; Irene in yellow drapery ; Adrian in 
steel armour. 

"Ko. 19. "A Vendetta." ARTHUR Lemon. 
Vengeance taken on a centaur, in a dark wood ; three distant 
figures. One of two very original works by this artist (See 48.) 
Na 20. "Gulf of Ajaccio, Corsica" SIDNEY R. Cadogan. 

Xandscape, sea, and blue mountains. 
No. 81. ''A Dainty Find; " white roses. J. Fitz-Marshall. 
No. 22. " Under the Beech Trees ; " toadstools. 
Mrs. H. G. Moberly. 
No. 23. "Portrait of Sir George Macleay ;" seated, dark back- 
ground. H. Herkomer, AR.A. 
No. 24. "Hedgers" David Bates. 
Landscape ; figures with smoking 6re. 
No. 26. "F. C. Burnand, Esq. ; " seated writing ; a small portrait ; 
blue background. E. A. Ward. 

No. 26. •' The Enchanted Lake." ALBERT GOODWIN. 

See " Fisherman and Genii," — AraUau I^ghli' EnUrlatttmattt. 

Rocky landscape ; Eastern figures, one with scarlet umbrella. 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

The central picture between the fine portraits by Herkomer 
and HoU is — 

No. 3D. so X Ji. 

No. M. " The Angel 0/ Death." G. F. Watts, R.A. 

\Frem a ^atografh fi^Iithed by H. H. Cameron, "30 Mortimer Slreel, W.) 

IV£S/ Gallery. 

No. 28. " Portrait of Lady Campbell of Earscahe ; " white head- 
dress ; dark background. J, H. LORIMER. 

No. 29. " Portrait of Alexander Macntillan, Esq. ; " the publisher. 
Seated In arm chair, hands clasped. H. Herkomer, A.R.A. 

No. 30. " The Angel of Death." G. F. Watts, R.A. 
Grey green robe, dark grey wings with red on the inner side 
white head-dress ; dark blue sky. A picture — 

" As beautiful \a line and Cone as in subject. Death has come as a messenger, kindly, 
not stem, and in her loving arms she has gently taken a sleeping babe a.nd soothes It as 
she drawl it to herself. 


and already over the head of the child an aureole begins to form itself. A poem, a 
sermon, and, above all, a picture, IhU canvas is a delight ; pure, wholesome, simple, 
and vigorous in conception and execution, correct in drawing, and good in its limited 
tange of colotir, it is a marvel as coming liom (he hand of a man of threescore years and 

No. 31. " Tke Evening of the Year." James E. Grace. 

No. 82. "Portrait of Mrs. Keigktley ;" half length ; white cap. 
Mrs. Louisa Starr Canziani. 

No. 33. " Portrait of Robert R. Symon, Esq. ; " seated. 
Frank Holl, R.A. (Sketch, p. i6.) 

No. 34. "A Pastoral." KeeLEY Halswelle. 
Cows among large dock leaves, by a river ; brown woods ; 
fallen tree in the foreground. {Sketch,p. 17.) 

No. 36. "Tyn-y-Coed—Capel Curig;" pool with trees. 
A. W. Hunt. 

tio. 29.. "Psrtrail of Robert R-Sym 
Frank HolLj R;A. 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No, 86. " Htnry Labourhere, Eif., M.F." E. A. Ward. 

No. 37. "A Toiler still." G. Clausen. 
An old woman leaning against a small tree ; dark dress, white 
cap ; green background of leaves. 

No, 38, "A Lonely Life ;" landscape — ^woman. J. E. Christie. 

No. 39. "A Winter Evening ;" misty landscape. A. D. Peppercorn. 

No. 40. "A Lake by the Sea." Hugh Wilkinson. 

IVesi Gallery. 

Na 41. ''Nearing Twilight;" trees. T. Hope McLaCHLAN. 

No. 42. " The Cottage Gate." G. CLAUSEN. 
Red cottage seen at the end of a path. 

Mo. 43- » X !(. 

No. 43. "Evening;" cows in farmyard. EDGAR Wills. 

No. 44. " Paolo and Francesca" C. E. HallE. 
Francesca in dark yellow dress, with black cloak ; Paolo has 
dark blue tunic lined with crimson ; cedar trees behind. 

{Sketch overleaf.) 

No. 45. " Apprentices; " two girls sewing. 
Miss E. A. Armstrong. 

No. 46. " A Winter Moonrise." Alfred East. 
Snow, and leafless trees. 

No. 47. " The Willow Stream." A. D. PeppercORN. 
Twilight landscape. 
Above is — 

No. 48. "A Struggle." ARTHUR LEMON. 
Two centaurs tighting on the sea-shore. 

No. 49. " Regina." C. E. Peruginl 
Half-length, almost in profile ; dark blue gown, with white 
edging at the neck ; large green-blue sleeves ; marble background. 
[Note the arrangement of colour in the hanging of Nos. 49, 50, 
and 51.] 

C 2 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No.«. " Rmh and Franccsea." C. E. Hall^ 
" But at one point 
Alone we fell. When of the smile we read — 
. . The wishW smile, so raptuiously kiss'd 
By one so deep in love— then he, who oe'et 
From me shall separate, at once my lips 
All trembling kiss'd. The book and writer both 
Were love's purveyors. In ils leaves that d«y 
We read no more,"— DaktK, Inferno, canlo t. 

JVes/ Gallery. 

No. 50. " The Jay's Haunt." W. S. Jay. 

No. Bl Tht Vuion ef EutuL PHILIP Burne Jones. 

No. 52. " Staines I 

: " river scene. Sidney R, Cadogan. 

New Gallery Notes, i8 

The centre of this wall is occupied by three large works by 
E. Burne-Jones, A.R.A. Some interesting studies for tjiese pictures 
are in the gallery above. 

No. 33. fc X so- 

No. 53. " The Rock of Doom." E. BURNE-JONES. A.R.A. 

The people of Joppa, by a cune of the gods laid npon Ihem, must offer a maiden of 
tlie dtj eveiy year Xa be devoared by a sea-monster. At last the lot fell upon the 
king's daughter, Andromeda, and as she stood chained to the rock near the sltore 
expecting her death, PerMUS passed by in the ait on his winged aandals, and in hc« 
helmet of darkness, and saw her. Then be waited for the monster and fought with it, 
and slew it, and delivered Andromeda, and so the cnrse came to an end. 

Wes^ Gallery. 23 

Next is the central picture {sketch overleaf) — 
No. 64. " The Tower of BrassP E. BURNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

''King Acrisius having dreamed that he should be slain by the son of his daughter, 
Danae, built a brazen tower in which to imprison her as long as she lived, thinking so 
to escape his fate." 

Danae, in crimson robe, over a violet dress which falls in minute 
folds, stands by a door of green metal, watching the workmen. 

The following description is taken from the Times of May 9, 
1888. - 

*' In this central picture, Danae, a beautiful figure clothed in red from head to foot, 
turns and sees the work that her father is accomplishing, and across her pensive face 
there seems to pass the thought that she may count for something in his strange design. 
. . • The face of Danae, for example, is supremely expressive. Knowing the story, 
we feel the rightness of the painter's interpretation of it ; even if we did not know the 
story we should see in this fair girl one across whose mind some sad vision of her own 
future was being conveyed by what she saw before hei:. The details are admirable from 
the point of view of execution ; the blue irises at Danae*s feet are lovely, and the artist 
has seldom painted anything better than the bronze door which falls into such perfect 
harmony with the rest of the picture." 

Of the first of the three pictures, " The Rock of Doom!' a writer 
in the Athenceum says : — 

" Round the helmet clings a dark vapour, like a cloud of gloom about a mountain 
top. . From his outstretched arm is suspended, enclosed in a bag (gift of the Graiae), 
the terrible head of Medusa ; it swings backwards as he advances quickly, and his feet, 
furnished with the Sandals of Swiftness, barely touch the blue-green water. The 
sickle-like sword that Hermes gave hangs at his girdle. His armour reflects a thousand 
lights as he hovers above the sea.'' 

And of " The Doom Fulfilled''— 

** Andromeda is still chained to the rock, but, our point of view being changed, she 
stands on our left and Perseus is on our right. We are in a horrible pit formed by 
steep, slippery, dark walls and pinnacles in a vista ; the sky-line consists of jagged diff 
edges sharply defined against the warm and bright firmament ; the floor is the sea, as 
black as obsidian, and, like obsidian, gleaming here and there. The lights run 
trembling into the shadowy caverns near at hand, out of one of which the huge coils of 
the monster, half above and half below the water, issue in loops of enormous length, 
dark, slimy, and scaleless. Andromeda is so close that spray of the sea lashed by the 
struggling beast will touch her feet when the victorious moment comes. At present she 
has no fear, although her hero is doubly encircled by the monster, and, the Beast being 
a creation of darkness, the Helm of Hades is of no avail. On the other hand, there is 
help in the Sandals of Swiftness, which enable the wearer to hover at will among those 
mighty coils which, turning this way and that, seek to bind the legs of the hero, and to 
close upon the arm that wields the Sword of Sharpness with terrible effect, while the 
Beast,, searing his monstrous head against the cliff, threatens Persens with poisonous 

In this picture the tide has receded, leaving basaltic columns 


No. S4- 89X46. 

No. H. " The Tower of Brass." E. BURNE-JONES, A.RJL 

JVesi Gallery. 

No.ttf. "TTu Doom FulfilUi:' E. Burnk-Jones, A.R.A. 

26 New Gallery Notes, 1 8 

No. 66. " On the Moort." E, J. SOMERSET. 
Landscape with cattle ; giil crossing stream. 

No. 67. " ' Winter's Wreck and Summer's Pride.' " A. W. HuNT. 
A wooded landscape. The dead leaves of the last year seen 
among the fresh green. 

No. 68. " /« Varenna." A. LuCAS. 
Houses in a narrow lane leading to the water. 

Na 69. " Th^ Yeoman." H. H. La ThangUE. 
Old man in smock frock and tall hat reading a newspaper. 

No. 60. "Dorothy " (in dark blue dress). Mrs. K. PeRUGINI. 
No. 8L " Well Employed." Mrs. L. Alma-Tadema. 
Girl on yellow cushion reading a book at a table ; blue frock. 
Old woman at the back of the table ; tapestry background. 

No. 62. " C:Aa«^«^P«*/«r^/" landscape with' sheep. A. Helck£. 

West Gallery. 

No. 6j. «9 X j+ 

No. 63. " The Loch at Sunset." L. B. Phillips. 
Next is a low-toned picture — 

Ko. 64. 3S X 59- 

No. 64. " Dead Christ." A. Legros. 
Almost life size, lying on white drapery ; dark rocky landscape, 

Na 8fi. " Landscape in Surrey." E. M. WhimpERIS. 

No. 86. " The Right. Hon. John Morley, M.P" E. A. Ward. 

{Sketch overleaf :y 
No. 67. "Mrs. Maddocks ;" in walking costume. J. Charles. 

No^eS: rBare^U,^ck<,ir>-u,]^.ht,the\ WlLLLiM D'URBAN. 

' ' I sweet birds lang." i 

No. 69. "Advancing Spring;" woods and p»-imroses. E. W. WaiTE. 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No. 88. " Thi Right Hon. John, Morl^, M.P. E. A. Wasd. 

No. 70. "Leveson E. Scarth, Esq." C. Fairfax Murray. 

No. 7L " The Humble Sphere; " girl sewing. THOMAS HiLL. 

No. 72. " Wool Washing— County Mayo." W. H. BartleTT. 
Girls, in the shallow water, with creels and tubs ; bright 
costumes (sketch opposite). 


Na7S. " A Fishing Have?u" CoLiN Hunter, A.EJI. 
Fishing boats at a pier ; g[reen tinge in the sky ; white fleecy 

30 New Gallery Notes, r888. 

On the north wall are three pictures harmoniously placed ; Mr. 
Costa's fine landscape {sketched opposite) and two portraits, Nos. 74 
and 78, by W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. ; on either side, yellow and 

Ho- 74- 34 X >B. 

No. 74. " Portrait of Mrs. Charles Cuninghame Graham" 

W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 
Seated on green couch, hands clasped ; white dress, with wide 
yellow sash and yellow roses. 

Above are — 
Na 75. " Portrait of S. P. Riddle, Esq. ; " seated, with newspaper. 
Cleg Wilkinson. 

JN0.7H. -j ffg^fr^tkiirptatura troop thtdr<^!y,hf^."\ ■'^iOMSON. 
Shepherd with crook on the left, shows dark against the rising 
moon : low clifTs and sea. 

JVesi GaUery. 

Na 77. " ' The first smile of morn.' " G. COST A. 
Tropical landscape, with darlc hills catching the glow of sunrise. 
Na 78. "Portrait of Mrs. Drummond." 
W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 
Seated ; dark grey-blue evening dress, with lace ; blue curtain 

No. 78. "Portrait of D. Meirurtzhagen, Esq.;" seated. 
H. G. Herkomer. 

No. 80. " Early October in Picardy." David Murray. 
Rows of pollard trees, and a deep lane. 
No. 8L " The Harvest of the Dawn." G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R. A. 
Two girls gathering mushrooms ; sunrise light on the clouds, 
earth still in shadow {sketch overleaf). 

No. 82. "Portrait of Captain R. A. Vansittart ;" in uniform. 
R. Lehmann. 

Na 8S. "Fine Weather — Channel ;" sea and sky. 

Henry Moore, A.R.A. 

Wesi Gallery. 33 

■ Next is an interesting and original picture — 

No. 84. "Parcce" MRS. A. L. SwYNNERTON. 
Three Cornish girls, with skein of wool, one in bright red dress ; 
half length, nearly life-size. 

No. 86. : "Portrait of John Blount Price, Esq., ^-P." 

W. HoLMAN Hunt. 

Seated, carved chair ; arms crossed. 

No. 86. '"How the boat\came Home'" (finished study forthelai^e 
Picture). C. NaPIER Hemy. 

{End of West Gallery.) 

"A Yimng Satyr," A. Lggros. 

[In- Ctntralffaa.) 

The Nbrth Gallery contains two paintings by Sr J. E. Millais, 
five by L. Alma-Tadema ; portraits by Herliromer, Richmond, 
Hall^, Collier, Shannon, &c., and numerous other important works. 

The hanging of thisGalleiy, especially the effect of the north 
end, should be noticed. 

No. 87. "Study of an Angela* Miss Charlotte J. Weeks. 

No. 88. " Sl Eihabeth of 
Hungary i» Exile." 
Reginald Savage. 

No. 89. " The late Stephen 
Heller;" heani only. 

No. 90. "A Grey After- 
noon ; " flat Undscape. 
K D. Peppercorn. 

No. 9L " The Lady Ermen- 

W. B. RicHMONp, A.R.A. 
Standing ; wliite satin 
dress embroidered with 
pearls ; lai^ white feather 
fan ; brazen bowl with 

36 New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No. 92. "A Little Water Party— Heligoland." 
Hamilton Macallum. 
Family going off on wheeled platform to two boats ; summer 
sea; red boats. {Sketch, p. 35.) 

No. 98. "Captives." Sidney Paget. . 
Twilight. On the left a young man and woman, clothed in 
skins, are taking their farewell of an old man who sits dejectedly 
on the sand ; a younger girl sits to the right ; Roman soldiers are 
taking a procession of other captives down to the ships which are 
seen in the shallow water. 

Na 94. "Portrait of Mrs. Williamson." J. J. SHANNON. 
In black evening dress, with yellow rose ■ one knee rests on a 
chair; grey plush drapery thrown over it. She holds browD 
gloves in her right hand. A fine example of the painter. 

No. 8fi. "Pastoral — Early Summer." C. M. Wright. 
Bright blue sky and water ; tall trees and waterlilies. 

.1 nn ("Miaiuara Racket mai non si smaga dituii\ «,„„ r._ „ 

No. 96. { ^^,^^*«.//^™.."_Dante} Mrs. Stillman. 
She holds a polished mirror. Red dress with paler sleeves ; 
blue head-dress ; background of trees. 

North Gallery^ 


No. 97. " * TAe Darling Buds of May: " J. W. NORTH. 

'* Shall I compare them to a smnmer day ? 
Thou art more lovely*and more temperate." 

Spring blossoms in brilliant light. 

No, 98. ^'Portrait of Miss Gladstone:^ (Painted for Newnham 

College, Cambridge.) W. B. Richmond, A.R.A, 

Seated on fur cloak ; dark red dress. 

In the centre of this wall is one of two works by Sir John Millais. 


"■'f. < 


•i^. ' " I , III: L- -Jy; i'- : ■'■ ' ' 


' '/vV • ■-' ^- ' " 


No. 99. 43 X 36. 

No. 99. *'Forlorn" SiR John Everett Millais, Bart., R.A* 
Lady on a balcony at sunset ; rich embroidered ctlmson dress ; 
I)eacock fan* (See also No. 167, near the door.) 

No. 100. *^ Portrait of Richard Davies^ Esq,, Lord Lieutenant oj 

Angleseay Frank Holl, R.A. 

Half length ; seated ; reading lamp on tables 
No. 101* '^Portrait of Mrs, Andrew Lang^^ 

W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 
Seated ; white evening dress ; thick boa over her shoulders. 

3^, New Gallery Notes, i8 

No. lOB. " Fmtktrtd Friends." Ernest A. Waterlow. 

" Portrait tfP. C. Bumaitd, Etq." 

North Gallery. 


No. 102. ''Feathered Friends** ERNEST A. Waterlow. 
An Irish scene ; brown dress ; red and white handkerchief tied 
under chin ; dark hill with mist at the back. (Sketch opposite.) 

No. 108. " Bacchante /' with a goat. Mrs. A. L. Swynnerton. 
Deep red and blue garments ; background of woods. 

No. 104, ''Misty Moonrise^ near Abbeville^ WiLLiAM Padgett. 

No. 106. "F.^ C. Burnand, Esq.** H. Herkomer, A.R.A. 
Portrait of the well-known editor of Punch ; light grey background. 

No. MB. "In the Valley of the Stour!* J. WHIPPLE. 
Flock of sheep in flat landscape. 

11 » <if 

- ry 1% 

- -' - • No. 107. * ^ '84X60. 

• ", > ■• ,, r , ■, ■ • I . r- ■ 

No. 107. ^" A Fair-haired Slave] who made himself a Kin^. 

j;;;.' N. 'KENNEDY; ->■) . •■ - -^ - . - ••;• 

Child carried intp a. m^rblp l^ath, by two. women J light olive 
green on the" darker womdh/ the ^ other has white drapery with 
gold embroidery. 'A Svi^ath of rbse^and daHrblue curtain. 

New. Gallery Notes, i8 

No. 109. " Her last Home" MiSS E. M. OsBORNE. 
A white hulk in a tidal river at low water ; stormy sky. 

No. 108. " Cleopatra—^ Metkinks I hear Antony call.' " 
Mrs. Hastings. 
In blue robe, on panther skins ; a slave with orange head-dress 
and dark green semi-transparent drapery offers her figs. 

First on the line, on the north wall, is — 

No. 110. " Britannia's Anchor." David MURRAY. 
Angry sunset behind the hill. 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No. lis. "Oh the Threshold." Sir Arthur Clay. 

" I wait for the time wliea dear Iteuts shall discover. 
When dear hands are placed on my head. 
The child is a woman, — the books may close over, 
For all the lessons are »aid." Scngi of Stvtn, by Jean Ingelow. 

' ^Tkt orange Hgkl o/mdating mem.' ' 

North Gallery. 43 

No. m. " Old Pier, Salen." S. BiRD. 

A rocky coast scene ; girl in blue hanging up nets. 

No. 113. " November's S^ is Chill and Drear." A. HelckE. 

Sand hills on the shore ; stretch of water with dark hills. 

No.113. "Julia, Marchioness o/Tweeddale." H. HerkomEK, A.R.A. 

In black evening dress, relieved by crimson, seated in Louis XV. 

chair, holding a lai^e black fan ; red background. 

Wn 174 t" The eraHge light o/widmi«g mom." 1 «, o rnuRFTT 

Wall*. I SHBLLBV's/Vs-»rf-l«<ji7»to«»rf. / M. K. CORBETT. 

Red trunks of pine trees illuminated by powerful sunset light 

No. 115. " On the Threshold." Sir Arthur Clay. 

Dark green dress ; brown fur rug ; dark background 

Na 116. "Killary Bay, Connemara." C P. Knight. 

Na 117. l\My Father and iny ChUdtM" H. Herkomer, A.R.A. 

The father U dressed in brown; the child, who Holds a dog 
(notshawii in Mr. Herkomer's sketch), has a'pink costume. Note 
the painting of the head, and the diifusioaQf light :.;.- -•" / 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No. 119. " Evening by ike River." T. C. Farrer. 
Bisham Abbey ; on the river-bank, swans and poplar trees. 

JNo. 118. I And,unf^<:avtd,unfi>ldsthi,freadineday." } ALFRED U. AST. 

Light shining on the bend of flie river ; blue sky. 
No. 120. " ' The Stream that turns the Mill.' " MARK FiSHER. 
Cows beside the stream ; orchard and red-roofed mill laeyond ; 
willows on left ; blue sky. 

North Gallery. 

No. 121. " The Graia" R. Spencer Stanhope. 

" There sat the crones, that had the single eye, 
CUd in blue sweeping cloak and snow-white gown ; 
While o'er their backs their straight white hair hung down 
In long thin locks ; dreadful their faces were, 
Carved all about with wrinkles of despair ; 
And as they sat they crooned a dreary sonp. 
Complaining ibal their lives should last so long." 

Earthly Paradise, W. Morris. 

Pink, white, and blue ; three figures draped in white and blue ; 
the centre one holding the eye. They sit in a pink marble hall, 
richly decorated, with figures in relief. 

No. 122. "Music and Moonlight" EUGENE BENSON. 
A man seated by a fountain playing violin ; peacocks. 

No. 111. Ta X So. 

" Zenobia's Last Look on Palmyra." H. Schmalz. 

;r of Zenobia and of the city," 

White and blue drapery ; rich embroidery and gems. 


New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No, 124. "In a Lonely Land. Sand Dunes — Pas-de-Calais." 

William Padgett. 

No. 125. " ' Caller Herrin,' " COLIN HUNTER, A.R.A. 

Na 186. "TAe Hon, Mrs. Arthur Saumarez." C. E. Hall£. 

No. 127. "After a Long Drought ; " landscape, horses. 

Mrs a. S. May. 

Na 128. " The Last of the Snow." ARTHUR HUGHES. 
Np,_129. "An Evening in Cufnberland." G. CoSTAl 

lfi>rtk Gallery. ■ 

Mr. Alma-Tadema sends six works to the New Gallery • 
■e grouped together in the centre of the east wall thus : — 

No. 130. '^ Portrait of Lady Thompson^ 

L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

In black dress, with white lace and cap ; red brooch. 

No.181. "' 'Loves me not.'" L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

Two girls on green couch below a window ; one picks the 

petals of a flower, the other languidly watches her. Their dresses 

are : on the right, very pale lavender ; on the left, nearly white 

with pale blue stripe. Many coloured marbles compose the walls 

and floor ; under the blinds in bright sunshine is seen a strip of 

landscape with buildings. 

NalS2. " Sketch for ' Heliogabalus.'" L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 
It is to be noticed that many alterations have taken place in 
the finished painting now hanging at the Royal Academy. 

No, 133. "Portrait of the Rev. A. D. Adama van Scheltema; " 

of the Dutch Church. Alma-Tadema. 

In gown and bands, holding a book \ panelled background. 

No. 134. " Venus and Mars:' L. Alma-TaDEMA, R.A. 

A small, scarcely finished, picture of a little child standing on a 

marble terrace near the sea, holding in her arms a figurine of Mars ; 

strong sunlight behind the child's pink drapery. 

No. 135. " View near Perugia^ MisS R. Cartwright. 

No, 136. " Outskirts of the Park at Buckkurst, Sussex" R. Beavis. 

No. 187. "Coast near Pisa." Mrs. ARTHUR MiJRCH. 

No, 188. "Mists in Early Autumn." T. HOPE McLachlan. 

Dark landscape ; woods and river in misty moonlight. 
No. 139. "Moonrise;" river scene, with cattle. T. C. FarrER. 
Na 140. " Early one Morning." Mrs. A. S. May. 
L.andscape ; yellow flowers and cattle- , '■ 

* The iHCtni«s by Mr, Alma-Tadema. arc not.illuatiated, t^ denre of.the ftrtisL 

New Gallery Notes, r888. 

No. 141. "An Ancient Fishing Village" C. J. LEWIS. 

Mo. Itt "Perlrait oj Miss Wardmr." Sir J. D. Linton. 

North Gallery. 

No. 142. "Portrait of Miss Wardour." SIR J. D. LiNTON. 
Holding a tall silver-headed staff ; rich embroidery of flowers 
on a green-grey dress ; crimson curtain. 

No. 143. '■ Sea Urchins." David Carr. 
Calm blue sea ; chalk cliffs, and Bshit^ boats in distance. 

No. 144. "The Trawler's Punt." C. Napier Hemy. 
Green water ; boy in blue Jersey and yellow sou'-wester ; old 
man has blue cotton shirt and brown waistcoat. 

I? 3 o 

S 1« 


North Gallery. 51 

No. 146. "-4 Lonely Coasts Arthur Lucas. 
Dark landscape ; rushes on sand. 

No. 146. " Portrait of my Mother r MiSS WILFRED MuiR EVANS. 

Seated, with hands crossed ; grey and blue dress ; light 

No. 147. '' Montfort'Sur-mer. Ille et Vilaine.'' Lennard LEWIS. 

A view in the town. 

On the line here, is one of the most important compositions in 
the New Gallery — 

No. 148. '< Bacchus and the Choir of Nymphsr J. R. Weguelin. 

Bacchus with red garment lying on a leopard skin holds a 
thyrsus. The nymphs have pale draperies of pink, yellow and 
white ; one has ivy in her hair, and another on the left some violet 
flowers ; the sea lies blue below them, flecked with purple shadows ; 
the rocks are grey ; the picture is light in colour throughout, and 
delicately harmonised. 

No. 149. '' An April Dayr W. J. Hennessy. 
Landscape ; three children in orchard ; blossoms. 

Next is a picture by an American artist (No. 81 "-4 Love- 
Letter'')^ whose work in the Royal Academy this year has made a 
great success. 

No. 160. ''A Quiet Hour:' F. D. Millet. 

Girl reading in a high old-fashioned chair ; cool interior ; green 
dress ; white tablecloth. 

No. 161. St. Cecilia^ John D. Batten. 

Seated on hillside, in evening light ; her harp lies beside her ; 
blue drapery ; holm oak tree behind. 

No. 162. "-4 Grey Afternoon ;'' landscape. A. D. PEPPERCORN. 

On the south wall are the following pictures — 

No. 168. '^His Excellency Sir Edward Malet^ 

W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 

In full uniform ; dark background. 
No. 164. ''Portrait of Miss Ethel Huxley^ 

The Hon. John Collier. 

Standing ; white dress ; yellow sash and gloves ; cold green 
landscape background ; white flowers. {Sketched overleaf) 

E 2 





No. Z54. 96 X 48- 

No. 154. " Portrait of Miss Ethd Huxley:' 
The Hon* John Collier. 

North Gallery. 

No. ISS. " Burano Boats, Venice;" calm water. 
Miss Hilda Montalba. 

No. 156. "The Road to the Sea ; " with crucifix and rocks 
C. M. Wright. 

New Gallery Notes, i8 

No. 167. " The Last Rose of Summer^' 
Sir John Everett Millais, Bart., R.A. 

Over the door is a portrait by a well-known artist. 

No. 1S8. " Phillis." Solomon J. Solomon. 
White evening dress, yellow daisies, hands clasped ; tiger skin 

{^End of North Gallery.) 

( 55 ) 


No. 169. " Solitude ; " black and white. D. Knowles. 

No. 169*. ''Arocdi S. Giuseppi, Siena'' Katherine McCracken, 

No. 160. ^* He toucheth the Hills ^ and they smoke;'' black and 

white drawing. T. Kelly. 

No. 161. " White Roses," CHARLES Stoney. 
No. 162. ''Roses." MRS. E. R. Lawson. 

No. 168. '' Shiplake Ferry." J. R. PARSONS. 

No. 164. " On the South Downs'' Rupert Stevens. 

No. 166. " Lane at Capri!' A. Lovatti. 

No. 166. " Marooned" Mrs. Kennedy. 

No. 167. ** From the Old Castle Garden" J. FiTZ-M ARSHALL. 

No. 168. ''At Close of Day ;" horses. David Murray, A.R.S.A, 

No. 169. "A Pot of Honey from Mount Hymettus" 

Henry Wallis. 

Greek figures with child, and blue honey pot. 

No. 170. "Anemones" Chakles Stoney. 

No. 171. " A Reader's Window," MiSS F. W. CURREY. 

No. 172. " A Blue Bay in Jersey!' BERNARD LucAS. 

No. 178. " Young Roses," Mrs. E. R. Lawson. 
No. 174. " The Bracken Harvest," MAURICE Pollock. 

No. 176. " The Market Square^ Midhurst ;" with flock of sheep. 

Newton Benett. 

No. 176. " Portrait of Miss Mary Moore as Ida Ingot in 
' David Garrick: " Miss Helen H. Hatton. 

Three-quarter length ; standing against a blue curtain. 

No. 176tf. " The Lone, Lone Sharer J. W. WALKER. 

No. 176^. " Beurick Coast of Gower." J. W. Walker. 

No. 177. " Miss Mary Gilbert," Mrs. A. L. SWYNNERTON. 

* TVte Staircase at the South comer of the Central Hall leads to the Balcony, 

56 New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

No. 178. "A Granary, Oulton Broad, Suffolk." 

Miss Nora Davison. 

No. 179. " Primroses." MRS. CECIL Lawson. 

No. 180. " Tke Skate's Nose, Walberswick." 

Mrs. Savile Clarke. 

No. 181. "Drifting" (Pastel Study). W. PADGETT. 

No. 182. " The River Blyth." Walter Crane. 

No. 183. " A Cottage near a Wood." GaETano MeO. 

No. 184. " Young Nommahal at Agra!' WALTER Duncan. 

No- 188. " Tke Thames from Temple Gardens'' 

Henry D. Shepard. 

No. 188. "A Tidal Creek" James E. Grace. 

No. 187. "Ishmael." Mrs. Kennedy. 

No. 188. " Savoyard Hospitality." T. M. ROOKE. 

Ladies in a cottage ; North Italy ; red glow of fire. 

No. 189. " The Temple at Philm, Two Thousand Years Ago" 


No. 190. " November at Bettws" MisS ELLEN BOWYER. 

Na 19L "Portrait of Margery, Daughter of Robert Norton, Esq. ; " 

child with book. Miss Constance Phillott. 

No. 192. "A Southerly Gale." C. Napier Hemy. 

No, 193. "The Wandering Jew." Mlss Evelyn PICKERING. 

" Whom the gods love die young." 
A girl lying dead ; other figure in purple robe. 

The Balcony. 57 

No. 194. "A View, in Surrey." Major-GeneRAL DoifNELLV. 

,No. 196. " Tke Yellow Sands." ]. R. Weguelin. 
A small nude study ; back view. 

No. 196. "Kampen, near ike Zuyder Zee" A. B. DONALDSON. 

!" Thest plots ef cottage ground, thtu orchard tujtt, "^ 
Which at this nasen, with their unrifie fruits. 
Are clad in oru green hue and lose thansehies 
Among the taoodi and copies, nor disturb 
The ^Id green landicape" — Wordsworth. 

A. C. WyAtt. 

No. 198. 63 X 34. 

No. 198. " Tke Sin Offering:' Mrs. C. Wvlie. 
Green robe with red drapery above. 

No. 199. " The Little Sea Maid" Miss Evelyn" Pickering. 

" At home in the Fiince's castle, when the others slept at night, she went out to the 
rocks hy the sea-shore, and cooled ber burning feet in the cold sea^water ; then she 
ihonght lovingly of the dear ones in the deep." — Hans Andersen. 

No. 200. " A Night Storm, Sea of M& 

58 ITew Gallery Notes, i8 

No. 20L "Natures Wild Garden:' A. C. WyaTT. 

No. 202. « The Death of Procrts." Henry RylaND. 

The fatal arrow in her breast ; fawns standing over her. 

Na »3. .. X .4. 

No. 20s. " Th^ Dead Mer-Baby." MlSS DOROTHY TennaNT. 
No. 204. Entrance to Wildwood" Gaetano Meo. 

No. 20s. " Crossing the Toblinger Dolomites — Early Summer" 

B. J. M. Donne. 

No. 206. "Portrait of Mrs. Mozley." E. A. Ward. 

No. 207. " Wargrave Church'.' G. E. CoOK. 

No. 208. " Teazles" David Bates. 

No. 209. "On the North-East Coast!' Arthur Ellis. 

No. 210. 'M Warwickshire Landscape." A. C. Wyatt. 

No. 211. "Portrait of Claude Monet." J. Sargent. 

No. 212. " Chrysanthemums." MiSS Maud NafTEL. 

No. 213. ''Poor Tom's d Cold." Miss DOROTHY Tennant. 

No. 214. " Under the Greenwood Tree." B. J. Ottewell. 

No. 215. " On the Harbour Bar." C. NaHER Hemy. 

Two men in a boat ; fishing for cod. 

No. 216. " In the Roman Campagna." Mrs. Arthur MDrcH. 

No. 217. Glaslyn, Snowdon" A. W. Hunt. 

No. 218. "A Bit of Broom." Mrs. EmILY WILLIAMS. 

The Balcony. 

" 'First Pledge of Blithesome May' ' 
Miss E. Stewart Wood. 

No. 220. "A Water Lily." Walter Crane. 
White, semi-transparent robe ; foi^et-me-nots in her hair. 

No. 22L _ " St. Elizabetk—The Miracle of the Roses." 

Reginald Savage. 

No. 222. " White Sands." Walter Crank 

No. 228. " The Poet's Roses." Lady LiNDSAY. 

Na 224. " Thames Barges, and Old Mill." E. Hayes. 

No. 225. " Gelsomina." Mrs. StILLMAN. 

A head ; red dress and flowers. 

No. 326. " Coming into Brixkam." Mrs. Val Bromley. 

New Gallery Notes, 1888. 

fc:*' sa 



, ' ' '^ - ' • 

N 997 /" ^"^ eld and young ipraataig, a i/u/tfy ioen \ 

No. 228. " Lochar Moss Dumfriesshire." James ORROCK."; 

No. 229. " On the Devon, Perthshire." GEORGE NattrESS. 

No. 2S0. " Old Houses, Rouen." Walter Paris. 

No. 2SL " Billows of Sand." Walter Crane. 

No. 232. " Ashore." Walter Crane. 
No. 233. "Dante at Verona." Mrs. Stillman. 

" he conies among 

The women at their palmplaying. 
The conduits round Ihe garden sing 
And meet in scoops of milk white stone. 
Where weary damsels rest, to hold 
Tbnr hands in the wet spurt of gold. 
One of them knowing well that he, 
By some found stem, was mild with them, . 
Would run and pluck his garment's hem. 
Saying, ' Messer Danle pardon me,' 
Praying thai they might hear the song. 
That first of all he made when young." 


No. 284. "A Study." Miss ANNA Alma-Tadema. 

No. 285. " God's Acre." F. Hamilton Jackson. 

No. 236. "A Breeze off Smyrna." Tristram Ellis. 

Na 237. " Rome from the Via della Mura." Charles Earle. 

Na 238. " ' Rain, rain, go to Spain.' " MRS. L. Alma-TademA. 

The^ Balcony. 6i 

No. 839. " In Gloucestershire" EdWARD H. FaHEY. 
No. 340. "A RecolUctim of the House of Commons, 1887." 

Edward T. Reed. 
No. 24L " Miss Blanche Balfour:' Philip Burne- Jones. 

No. 242. " HymemBus" R BURNE-JONES, A.R.A. 
Three figures standing, two in red garments, one in orange ; 
dark green background. 

No. 243. " Study of Apple Blossom." Alfred Parsons 

No. 244. "Francis Jekyll" (in blue). Philip Burne-Jone& 

No. 24S. "Ightham Mote from Bowling Lawn^' 

Lennard Lewis. 

No. 246. "By the Avon, Warwickshire." ALFRED Parsons. 

A gamekeeper and girl walking beside a cajm river. 
No. 247. " The Severn Valley {Evening), from Wotton-under- 

Edge" Edward H. Fahey, R_I. 

No. 248. " The Golden Hills" MRS. PAUL \. Naftel. 

No. 249. " Sweet Roses." J. H. LORIMER, AR.S.A. 

No, 250. " Rosalinda Etrusca — A Portrait." M. R. CORBETT. 

No. 2SL " Reflections" WALTER CraNE. 

No. 252. "An Unknown Water." Walter CraWe. 

TWzf Gallery Notes, i8 

No. 258. " Stamboul — Anchorage in the Golden Horn." 

Tristram Ellis. 

No. 264. " ' They are Coming' " James Charles. 

No. 256. " IfofKe, sweet Home." Henry D. Shepard. 

No. 266. " Misl on Wandsworth Common." Fred Burgess. 

No. 267. " Caerlaverock Carse, Dumfriesshire." JaMES Orrock. 

No. 258. "Scandal-Mongers;" parrots. Miss Nettie Huxley. 

No. 259. " The Peers' Window, Middle Temple Hall." 

Miss Nora Davison. 

Na 260. " Study of Boats, Lake tothing." R. PhenE Spiers. 

Na 261. " Young Roses." Mrs. E. R. Lawson. 

No. 262. "A February Daybreak." W. Eyre Walker. 

No. 263. " ' Down by the Murmuring Brook.' " 

Albert Kinsley. {Sketched opposiu.) 

No. 264. "Fancies." Miss Elizabeth Gulland. 

Na 266. " Bank in the New Forest." Maurice Pollock. 

No. 286. " Evening Work." MisS DeriNG CuRTOIS. 

No. 267. "Pen and Ink Design." E. BuRNE-JONES, A.R.A 

No. 268. " On the Wey near Godalming; " etching. 

Major-General Donnelly. 

No. 269. " Sabina." Miss Lisa Stillman. 

No. 270. " Design for the Sleeping Beauty Series;" pencil 

washed with colour. E. Burne-Jones, A.R.A. 

Sculpture. 63 

No. 283. " ' Down iy the MurrmiriHg Brook! " Albert Kinsley. 
No. 271 " Sir Frederick W. Burton, Director of the National 

Gallery ; " etching. A. Legros. 

No. 272. "Interior of a Church in France;" two proofs of the 

same subject ; etchings. A. Legros. 

io. 278. " Two Studies of an Old Man;" etchings. A. Legros. 

No. 274. "Head of a Child;" dry paint A. Legros. 

Next are some most interesting chalk and pencil drawings — 

No. 276. "Study of a Head." L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

No, 276. " Study of a Head for the picture of King Cophetua" 


No. 277. "A Study." E. Burne-Jones, A.R,A. 

No. 278. "A Study for the Head of Danae." 

E. Burne-Jones, A.R.A. 

No. 279. "A Study for Andromeda." 

E. Burne-Jones, A.RA. 


New Gallery Notes^ 1888. 

No. 280. M Study for Perseus^ E. BURNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

Nos. 281-290. ^^ Series of Designs for the Decoration of a 
Piano, illustrating the Story of Orpheus and Eurydice^ 


No. 291. " Study of a Heady E. BURNE-JONES, A.R. A. 

No. 292. " Design for the frontispiece of 'A Dream of John 
Bully by Arthur Morris.'' E. BuRNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

No. 293. ^^ Study of Armour for the Perseus Series*' 


No. 294. ''Design for a Bas-Relief:' E. BuRNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

No. 295. " Study of a Head." E. BuRNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

No. 296. ''A Pen-and'Ink Drawing.'' E. BuRNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

No. 297. "-4 Study:' E. BuRNE-JONES, A.RA. 

No. 298. ** Study of Armour for the Perseus Series." 


No. 299. '^ Study of a Head for St. Cecilia!' A. Legros. 

No. 800. " Five Studies in Silver Point." A, LegroS. 

No. 801. " Portrait oj Mrs. Knowles and her Son {Silver Point)." 

A. Legros. 

. . . . ^ . 

No. 802. *' Study of a Head in Silver Point." A. Legros. 

. ... • ^ , 

. No. 808. '' Hester, Daughter of Richmond Richie, Esq" 

Miss Lisa Stillman. 

Nos. 804-307. "-4. Series of Etchings." A. LEGROa 

No. 808. " A Decorative Panel" C. C. Coleman. 

No. 308.* " Design for the Queen's Hall, People's Palace." 


• • 

( 65 ) 

No. 386. "Design/or a Fountain:' J. W, Sft-YKNEETOfl. 
[The walec is intended to ruo from the small amphora under the old man's arm 
small figure in the centre of the group) ; idso lo drip from the &un'E hands.] 

The Sculpture is arranged round the Central Court ; first in 
order of the catalogue is — 

No. 809. "A Typical Basset-Hound." EVERETT MiLLAls. 

No. 810. "A Young Satyr" A. LegrOS. (Sketch, p. 33.) 

No. 811. "An Italian Boy" G. BuzzANGA. 

No. 312. "Her Majesty the Queen, Empress of India" 

George Simonds. 

Sketch for the statue erected at Reading ; bronze, cire pendu ;. 

No. 813. "Eros Victor ;" Ta&r^Xt. GEORGE SiMONDS. 

" For valour, is not Love a Hercules ? " — Levis Labour Lost. 

No. 314. " Music" A. BOUCHER. 

No. 315. " Au C/mnp." Statuette bronze. A. BoucHEk. 


New Gallery Naies, 1888. 

No. 313. 
No. 313. '''Eras Victor;^ marble. George Simonds. 

No. 316. ''Portrait Bust of Mrs, Drew'* Harry Bates. 

No. 317. ''Peace:' Harry Bates. 

No. 318. " Warr HARRY Bates. 
Two small designs in high reljef. 

No. 319. " Tiger Feeding; " bronze. Miss Ida Wilton Clarke. 

No. 320. " Bust of John Rtiskin, Esq,'* CONRAD Dressler. 

No. 321. " Study — ' Non Angli sed Angelic " CoNRAD Dressler. 

No. 322. " Terra Cotta Bust!* CONRAD Dressler. 

No. 323. " Hermes r A. W. BOWCHER. {Sketch on title-page!) 

No. 324. " Master Oliver Thornycroft:* Mrs. THORNYCROt^. 

No. 325. "Master Michael Sassoon," Mrs. Thornycroft. 

No. 326. "A Study-- Marble Bust:* William Tyler. 

No. 327. " The First Dip!' E. RoscoE Mullins. 
No. 328. " John Frederick Boyes, Esq,, F.S.A:' E. R. MULLINS. 

No. 329. " Hettie, Daughter of Alderman A llder," E. R. Mullins. 
On the east wall are four cases exhibited by the " SOCIETY OF 

Medallists" — 

No. 330. Case I. — Medals, and Models of Medals, by Members 
of the Society and others. 

No. 381. Cases II. & III.— Medals by Madame T. Zambaco. 
No. 332. Case IV.— Medals by M. Gustave Deloye. 

Sculpture. 67 

No, 321. " Tht Firil Dip." BL Roscoe Muu.iNS. 

No. 333. " A Portrait: " terra cotta. Miss H. S. MoNTALBA. 

No, 334. " The Mower ; " Statuette bronze, 

Hamo Thornycroft, A.R. a. 

No. S38. "Portrait Medallion" MiSS HILDA CoX. 

N t», 336. " Love's Chalice" Design for a Fountain in bronze green. 

J. W. SWYNNERTON. {Sketch, p. 65.) 

No. 337. " Bust of Pierre Baume" J. W. SwYNNERTON. 

No. 337*. "Bead Christ ;" bronze low relief. Miss E. Hall£. 

No. 338. "Bust of Charles HalU, Esq." LL.D. Miss E. Hall£, 

No. 339. "A Statuette;" bronze. W. Reynolds Stephens. 

No. 340. " Wax Medallions." Miss Nelia Casella. 

No. 341. "Bos-Relief" Miss Nelia Casella. 

No, 342. "Adoration of tAe Magi;" -wsi-xhai^-relM. Miss Casella. 

No, 843. " Wax Medallion." Miss Casella. 

No. 344. "Sketch Portrait of 7. McLure Hamilton, Esq." 

E. Onslow Ford, 

Case of Medals. 
No. 34S. "Lady Clay." 
No, 346. " Sir Arthur Clay." 
No. 347. "Max Onslow Ford 






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New Gallery 

Illustrated Catalogue 




Published by Special Permission 



AfAY 1889 

' All Rights reso-.'cl. 





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^ans, Jewellery. 

N.B.-])Ies8rs. LIBl^rY ft Oft 




New Gallery 



Illustrated Catalogue 








No. 403. 


MAY 1889. 

{All Rights rtstned.\ 



tHt ilFt 9f , ^ 


(from Regent St ) 



Notice to Artists. — Sketches for the Illustrated Catalogue of the 
^* New Gallery " (Summer Exhibition) should be sent to Mr. Henry 
Blackburn, at his residence, 123 Victoria Street, S.W., early in April, or to 
the " care of the Secretary of the New Gallery," at the time of sending in 

For Regulations respecting the admission of works of art for the 
Summer Exhibition, 1890, application should be made to the Secretary, 
at the Gallery, 121 Regent Street, W. 

The Illustrated Catalogue is SOLD IN THE GALLERY ; at the 
Librairie de FArt, 33 Avenue de TOpdra, Paris, and by all booksellers. 

*^* The cop)n:ight of all pictures sketched in this book is reserved 
by their respective owners. 


The ^'Private View" was held on Wednesday^ May ist^ and the 
Exhibiiion opened to the public on Thursday^ May 2nd^ for three months. 


Allan, R. W., 108, p. 28. 

Alma-Tadema, L., R.A., T-lOi p. 8 ; 360, 

Alma-Tadbma, Mrs., 19, p. id ; 98t p. 36. 

Archsr, £., 900* p> 50* 

Armstrong, Miss E. A., 179, P- 47* 

Atkins, Miss C. J., 289, p. 57- 

BailwaroJ Miss, SS68t p. 56- 

Ball, W., 107, p. -ai- 

Barclay, E., 48* 64, p. 16. 

Barnard, G., 287, P- 57- 

Batten, J. D., 21, p. 10. 

Bkavis, R., 00, p. 16 ; 109, p. 3»- 

Beck, J. W., 176, p. 46 : 216, p. s^- 

Bbnett, N., 242, p. 54- 

Benson, E., 239, p< 54- 

Bloomer, H. R., 87, P- 94 1 291, P- 57- 

Boehm, J. E.,R.A., 401, 402, p. 60; 414, 

p. 6z. 
Bogle, L., 864, 868, 376, P- 59- 
Boughton, G. H., A.R.A., 184, p. 38. 
Bowcher, A. W., 394, p. 6a. 
Bo vcHER, F., 410, p. 61. 
BowvER, Miss E., 30, P- '2. 
Bromlbv, Mrs. Val, 283, p. 57- 
Britten , W. F. F., 141, P- 41 : 266, p. 55- 
Brown, A. K., 60, P- x6. 
BuRNE- Jones, E., A.R.A., 297-328, P- 58. 
Burne-Jones, p., 63, p. 18 ; 180, p. 37 ;209 , 

p. 50 : 219, p. 5' : 260, p. ss- 
Butler, Miss M. A., 36, p. 12. 
Cadogan, S. R., 171, p. 46. 
Calderon, F. H., R.A.. 106, P- 28. 
Calcott, F., 399, p. 60. 
Canziani, L. S., 128, p. 37- 
Carr, D., 166, p. 4^- 
Carter, W., 132, p. 38; 186, p. 40. 
Casella, Miss E., 428, p. ^i. 
Casella, Miss N., 426, 426, p. 61. 
Chaplin, Miss A., 421, p. Si- 
Charles, J., 78, p. 18 f 1, p. J9 : » P'.-S. 
Chettle, Miss E. M., 296, P- 58. 
Cla,rke, Miss T., 419, 420, p. 6'. 
Clarke, Mrs. S., 261, p. 55. 284, p. 57- 
Clay, Sir A., Bart., 120, p. 35 ; 166, p. 44- 
Collier, Hon. J., 129, p> 35- 
Cook, G. E., 167, P- 44- 
Cora, A. S., 270, p. 56- 
Corbett, M. R., 41, p. 14 ; 174, p. 46 : 236, 

p. 54 ; 848, 349, 861-363, p. 59- 
Costa, Prof. G., 138, p* 40 ; 192, p. 49 ; 238, 

p. 54- 
COWBLL. G. J.. 400^ p. 60. 
Cridland. Miss H., 90, P- 24^ 
CuRREV, Miss F. W.. 161, p. 45- 
Dacre, Miss I., 70, P> x8. 
Dalziel, H., 268, p. liS* 
Davison, Miss N., 392, p. 60. 
Dillon, F., 213, p. 50 ; 267, P- 5^. 
Donaldson, A. B., 268, p. 55 ; 262, p- 56- 

Donnelly, Ma'or-G«n., J. F. D., C.B., R.E., 

376, p. 59 : 384, p> 60. 
Drage, J. H., 214, p. 50. 
Drage, Miss M. F., 63, p< x6 ; 224, p- 5T' 
Drbssler, Cv 416, p- 6x. 
Drury. a., 404, p. 6z. 
Du Maurier,' G., 378-383, P> 59> 
Duncan, W., 24, p* xz ; 264, P- 55* 
Earlb, C, 232, p. 54* 

East, A., 140, p. 40 : 168, p. 45 : 208, p. 50. 
Ebnbr, L., 261, p. 55> 
Ellis, T., 201, p. 50: 220, 228, p. 5x : 276, 

P- 57. 
Famey, E. H., 62, p. x6. 
Farrer, T.C, 146, p. 4» ; 166, P- 44- 
Fisher, M., 82, p. 19; 111, p. 33. 
Fisher, S. M. 272, p. 5^. 
Ford, E. O., A.R.A., 408,412, p. 6x. 
Foro, H., 196, p- 49. 
FULLWOOD, J., 231, p. 53- 
Gardner, W. B.. 196, p. 49 : 386-387, P- 60. 
Gleichen, Countess F., 898, P* 63. 
Goodwin, A., 67, P- x8. 
Grace, J. E., 89, p. 24; 168, p< 44* 
Grace, Misn A. M., 273, p. 56. 
Hall, S. P., 166, p. 46. 
Hall^, C. £., 32. p. 12 ; 87, p- X4 ; 46, p. X5 ; 

198, p. 49 ; 216, p. 49* 
Hals^elle, K., 83, p* 2x. 
Hardy, H., 146, p. 42' 
Hartley, A., 271, P' S^* 
Harper, C, 22, p- xx. 
Hastings, Mrs.. K. G., 123, p. 35 : 246,p. 54 : 

294, p. 58. 
Hatton, Mi<s H. H., 292, p. 57* 
Haves, £., A., 26, P- xz. 
Hayward, a. F. W., 229, p. 53- 
Hblck^, A..6,P* 6. 
Hemy, C. N., 40, p. 14; 210, p. 50; 227, 

p. 52 ; 247, p. 54- X 

Hennbssy, W. J., 96, P- 26. 
Herkomer, Prof. H., A.R.A., 4, p. 6; 78, 

p. 19 ; 92, p« 26 : 104, p. 28. 
Herkomer, H. G., 66, 66, 69, p. 16. 
Hetherington, 1., 119, p. 35- 
Hiscox, G. D., 282, p. 57. 
Holmes, R. R.. 262, P- 55* 
Howard, G., 169, p. 44 ; 160, p. 45 ; 269, 

p. 56 : 428, p. 61. 
Hughes, A., 266, P- 5^- 
Hughes, E. R., 377, p. 59- 
Hunt, £. A., 163, p. 44 : 265. p. 55- 
Hunt, W. H., 64, p. 18. 
Hunter, C, A.R.A., 61, p. 16. 
Ireland, T., 86, P- 2 ). 
JAY,W.S.. 12,p. 9" 
Jenkins, Miss B., 116^ V; 33> 
Kelly, T., 388, p. 60. 
Kennedy, C. N., 114, p. 32 ' 377, P. 57- 
La Thangub, H. H.,16, p. xo ; 164, p. 43- 

Lawson, Mrs. C, 244f p. 54 ; 279» p. 57- 

Lbdward, R. a., 411t ^4f p* 6i. 

Lbs, T. S., 406* p- 6t. 

LegrOs, Prof. A., 71» p. z8 ; 80} p. zg : 183) 

p. 48: 324^46, p. 58: 396f p. Co; 413« 

415) p. 6z. 
Lbhmann, R., 369-378» p- 59- 
Lbmon, a., 97» P-37- 
Lbmon, Mrs., A., 889« p. 60. 
LiNDNBR, M. P., 118, p. 31. 
Lindsay, Lady, 197* p. 491 335, p. 54- 
Linton, Sir J. D., P.R.L, 182« 186ip. 48. 
LoRiMBR, J. H., 94f p. 35. 
Lucas, A., 36t p- 14 ; 68» p- z8 ; I8I1 p. 48. 
Lucas, B., lOlt p. 28. 
Macallum, H., 106) p. 30. 
McCrackbn, Miss K., 280* p. 57- 
Maclaren, W., 395« p. .60. 
Maclban, T. N., 418t p. 6x. 
McLachlan, T. H., 46tP> 14; 191} p. 49* 
Marshall, J. F., 149, p. 42 : 249, p. 55- 
Medallists, Socibtv of, 429, p> 6x. 
Melville, A., 68, p. 19. 
Mbo, G., 68, p. x6 ; 203, p. 50. 
Mbrritt, Mrs., A. L., 44, p. 14 ; 184, p- 33- 
Mesdag, H. W., 99, p. 36. 
MiLLAis, £., 417, p* 61. 
MoNTALBA, Miss C., 167, P> 4^ ; 237, P> 53 '• 

240, p. 54. 

MONTALBA, Mi»s H., 3, p. 6. 

Montalba, Miss H. S., 422, p- 62. 

Moorb, H., A.R.A., 188, p. 48. 

Morani, a., 278, p. 57. 

Morris, W. B., 20, p. zo ; 212, p- 50. 

Moschbllbs, F., 190, P> 49* 

MucKLBY, L. F., 34, p. 13 ; 390, p. 60. 

MuLLiNs, E. R., 406, p> 63; 409, p* 22. 

Murch, Mrs. A., 43, p. Z4 ; 86, p< 23. 

Murray, C. F., 47, p. 16 ; 290* p. 57- 

Murray, D., 66, p. z8 ; 126, p. 36. 

Naftbl, Mrs. P. J., 199, p. so. 

Naftbl, Miss M., 162, p. 43 : 199, p< 50. 

Nbttlbship, J. T., 183, p. 38; IS^, p. 40. 

Norman, P., 170, p. 46. 

North, J. W., 28, p. za; 88, p. z4; 206, 

p. 50. 
Orrock, J., m P« 48. 
Osborne, Miss £. M., 164, p. 45; 211, 

p. so. 
Ottewbll, B. J., 269, p. 55 ; 281, p. 57- 
Padgett^ W., 96, p. 25 ; 100, p. 28 ; 238, 

P- S4» 
Parker, J., 176, p. 46. 
Parsons, A., 143, p. 42 ; 169, p. 46 : 189, p. 48. 
Parton, E., 108, P' 3z. 
Pbgram, H. A., 431, 432, p- 61. 
Peppercorn, A. D., 93, p* 26. 
Pbrugini, C. £., 49, p> z6. 
Pbrugini, K., 126, p. 37 ; 226, p. 52. 
Phillott, Miss C, 218, p> si- 
Pickering, Miss E., 168, p. 46. 
Poigndbstrb, C. H., 23, p. zz. 
Pollock, M., 260, p. 55. 
PoYNTBR, E. J., R.A., 6, p. 7 : 206, p. 50. 
Rbynolds-Stbphbns, W., 293, p. 57. 

Riccf, A., 286, p. 57- 

Richmond, W. B., A.R.A., 14, p* zo ; 74, 

p. 19 ; 77, p. 20 ; 144, p. 42 ; 207, p- so- 
Robertson, W. G., 366, 374, P- 59* 
Robson, E. R., F.S.A., 347, P' 59* 
RooKE, T. M., 234, p. 54 : 264, p. 56 : 274, 

p. 57. 
Round, C. M., 84, p. 23. 
Ryland, H., 296, p. 58. 
Ryle, a. J., 160, p. 43- 
Sargent, J. J., UO, p. 31. 
ScHMALz, H., 228, p. 53. 
Scott, J., 248, p. 55- 
Shannon, J. J., 29, p. 12; 39, p. 14; 117» 

Shei hard, H. D., 194, p. 49. 
Singer, Miss M. A., 397, p- £0. 
Skipworth, F. M., 122, p. 35. 
Smith. W. A„ 391, p* 60. 
Snell, J. H., 16, p. zo. 
Somerset, R. G., 31, p. la. 
SowDEN, J., 286, p. 57- 
Stanhope, R. S., 88, p. 24. 
Stillman, Miss L. R., 178, p. 46; 186, 

p. 48; 366, 367, p. 59- 

Stillman, Mrs., 177, P* 47* 

Stokes, A., 91, p* 22. 

Stott, E., 180, p. 47 : 204, p. 50 : 221, p. sz ; 

^267, p. 55. ^, ^^ 
Strudwick, J. M., 13, p- 9- 

SwAN, J. M., 27, p. zo. 

Swan, Mrs. J. M., 18, p. 10. 

SWYNNERTON, J. W., 407, P- 6l. 

SwYNhBRTON, Mrs. A. L., 118, p- 35 : 148, 

. p. 42 ; 178, p. 47. 

Sykes, H., 246, p. 54* 

Tennant, Miss D., 241, 243, p. 54* 

Thomas, J. H., 398, p. 6o: 427, p. 6z. 

TOFANO, E., 112, p. 33- 

TOPHAM, F. W. W., 127, p. 371 137, p. 39» 

Tucker, F., 172, p. 46. 

Tyler, W., 430, p. .6x 

Waite, E. W., 202, .p. 5^ 

Waits, R. T., 226, p. 52. 

Walker, J. W., 193, p. 49; 222, p. 5z. 

Walker, W. E., 217, p. 5z. 

Walton, F., 131, p. 38. 

Ward, E. A., 26, p. 12 ; 42, p. 14 ; 76, p. Z9 ; 

142, 147, p. 42. 
Waterlow, E. a., 280, p. 53. 
Watson, H., 79, p. zg. 
Watts, G. F., R.A., 1, p. 5 ; 2, p. 6 ; 17, 

p. zo ; 38, p. 13 : 57, p. z; ; 162, p. 45 >' 134, 

p. 49 ; 403, p. 6z. 

Wbguelin, J. K., 102, p. 28. 
Whipple, J., 116, p. 33- 
Wilkinson, H., 62, 72, p* z8. 
Williams, Mrs. £., 266, p. 56 ; 276, p^ 57- 
Wills, £., 11, p. 8 ; 61, P* z6. 
Wills, W. G., 151, p. 42. 
WiMPERIS, £. M., 76, p. X9. 

Wirgman, T. B., 6iB, p. 18 : ^3, p. 55- 
Wood, Miss E. S., 288, p. 57* 
Wyllib, C. W., 136, p. 4Z. 


The West Gallery is chiefly remarkable this year for the works 
of Mr. G. F. Watts, Mr. Alma-Tadema, and Mr. Richmond. 

The first in order is a picture painted by Mr. Watts more than 
fifty years ago and exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1S37. 

Na 1. "The Wounded Heron." G. F. Watts, R.A.' 

. Waltil ^lurii in tin jVrar Callery an refrelactdfrem fhetiigrapla hy the Canu 

The New Gallery, i8 

No. 8. " Fog off Corsica." G. F. Watts, R.A, 

No. 3. "A Venetian Wall." MlsS Hilda Montalba. 
Fruit-sellers stationed by a wall, door half opened into an 
orchard with trees in blossom. 

No. 4. "Portrait of Sir Joseph Hooker." 
Professor Herkomer, A.R.A. 
The learned and accomplished botanist and keeper of _^Kew 
Gardens, half-length, seated, with fur-lined coat. 

No. 6. "A Roman Boat Race." E. J. POYNTER, R.A. 

" Foar ships from all the fleet picked out, will first the race begin with heavy oars." 
Girl with fair hair, white transparent drapery, and coloured 
necklace ; basket of cherries in her hand. 

No. 6. "The Golden Glow of a Wintry Sun." A. HELCKfi. 

" A Roman Boat Race" E. J. Poynter, R.A. 

The New Gallery, 1889. 

In the centre of this wall is a group of Mr. Alma-Tadema's 
pictures ; three portraits, and No. 8 {sketched below). 
No. 7. " Portrait of Mrs. F. D. Millet." L. Alma-Tadema, R. A. 

No. 8. "A Favourite Poet." L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 
A girl in white on marble steps, reading from a scroll to another 
in pink, on a couch, with arms outstretched. Medallions of the 
nine Muses decorate the walls and form windows or lattices, 
through two of which are seen buildings in sunlight and intense 
blue sea. Costumes of pale pink and white. 

{AMelclUn£by L. Limnnilrin 'wUl bi publiihcd ky Mr. L. H. Lffivre.) 

No. 9. " Sisters." L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

No. 10. " Portrait of Monsieur de Soria." L. Alma-Tadema, R.A 

No. 11. "^A Pastoral— Isle of Wight." Edgar Wills. 

1\0. !». ^ To humbler scans of calm content." ] ^' ^- J^^- 
Autumn woodland, with rich tints and stream reflecting. 
No. 13. " The Ramparts of God's House" J. M. StrUDWICK. 
A company of winged angelic maidens receiving mortals into 

This piclure, wliich is even more elaborale in details than "Acrasia," last yew, is 
intended to reptesent the lealizaliun by mortals of an ideal stale of justice, parity and 
goodoess, which each has probably formed for himself. The painter has shown a mortal 
man jutt arrived in the Fair City. His chains have dropped off and he stands free, but 
full of awe, in the presence of the Spirits of Truth. Another mortal (a woman) it 
ascending the lOugh and thorny toad, hiilding the hand of a winged spirit, who having 
led her ihrcngh all ihe tangles of the wicked wiild becomes (now tliat the City irf 
Truth IS reached) revealed to her for the first time. • 

The prevailing tones are pink, purple, blue, and old ivory. 

" Far from t/ieworld's bewUderingmazi, 1 iv - t 
To humbler scinrs of calm cotUatt." ) ' ''■ J*^' 

Mo. 18, " TA^ RamfarU of Cod's House." J, M. Strudwick. 

The New Gallery, 1 889. 

No, 14. " Portrait of Lieut. -Colonel BignoW 

W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 
No. 15. " Solitude" J. Herbert Snell. 
No. 16. "A Study." H. H. La Thangue. 
Girl in grey dress, seated in basket-chair ; very green garden 

No. 17. " The Sea Ghost." G. F. Watts, R.A. 
A ship of which only a shadowy outline is visible through mist. 

No. 18. " Daffodils." Mrs. J. M. Swan. 
No. 19. " A Summer Sabbath!' Mrs. Alma-Tadema. 

Small interior ; girl fallen asleep over an open book. 
No. SO. " A Country Lane in France" W. BRIGHT MORRIS. 

No. 21. " Tht Doom of Loki." J. D. Batten. , 

No. 81. " The Doom of Loki." J. D. Batten. 

" Outcast from heaven, chained within the haunt 
Of deathless terior, yet not uttetly 
Forsakeo, for a hand is stretched to stay 
The serpent's venom lest it fall on thee, ' 

And eyes tha.t look with love hell cannot daunt 
Watch o'er thee whilst the ages pass 4way." 
"Loki has wrought the death of Baldur, and has thwarted his return from the 
dead which Hela had promised if all the world should weep. 

"Therefore the gods chased Loki and bound him to a rocic with thongs of iron. 
Skadi has hung above his heaij a serpent so that its venom shall fall upon his face. 

" But Loki's wife, Siguna, sits beside him and catches the venom in a cup. There 
will Loki lie till Ragnarok." 

Next are three small pictures — 

No. 22. " The Dog^s Daughter:'' Claudius Harper. 

No. 23, '" Albergo della Pace, Tivoli." C. H. PoiNGDESTRE. 

No. 24. " Hero and Leander." Walter DuKCAN. 

No. 25. "A Skip off Gorleston Harbour, taking a Pilot." 
E. Hayes, R.H.A. 

No. 28. " Portrait of John Tenniel." E. A. Ward. 
The famous designer of the cartoons in Punch, whose figure 
forms a sort of remarqtie in the comer. One of five small portraits 
by this artist. . {Sketched overleaf.) 

The New Gallery, 1 8 

No. 26. •' Portrait of John Teiimel." E. A, Ward. 

Na 27, "Polar Bears Swimming" through regions of ice, 

J. M. Swan. 
No. 28. " A Sweet Meadow in England" J. W. NORTH. 
Spring landscape, edge of stream with green banks and trees. 
(See also No. 38, on the right) 

Na 89. "Portrait of Mrs. Sidgwick" (presented to Newnham 

College). J. J. Shannon. 

No. 80. " The Harbour, Tenby." Miss Ellen Bowyee. 

No. 81. " The First Day of the Season." R. Gay Somerset. 

No. 32. "Portrait of W. J. Dyer, Esq." C. E. HallE. 

Next is the central picture, a little winged boy with the h'ghtest 

of lines, hovering over a rough sea. Note colour and movement. 

No. 33. " Good Luck to your Fishing" G. F. Watt.s, R.A. 

No. 34. "Autumn" Lewis F. Mucklev. 

No. 35. " The Kane River, Glengariff." MiSS M. A. BUTLER. 

JVesi Room. 


14 The New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 86. "A Summer Afternoon, BursUdon" ARTHUR LuCAS. 

No. 37. "Portrait of E. R. Robson, Esq., F.S.A. ; " architect of 
the New Gallery. C. E. HallE. 

No. 38. *' ■ When Wheat is Green '—A Startled Heron." 
J. W. North. 

No. 89. " Portrait of J. Wilson, Esq." J.J.Shannon. 

No. 40. "Adrift." C. Napier Hemy. 
A deserted boat, with men in another about to take her in 
tow — rough sea. {No sketch received) 

No. 41. " Evening." M. R. CORBETT. 

No.' 42. " Portrait of the Right Hon. f. Chamberlain, M.P." 

E. A. Ward. 
Seated at a table, on which an orchid is conspicuous ; morning 
costume, blue tie and the well-known family eye-glass. 

Na 43. " By the Ligurian Sea." Mrs. Arthur Murch. 

No. 44. "Portrait of Mrs. W. Holman Hunt" 
Mrs. a. L. Merritt. 

No. 48. "A November Night in Wharf dale— The First Snow." 
T. Hope McLachlaN. 

No. 46. " Vates." C. £. Hall£. 
An ancient prophetess or sorceress, with the magic glass of 
Fate and mystic cauldron. Sorceress in dark blue robe ; younger 
woman in light, gold-embroidered dress. 

No. 46. " Va/fs." C. E. Hall*. 
" Seek not to fathom what is best unknowD, 
Nor lift with prjing hand the veil of Fate." 

i6 The New Gallery, i88q. 

No. 47. "Portrait of A. H. Barrington, Esq" C. F. MURRAY. 

No 49. "A Path at the Couple, Sark" EDGAR Barclay. 

No. 49. " Katkerine" C. E. Perugini. 

A beautiful fair face, brown hair ; maize-coloured dress. 

No. SO. " Tke New Moon" A. K. Brown. 

No. 51. " Guardians of the Flock" Edgar Wills. 
No. 62. "Autumn; " Yellow, russet, and dark green trees. 

/ E. H. Fahey. 

Na 53. " San Felice, Monte Circeo." Miss M. F. Drage. 
No. 54. "Sharing his Crust." Edgar Barclay. 
A shepherd-boy throwing pieces of bread to fishes in a stream. 
No. 55. "Portrait of C. Hubert Parry, Esq., Mus. Doc." 
H. G. Herkomer. 
No. 58. " Portrait of Lord MacnaughUn." H. G. Herkomer. 
Next is one. of Mr, Watts's finest works, both in design and 
colour ; a picture painted some years ago. - ' 

No.' 57. " Fata Morgana." G. F. Watts, E..A. 
The subject is from Ariosto'sgreat poem of'Orlando Innamorato,' 
and is the personification of Fortune or Opportunity : — 

" OppoitDnity has a loct: of baic on her forehead, by which alotte she can be 
captured ; she leads hei captive across rock and stream, dale and desert, floirers And 
fields — for even thus is man's life the plaything of Fortune." 

No. 68. "A Devonshire Farm- Yard." G. MEO, 

No. 59. "Portrait of tke Earl of Londesborough!' H.G. HERKOMER. 

No. eO. " A Waste Bit of Buckhurst Park, Sussex." R. Beavis. 

No. 61. "Fair Mill on the Nake" COLIN HuNTER, A.R.A. 

No. 87. ". Fala Morgana." G. F.. Watts,. R.A 


The New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 62. " Cattle and Gorser HUGH Wilkinson. 
No. 63. " The Tower of Babeir Philip Burne-Jones. 


No. 64. 19 X 15- 

No. 64, " Sorrow : " Bust of a Girl. W. HOLMAN HUNT. 

Dark brown hair, loose light dress. 

No. 65. ''Eventide:' David MURRAY. 
Landscape with rich tones of after-glow in sky : men fishing. 

No. 66. " Portrait of Mrs. F. Wirgman.** T. Blake WiRGMAN. 
No. 67. " The Gate of Zoar.'* Albert Goodwin. 

** The sun. was risen on the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then the Lord rained 
upon Scdom and Gomorrah brimstone and lire from the Lord out of heaven." 

Large landscape, contrast of clouds, smoke, fire and deep blue 

No. 68. " Portrait of Mrs. Sanderson and Daughter:' 

Arthu-r Melville. 

No. 69. ''On the River Haniblef' quiet evening effect 

Arthur Lucas. 

No. 70. " Singing Children:' Miss ISABEL Dacre. 

^ - 

No. 71. " A Path by a Wood in Burgundy:' PROt'ESSOR LfgroS- 
A row of large tree trunks near a wood, in grey mist. 

No. 72. " Early Summer:' Hugh Wilkinson. 
No. 78. " Cockle Fishers:' James Charles. 

. No. a. te X 7a. 

No. 88. " Portrait of Mrs. SaiideriBH and Daughter." Arthur Melville. 

No. 74. " Portrait of Mrs. Buxton:' W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 
Seated ; red velvet dress, dark hair. 

No. 7S. " A Rough Common^' E. M. WiMpERls. 

In the centre of the wall are — 
Na 78. "Mr. Edmund Routledge." E. A. Ward, and — 

No. 77. " The Death of Ulysses." W. B. RICHMOND, A.R.A. 
Figures in red and blue robes, sunset afterglow reflected on 
brass mouldings and on armour. {Sketch, p. 20.) 

No. 78. "Portrait of Thomas Chilton, Esq." 
Prof. Herkomer, A.R.A. 

No. 79. " The Mill in the Ravine." Homer Watson. 

No. 80. " La ValU Pauvre." Professor Legros. 
Grey landscape ; boulders and rain clouds. 

No. 81. " Milking-Time." James Charles. 

No. 82. " Sheep Descending a Hill." Mark Fisher. 

C 2 

The New Gallery, 1 889. 

Na 83. " Early Moon-Rise." Keeley HalswellE. 
A cold sunset with effect of the rising moon on sky, clouds, 
and trees. {Sketck,p. 21.) 

No. $4. " Moi-Mhne. Portrait of Mr. Edmund Votes'' 
Cecil M. Rounr 
A life-like and characteristic portrait of this popular novelist 
and litt^ratmr, seated at his writing table. Above is a bust of 

Xo. 409. "Li/eiajal." E. a MuLUHS. 


The prominent picture is Mr. Kennedy's "Neptune," at the 
head of the room, slietched on page 33. Commencing on the left 
of the doorway is — 

No. W. " Morning." A boy embracing his mother. 
Mrs. Arthur Murch. 

" A Beiis/iire stream : Novanba:" Thomas In BLAND. 

The New Gallery, i88g. 

No. S7. '' Summer by the Sea, Dorsetshire^' H. R. BLOOMER. 

No. 88. "In Memoriam." R. SPENCER STANHOPE 
Girl holding a. dead bird, seated near the old city walls by the 
Jews' burial-ground, in Florence, now in course of removal. Rose 
red skirt, blue bodice ; autumnal tints. 

No. 89. " The Lone Mill." James E. Grace. 

,No. 90. "In ike Firelight." MisS HELEN CriDLAND. 
A little brother and sister, seated before a cottage fire, with the 
ruddy glow of the firelight reflected on their faces and limbs. 

No. 91. « The Wet, West Wind." Adrian Stokes. 
A bleak flat coast ; strong wind off the sea, driving mist and 
clouds. Sheep amongst rank grass in the foreground. A good 
example of this painter. 

No. 94. "A Lullaby." J. H, Lorimer. 

" The Nanmo Way!' W. Padgett. 

Tlu New Gallery^ i88g. 

No. 92. " The Late Mrs. Craik, Authoress of * John Halifax, 
Gentleman^ " PROFESSOR Hekkomer, A.R.A. 

Black velvet dress ; white lace cap. 

No. 03. -The Hay-fieldr A D. Peppercorn. 

Na94. "A LuUaby." J. H. LORIMER. {Sketch, p. it,^ 

Negress nurse in red dress and white cap ; dark wood-work. 

Na 96. " The Narrow Way:' W. Padgett. {Sketch,p. 25.) 

No. 98. " Golden Hill. Essex." W. J. Hennessy. 

Children in a sunny meadow. 

No. 97. "A Mid-day Bath." Arthur Lemon. 

Strong sunlight on green waves and brown and white horses. 

No. 88. " Sooti Ready." MRS. Alma-Tadema. 

Little Dutch girl being dressed for church by a female attend- 
ant, from the rich resources of an open wardrobe. Her mother 
waits for her in the doorway, gloved, and with missal in hand. 

No. 99. " Early Morning — Seheveningen." H. W. Mesdag. 

The New Gallery, i88q. 

Na 100. " The Morning of L ife." W. Padgett. 

No. 101. .-"A Rift in Ike Gloom— Ogwen Valley, North Wales." 
Bernard Lucas. 

No. 102. " The Gardens of Adonis." J. R. Weguelin. 
".Before the feast of Adonis it was the custom of the Greeks to sow in shallow 

ve9seU the seeds of leltnce, endive, bailey, &c. These grew up quiclfly, and having no 
roots soon withered away, and in consequence were considered as typilyiag the life and 
early death of Adonis. They were called ' Gariem qf Adonis,' and after being carried in 
procession were, together with a statuette of the god, comniitted to the sea on the last 
day of the ceremonies. This observance is described by Theocritus, Idyll xvi, 

Light flowing robes of pink purple, green and pale lemon 
colour ; one maiden carries rose wreaths for offerings. 

No. 103. " The Lowlands of Holland:' R. W. Allan. 

No. 104. "Portrait of Mrs. Hardy." 
Professor Herkomer, A.R,A. 

Na 106. « The Signal." Philip H. Calderon, R.A. 
Moonlight. Girl on a height waving a signal. 

No. 106. " Love at the Helm." Hamilton Macallum. 

{Sketch, p. 3a) 

No. 107. jS X 60. 

No. 107. " The Golden Footprints of Departing Day." W, Ball. 

No. 108. " Homeward Bound." Ernest Parton. 

Sunset effect on a wet lane. 

No. 109. "A Wet Day." R. Beavis. 

■Sheep on a country road, and a woman trudging through the 

rain under a red umbrella. 

Na HO. " Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbetk." J. J. SaRGENT. 
Life-size, standing with arms raised above her head holding the 
crown ; long plaits of red hair and ribbon falling to the knees. The 
costume consists of a beetle's wing under dress with long hanging 
sleeves lined with bright green, and a gold girdle ; peacock's wing 
blue against dark blue background. One of the dresses in the 
"Lyceum" reproduction of Macbeth, designed by Mrs. Comyns 
Carr. {No sketch by desire of artist.) 

No. lis. " Harbour Lights y M. P. Lindnbk. 

North Room. 33 

Na 111. " Brookside Meadows, Hampshire" Mark FiSHER. 

No. 112. "Muriel, daughter of the Hon. A. Saumco'ez." Y..1(iYK&0. 

No. 113. " Harbour Lights:' M. P. Lindner. 
Distant view of Portsmouth ; sunset. {Sketch, p. ^i?) 

No. 114. " Neptune" C. N. KENNEDY. 
" Have je beheld the young god of the stss. 
My dispossessor ? . . . 

.... fbajn'd along — 
By noble winged crealmes he hath made ? " — Keats, Hyftrion. 
"Neptune bestriding a sea monster, with Amphitrfte by his 
side, is represented as the 'Young God of the Seas,' the dispossessor 
of Oceanusj the Titan, who has resigned his empire, overcome by 
the youth and power of the younger god." 
Deep green sea, white foam, golden hair. 

No. 116. " The Mid-day Rest." J. WHIPPLE. 

No. 116, "A Sunbeam in the Shade" 
Miss Blanche jENKiNa 

No, 121. " The Pursuit ii/Ifafpinai.'" MRS. A. L. Mbrritt. 

No. X17. " FOtirait oj Misi Jean Graham'' J. J. Shahnoh, 

No. 117. " Portrait of Miss Jean Graham" J. J. SHANNON. 
No. 118. " The Story of a Princess." Mrs. A. L. SWYNNERTOM. 

No, 189. ♦' Mrs. Harold Rolkr and ycyu Collier. Hon. John Collier. 

No. 118. " The Rectory Garden — Spring," 


No. 120. "Portrait of Mrs. Robert Arbutknot." 

Sir Arthur Clay, Bart. 
No. 121. "Katies Rabbits." James Charles. 

No. 18S. " Katie." F. M. Skipworth. 

Na 128. " Portrait of Mrs. Outram Tristram." 

Mrs. K. G. Hastings. 

No. 124. " Tke Pursuit of Happiness" MRS. A. L. Merritt. 

{Sketch, p. li:) 
No. 125. " Willows" David Murray. (SkeUh overleaf?^ 

North Room.. 

No. 126. " A Butttrfly Queen." Kate Perugini. 
A little flying figure, with opal wings, and garland of roses ; 
butterflies in the air. 

No. 187. " Margaret, daughter of H. M. Bompas, Esq'' 

N0.ISB. " MonkhellaV LOUISA Starr Canziani. 
" Sweet lore 1 
I was as vague as solitary dove, 
Nor knew [hat nesls were built." 

No. 129. "Portrait's of Mrs. Harold Roller and Joyce Collier" 

Hon. John Collier. {Sketck^p. 35.) 
Life-size portraits ; pale salmon-coloured dress, blue cushionj 
child in white. 

No. 130. "G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A.y at work on his colossal 
statue, called ' Vital Energy.' " PhILIP BuRNE-JoneS. 
The artist is represeiited in red skull-cap and loi^ blouse, stand- 
ing on a moveable platform, adding touches to his great work. 

The New Gallery, 18 

No. 131. " In the Last Harbourr Frank WALTON. 

Upr^ht landscape ; old boaits ia the long grass. 

Na 132. "Portrait of y. D. Llewelyn, Esq." W. Carter. 

No. 133. " In the Uttermost Parts of the Sex." 
J. T. Nettleship. 
Polar bear among the wreckage of the good ship "Victory," 
amid huge blue blocks of Arctic ice, crimsoned with the reflection 
of the Aurora Borealis above. Note the gloyed human hand. 

No. 134. "A Morning in May, Isle of Wight; " a low-toned 
landscape. G. H. BouGHTON, A.R.A. 

No, 187. " Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo." F. W, W. ToPHAM. 

The New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 186. "Portrait of Mrs. J. D. Llewellyn:' W. CARTER. 

No. 136. " The Tidal Lock:' C. W. Wvllie. 

No. 187. " Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo:' 
Priest passing in at the church porch : nun bat^aining with a 
flower-girl. {Sketch, p. 39.) 

No. 138. " Virginia de Monti, Giergio Perugio:' G, CoSTA. 
A girl in green dress, with a basket of green foliage on her head. 

No. 139. "Narcissus:' J. T, Nettleship, 
A tiger looking at his face in a stream. 

No. 140. "An Evening Star:' Alfred East. 

No. 141. "A Secret:' W. E. F. BRITTEN. 
Small picture, girl in blue in a wood, spade in hand. 

H6.1M. " nt Tidal Ijxk." C. W. WylLIE. 

Th€ New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 142. "Portrait of Hannah, Daughter of W. S. 
Caine, Esq., MJ^^' blue satin ; blue china. Y.. A. WARD. 
Ko. 143. " A Backwater:' ALFRED Parsons. 
Willows by a stream, pink flowers; sunset behind trees and 

No. 144. " Portrait of Mrs. R. C. Tebb" 

W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 

No. 148. " Moon Rising after a Hot Day" T. C. FaRRER. 

No. 146. " Portrait of W. T. Scarthy Esq." Heywood Hardy. 

■No. 147. " Portrait of Eugene de la Penka, Esq." E. A. WARD. 

No. 148. " Portrait of Miss Louisa Wtlkittson." 


An upright picture ; girl in simple red dress, holding in her 

hands an illuminated missal j wild hyacinths at her feet 

No. 149. " By Autumn Strewn." J. FiTZ MARSHALL. 
On the South Wall are several remarkable small landscapes, and 
in the centre, a life-size portrait, seated, of a lady, by Mr. La 

No. 180. " An Autumn Evening" AJ.RyLE. 
No. 181. " Portrait of the Artist" smoking a short pipe. 
W. G. Wills. 
Mr. Wills is better known as a dramatist than as an artist 

No. igo. >S X 54- 

No, ISO. ." An Autumn. Evening^ A^ J. RVLL 

NaU2. ": A Willowy Stream" ' MiSS MAUD NafTEL. 

No. US. '^Flood-time, Limehouse." E". AtiBRET Hunt. 


No. IBS. "A WUlawy Stream." Miss Maud Napiel. 

No. 151 " Portrait of Mrs. Tom Mitchell" (studied by lamp- 
light in the drawing-room at " The Park," Eccleshill). 
H. H. La Thangue, 

The New Gallery, 1889. 

N0.-IS8. '^. Flood-time, Limtheusi." E. AKbreV'HuNT. 

. ■Np._188. " Tke Land df Windmills." T. C. Fakrer. 

No. 156. " Portrait of Frederick Wigan, Esq" 

Sir Arthur Clay, Bart. 

No. IBS. "TheLandaJ Wiitdmilli." T. CFarrer. 

No. 157. "A Norfolk Farm.'* G. E. Cook. 

■No. 158. " Wkere birchen boughs with hazels mingle. 

James E. Grace. 

No. 159. " The Motmtain of the Tombs, Thebes." 

George Howard. 





Commencing on the left of the doorway — 

No. 160. " The Nile at Luxor" GEORGE Howard. 

No. MIL '" The River-^ioitk still sleek tide." MrBs F. W. CURREY. 

No. 162. " Sanf Agnese, Mmtone" G. F. Watts, R.A. 

A small landscape study. 

No, 188. " Night in the Highlands" Alfred East. 

" Momrise over the Atlas Mountains, Algiers:' 

Miss e. M. Osborne. 

46 The New Gallery^ 1889. 

Na 166. "Mackerel in the Bay." David Carr, 
Fink sunset on calm sea and sails of the Bshing boats. 

No. 196. "Portrait of H. D. Traill, Esq., D.CJ.r 
Sydney P. Hall. 

No. 167. " Flagstaff before St. Mark^s, Venice." 
Miss Clara Montalba. 

Na 168. "Love, the Misleader." Miss EvELYN Pickering. 
Girl blindfolded. Cupid piping to her on reeds. 

No. 169. " In June" Alfred Parsons. 

^ party of haymakers in a field. 

No. 170. "Shadows and Sunlight, St. Ives." PHILIP NORMAN. 

No. 17Lr " Birnam Moor, Perthshire." Sidney R. CadogaN. 

No. 172, " The Silver Strand, Loch Maree, Rossshire." 

F. Tucker. 

No, 173. "Monte Circeo." Miss Lisa R. Stillman. 

No. 174. "Afternoon in Italy," M, R. CORBETT. 

No. 176. "The Abbot's Barn." J. W. Beck. 
No. 176. " fersey,fi-om Sark." JoHN PARKER. 

No. 177. .... Mrs. Stillman. 

"When Jaouary came and the cold was greatest, eveiy thing being covered with 
mow, and ice, the m^cian turned a meadow near ihe cily into a most iwaufifiil garden 
lull of flowers and fruit of every kind. Messer Ansaldo, seeing this, had some gathered 
U present to his lady, inviting her (o see the gs,rdeii she had asked for, and reminding 
her of the promise she had made. Madonna Dianoia wondeiing at the flowers and fniil, 
went with other ladies to visit Messer Ansaldo in his garden." 

From the fifth story of the tenth day of Boccaccio's Decameron. 
Apple-trees in blossom, flowers and fruit borne by attendant boys. 
No. 178. *' Dorothy and Gwendolen" Mrs. A. L. SwYNNERTON. 
No. 179. "The Skipping-rope:' Miss E. A. Armstrong. 

Nc 180 NaUir 's Mirror." Edward Stott, 

4& The New Gallery, i8 

No. ISO. " Natures Mirror" Edward Stott. 
Three female figures by the mai^in of a lake. Delicate tones 
of green and pink. (Sketch, p. 4^!) 

Na 18L " San Giovanni, Logo di Como." Arthur LuQ\a 

No. 182. " Sophia" Sir James D. Linton, P.R.I. ; 
No. 188. "Figure of a Greek Actor." PROFESSOR Legrc*. 
Design for decoration of a theatre ; monochrome. j 

No. 184. "The Wife of Piutus." G. F. Watts, R.A: 
In slothful sleep ; one hand grasping her jewels, 

{Frtm a phottgrafkiy Ikt CaiuirvH SlHdie.) 1 

No. 186. "Monte Circeo" Miss Lisa R. Stillmakj 

No. 186. "Dorothy:' SiR James D.Xinton, P.R.L 

No. 187. " Spate at Aysgartk Force, Yorkshire:' James Orrock. 

No. 188. " In Sight of Sark:' Henry Moore, A.R.A. 

A deep blue summer sea, and sky flecked with cirrus clouds. 

The island lying in sunlight (A'i) sketch received:) 

No. 189. " On Mendip:' ALFRED PARSONS. 
Children gathering daflbdils \ cottages and church in distance. 

South Room. 4.9. 

Na 190. " Portrait of Sir George Grovf." Director of the Royal 

College of Music. Felix Moscheles. 

No. 191. "In Winter" T. HOPE McLachlan. 

No. 192. " Campagna Romana, near Acqua Acetosa." G. CosTA. 

No. 183. " By the Shimmering Sea." J. W. WALKER. 

No. 194. "In a Country House" Henry D. SHEPARD. 
The table laid for oinner and adorned with flowers. 

Mo. .46. jS X SI. 

No. IBS. "The Lure." 
C. E. HauJ. 

No. 19fi. " A London Garden." . Henry Ford. 

No. 196. " A Rocky Shore." W. BiscoMBE Gardner. 

No, 197. " The Sound of the Sea" Lady Lindsay. 

No. 198. " The Lure." C. E. Hall£. , 

A siren playing a lute, and luring her victims. 

The New Gallery, 1 889. 

No. 189. " A Silvery Day." Mrs. Naftel. 

No. 200. " New Pool, Malvern." Edward Archer. 

No. 801. " The Penha Cintra." Tristram Ellis. 

No. loi. * 40 X 60. 

No. 202. " The Year smiles as it draws near its close" 

Edward W. Waite. 

No. 203. " The Old Mill." Gaetano Meo. 

No. 204. " Through a Stubble Field." Edward Stott. 

A flock of geese driven by a boy. 
No. 208. "Music, Heavenly Maid." E. J. POYNTER, R.A. 
Head of girl in red robe, crowned with laurel, holding violin. 

No. 206. " Winter Passing Away." J. W. NORTH. 

No. 207. " Countess Grosvenor." W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 

White dress, with green mantle and pearl necklace. 

No. 208. " Gay Morning." Alfred East. 

No. 200. "Lord Rayleigh at Work in his Laboratory, Terling 

Pla<^'e. Phiup Burne-Jones. 

No. 210. " Rowing Home." C. Napier Hemy. 

No. 211. " Horsted Dyke, Norfolk." Miss E. M. OSBORNE. 

Na 212. "At Coucy le Chdteau, France." W. Bright Morris. 

No. 213. "Invernauld, Sutherland. Frank Dillon. 

No. 214. "A Moorland Highway, Dartmoor, S. Devon." J. H. DraGE. 

No. 215. " In A mbusk." C. E. Hall£. 
Delicate flesh tones against pale tree trunks and grass. {Sk.,p. 49-) 

No. 216. " Tke Village Cross." J. W. BECK. 
No. 217. " Tke Close\f Day. Morte Point." W. EVRE WALKER. 

No. 220. " Broussa nl the fiol of Olympus." Tristkam Elms. 

No. 218. " Portrait of Mrs. Jeffcock." Miss C. Phillott. 

No. 219. "Portrait of Mrs. Benson." PhiliP BurNE-Jones. 

No. 220. "Broussa at tke Foot of Olympus." TRISTRAM Elus. 

No 221 Tke Sheep Pool Edward Stott 

No. 222. Fell Bay, Close to Gower. J. W Walker 

No. 223. "A Turkisk Flitting" TRISTRAM Ellis. 

No. 224. " Tke Woods at the Foot of Monte Circeo." 

Miss M. F. Drage. 

The New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 825. " Guy Colin, Son of Sir Guy Campbell, Bart" 

Kate Perugini. 

Half-length of boy in white dress and pink tie, with sword. 

Na 886. " Out Nutting ; " a party of children and girls. 

R. Thorne Waite. 

No. 827. " Tke Old Gr^ St^s." C. Napier Hemy. 

Fishermen landing fish from boat ; woman waiting on steps. 

No. 288. " The King's Daughter^' Herbert Schmalz. 

" The KiDg't daughter is all glorious within ; her clothing is of wrought gold," — 

The princess in gorgeous raiment ; a dress of gold with deep 
orange scarf and pendant pearls from head-dress. She bears a 
cithern in her right hand and a branch of lilies in 1 her left; 
her maidens follow playing on various instruments. 

Na 829. " Backwater on the Ouse near SedfordV 
A. F. W. HavwaRD. 

No. 280. "A Swim with the Curagh, Connemara." 

E. A. Waterlow. 

Na 231. "Autumn Glow." JOHN Fullwood. 

No JB7. " Camins ialo Port, VtHke." Miss Claka Montauia. 


The New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 232. " The Vatican" CHARLES Earle. 

No. 233. "Alma Parens Vtrutn." G. Costa. 

.No. 234. " Italian Girl." T. M. ROOKE. 

No. 235. " Field and Garden" Lady Lindsay. 

No. 286. "A Dorsetskire Farm-House." M, R. Corbett. 

Na 287. " Coming into Port, Venice." Miss Clara Montalba. 

No. 288. "Vies Irce" William Padgett. 

A broken roadside crucifix ; stormy red sunset over sand and 

shallow water. 

No. 239. " The Valley of the Nightingales." Eugene Benson. 

No. nG. ST X JO. 

No. 816. "Cassandra." 

Mrs. K. G. Hastings. 

No. 240. " Ramsgate Harbour. Miss Clara Montalba. 

Na 241. " Rival Suppliants^ Miss DOROTHY Tennant. 

No. 242. " Sandwich." Newton Benett. 

No. 243. " Reading for Honours." Miss Dorothy Tennant. 

No. 844. "Roses and Lilies" MRS. Cecil Lawson. 

No. 245. " A Sussex Pastoral" Henry SykeS. 

Na 246. " Cassandra." Mrs. K. G. Hastings. 

Life size ; dark hair, pale red robe. 

Na 247. "A Fisherman's Harbour." C. Napier Hemy. 

The Balcony. 

Na 248. " Tke Falconer'.' John Scott. 
No. 249. " Cherry Blossom." J, FiTZ Marshall. 


NaSSO. 'M Misly Evening— New Forest" M. POLLOCK. 

No. 281. " Le Chine Vert" Mrs. Savile Clarke. 

No. 263. " Eton from Windsor Castle;" Storm rolling up, 

April lo, 1889. R. R. Holmes. 

Na 258. " Love is Lord of You and Mel' T. B. WlRGMAN- 

No. 254. "Rebecca." Walter Duncan. 

No- 856. "Low Tide, Honfleur." E. AUBREY Hunt. 

No. 266. " Reverie." W. E. F. Britten. 

No. 267. " Snow on the Hills." Edward Stott. 

No. 268. " Thursday Market in the Great Soko, Tangiers." 

A, B. Donaldson. 

No. 259. " O'w Moor and Fen." B. J. OtteWELL. 

No. 260. "Portrait of Basil lonides'' PHILIP BURNE-JONES. 

No. S8L "Fish Market, Hungary." Lewis Ebner. 

No. 262. " Cadiz." A. B. Donaldson. {Sketched overleaf.) 

. No. 263. "A Hasy Morning." Herbert Dalziel. 

• 77ie Staircasa m tht South side ef tke Central Hall lead lo the Balcony. 

56 Tfu New Gallery, 1889. 

No. 962. " Cadix." A. B. Donaldson. 

No. 261 " A Quartett— Portraits." T. M. RoOKE. 

Na865. "A tangle of Poppies." MRS. Emily Williams. 

No. 266. " The Footstep." A HUGHES. 

No. 267. " Tke Mokattam Hills, from the Cemetery of 

KaidBey, Cairo." FRANK DILLON. 

No. S66. " The Foattlep." A. HuGHBS. 

No. 268. "A Bank of Flowers, Norway." MiSS BAILWARa 

No. 269. "After-glow on the Temple of Amman, Luxor." 
George Howard. 

No. 270. " Captain W. de W.Abney. R.E., C.B., F.R.S." A. S. COPE. 

No, 271. "In a Sculptor's Studio." Alfred Hartley. 

Na 272. " Portrait of S. Fisker, Esq." S. MELTON FiSHER. 

No. 273. " Still Evening." Miss Anna M. Grace. 

The Balcony. 


No. 274. ** Labourers in the Vineyard^ T. M. ROOKE. 

No. 276. " The Yeni Djami, Constantinople'' Tristram Ellis. 

No. 276. " Study of an old Greenhouse!' Mrs. Emily Williams. 

No. 277. "/« a Coign of the Cliff r MRS. C. N. KENNEDY. 

No. 278. " Haymaking on the Pontine Marshes'' A. MORANI. 

No. 279. " Narcissi'' MRS. CECIL Lawson. 

No. 280. " In tJte Eashing Valley r 

Miss Katherine McCracken. 

No. 281. " Thro' the Wood," B. J. Ottewell. 

No. 282. " The Royal Mausoleum^ Frogmore, the burial-place of 

the late Prince Consort" G. D. HiSCOX. 

(Exhibited by Royal permission^ 

No. 283. ''A Calm'' Mrs. Val Bromley. 

No. 281 " On the Ranee" Mrs. Savile Clarke. 

No. 285. ''The Almond Harvest" Alfred RiccL 

No. 286. " Grandmother" J. SOWDEN. 

No. 287. ''Uninvited" G.. BARNARD. 

No. 288. " The Duck Pond." Miss E. STEWART WOOD. 

No. 289. " Evening, Ryde" MiSS C. J. Atkins. 
No. 290. " Portrait of a Lady " C. FAIRFAX MURRAY. 
No. 291. " Early in October, near Poole" H. R. Bloomer. 
No. 292. " Golden Hair." Miss Helen H. Hatton. 

No. 393. zz X ax. 

No. 293. 1 "An Intruder in the Bath'' W. Reynolds Stephens. 

58 The New Gallery^ 1889. 

Na 894. " Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth^ 
Mrs. K. G. Hastings. 

Na 296. ''A Bed of Liliesr MlSS E. M. Chettle.-^ 

No. 296. " The Beautiful Pilgrim:* HENRY Ryland. 

The following are studies, chiefly in pencil, by E. BuRNE- 
JONES, AR.A. (Nos. 297-323) — 297, " Study of Head for Queen in 
'Avalon;''' 298, ''Study of Head for Queen in 'Avalon;''' 289, 
''Study for 'Avalon;'" 300, "Study of Figure for 'Avalon;''' 
801, " Study of Head for Picture of ' Avalon ; ' " 808, " Study of 
Head for Queen in 'Avalon; * " 808, " Study of Heads for Picture 
of 'Avalon;''' 804, "Study of Head for Picture of 'Avalon;'" 
806, " Study of Head for Queen in 'Avalon ; ' " 806, " Studies of 
Drapery for Picture of Avalon ;' " 807, " Study of Armed Women 
for Picture of ' A valon ; ' " 808, " Studies of Drapery for Picture of 
' A valon ; * " 309, " Study of Head ; " 810, " Studies of Drapery for 
Picture of 'Avalon;'" 811, "Study of Head for Picture of 
"Avalon;*** 812, "Study of Figure for Picture of * Avalon;*"* 

818, "Study of Heads;*' 814, "Study of Head, for Picture of 
' Danae ; ' " 816, " Study of Head for Picture of ' A valon ; ' ** 81iB, 
" Study of Head of Fortune in Picture ' Wheel of Fortune ; ' ** 817, 
"" Study of Head for Picture of ' Fortune* s Wheel' " 

Next is a decorative study in blue, of a girl, nearly life-size, 
standing, with flowers. 

No. 818. " Flora:* E. BURNE-JONES> A.R.A. 

819, " Study of Mermaid for Picture ' Depths of the Sea ; ' '* 820, 
" Study of Head;" 321, "'Two Studies of Heads of Angels for 
Picture of the ' Morning of the Resurrection ; ' " 822, '* Two Studies 
of Heads ; " 323, " Study of Angels for Picture of the ' Morning of 
the Resurrection: *' 

Silverpoint studies by A. Legros, Slade Professor at University 
College, London (Nos. 324-346) :— 824, " PSrtrait of Mr. L. A. 
Legros;" 326, " Study of a Female Head;" 326, " Study of Nude 
Figure;" 827, "Portrait of Mr, F, G. Stephens;" 328, " Study of 
a Figure from Michael A ngelo ; " 329, " Portrait of Mr. P. Claitte; " 
880, "Portrait of Mr. Kotaro Sakurai ;" 381, "Portrait of 
Mr. C. E. HalU\*' 832, " Study of Nude Figure;" 388, "Portrait 
of Miss Legros ;" 834, "Portrait of Mr. L. B. Goold ;" 886, 
"Portrait of Miss Amy Legros j" 336, "Portrait of Dr. % L. 
Williams ; " 337, ' * Portrait of Mr. W. H Thompson ; " 888, 
"Portrait of Mr. C. Holroyd ;" 339, "Frieze for Decoration of 
Theatre;" 340, "Part of Balcony, Design for Decoration of 
Theatre ; " 341, " Study of a Female Head; " 842, " Portrait of the 
Hon. C. W. Freemantky C.B ;" 343, " Frieze for Decoration of 
Theatre ; " 844, ** Caryatid : " Design for Decoration of Theatre. 
846, "Portrait of Colonel Goff ;" 846, "Part of a Balcony-Design 
for Decoration of Theatre." 

The Balcony, 59 

No. 847. " The Library and Reading-Room — People* s Palace^ 


No. 348. ^'EIm Trees;*" Pencil Drawing. M. R. CORBETT, 

No. 349. " Bay Treesr M. R. CORBETT. 

No. 860l " Study for a Dedication to Bacchus r 
L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

No. SSL " Cypresses at the Villa d'Este, TivoUr M. R, CORBETT. 

No. 862. " Cypresses:' M. R. Corbett. 

No. 853. ''Pomegranate:^ M. R. CORBETT. 

No. 864. " Portrait of Miss Rogers:' LoCKHART BOGLE. 

No. 366. ^* Portrait of Madame Sarah Bernhardt.^ 

W. Graham Robertson. 

No. 366. " Portrait of Mrs, Gordon ; " pastel. 

Miss Lisa R. Stillman, 

No. 867. "-4 Portrait;'' pastel. MiSS LiSA R. Stillman, 

No. 368. " Portrait of Miss Florence Letts:* LoCKHART BOGLE. 

Nos. 369-373 are Portrait Studies by RuDOLF Lehmann. — 
Vii/* Madame Lehmann, the Artist's Mother;'* 360, ''Monsieur 
Girome, 1870;" 361, ''The Late Charles Dickens, 1861;" 862, 
"" Everett Millais, 1868;" 363, " Dr, Z. Pasteur, 1884;" 364, "The 
Late B. W. Procter {Barry Cornwall), 1869;" 366, " G. F. Watts, 
Esq,, R,A., 1868;" 366, "The late G, H, Lewes, 1867;" 867, 
«C. Verdi, 1884;" 368, "Dr. Joseph Joachim, 1851 ;" 369, " The 
late Monsieur Lamar tine, 1858;" 370, " H,R,H, the Prince of 
Wales, 1862;** 371, "The late Emperor Frederick of Germany, 
1854;" 372, "The late Lord Houghton, 1871;" 378, The late 
Charles Reade, 1869." 

No. 874. " Greensleeves was my Heart of Gold," W. G. ROBERTSON. 

No. 376. " Portrait of Mora, Daughter of Mr, P, C, Ilbert" 


No. 376. " A Farmhouse in Surrey:' 

Major-General J. F. D. Donnelly, C.B., R.E. 

No. 377. "Blondeir E. R. HUGHES. 

Nos. 878-388 are Pen and Ink Drawings by GEORGE DU 
Maurier.— 378, "Oh! what a Surprise!" 379, "The Festive 
Season;" 380, "Happy Thought;" 381, *M Combination of Dis- 
agreeables;" 382, "'Appy 'Ampstead;" 383, "Le Monde oii ton 

The New Gallery, i88g. 

No. 3S1 " Pond in Surrey." 
Major-General J. F D. Donnelly, 

C.B, R.E. 

No. 8S5. " Spring Blossoms, Padding' 

ton Farm, AHnger, Surrey." 

W. BiscoMBE Gardner. 

No. 886. " Sunday Rest, Netley Farm, 


W. BiscoMBE Gardner. 

No. 887. " Spring, Highkouse Farm, 


W. BiscoMBE Gardner. 

No. 388. " Let there be Light" 

Tom Kelly. 

No. 389. " Miss Freda Hawirey." 

Mrs. Arthur Lemon. 

No. 390. " Spring." L. F. MucKLEY. 

No. 391. "After the Storm." 

W. A. Smith. 

No. 392. " St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol" 

Miss Nora Davison. 


Na 393. " Hypatia" CoUNTESS Feodora Gleichen. 

{Sketch, p. 62.) 

No. 891 " Giacinta." A. W. BowcHER. 

No. 396. " A Study in Bronze" WALTER Maclaren. 

No. 896. " Head of Pan" PROFESSOR Lbgros. 

No. 897. "Happy Old Age" Mary Anne Singer. 

No. 398. " The late Samuel Morley, Esq." J. Havard ThomaS. 

No. 398. " Study of a Girts Head." Fred Calcott. 

" No. 400. " The Hon. Geoffrey Howard." George J. COWELL. 

No. 401. " Sir Henry Layard." J. E. EOEHM, R.A. 

No. 402. " The late Right Hon. fohn Bright, M.P." 

J. E. BoEHM, R.A. 

Sculpture. 6 1 

No. 403. " Clytier G. F. Watts, R.A. 
No. 404. " The Gipsy Maiden — Terra Cottar ALFRED Drury. 

No. 406. " Euphorimy E. R. MULLINS. {Sketch, p, 62.) 

No. 406. " Mrs. David NasmithJ' THOMAS STIRLING Lee. 

No. 407. " Lear and Cordelia:' J. W. SwYNNERTON. 

Life-size bronze group. 

No. 408. ** James Joicey, Esq., M.P. " ; bronze bust. 

E. Onslow Ford, A.R.A. 

[No. 409. ''Lifds aJesC E. ROSCOE MULLINS. {Sketch, p. 22.) 

No. 410. " Max, Son of E. Onslow Ford, Esq., A.R,A:' 

Frank Bowcher. 

No. 411. "A Young Mother!' R. A. Ledward. 

No. 412. " Gordon's Dromedary." E. Onslow Ford, A.R.A. 

No. 413. " Capital of Pilaster r PROFESSOR Legros. 

No. 414. " Statue of the late Earl of Iddesleigh, erected in the 
House of Commons!* J. E. BoEHM, R.A. 

No. 416. *' Capital of Pilaster !' PROFESSOR Legros. 

No. 416. " A Dancer!' CONRAD Dressler. 

No. 417. " Nell Gwynne, — Champion Bloodhound ; " property of 

F. B. Craven, Esq. EVERETT MiLLAls. 

No. 418. ''A Bacchante." T. NELSON MACLEAN. 

No. 419. " The End of the Day!' Miss Ida Clarke. 

No. 420. " A Satyr!' Miss Ida Clarke. 

No. 421. " The Toilet!' Mtss ALICE Chaplin. 

No. 422. " Miss Kennard ; " terra cotta. 

Miss Henrietta Montalba. {Sketch, p. 62.) 

No. 423. " Infant St. John the Baptist ; " wax medallion. 

Miss Casella. 
No. 424. " Poetry ; " panel in bronze. R. A. Led WARD. 
No. 426. " Coloured wax medallion!' MiSS Nelia Casella. 
No. 426. ** Music ; " coloured wax. MiSS Nelia Casella. 

No. 427. " Giacinta; " bas-relief, bronze. J. Havard Thomas. 
No. 428. " Case of Medals." G. Howard. 
No. 429. ** Case of Medals for Competition." 

The Society of Medallists. 

No. 430. " Portrait Bust!' W. Tyler. 

No. 481. " Medallion Head." H. A. Pegram. 

No. 432. " Medallion." H. A. Pegram. 


The New 

Gallery, 1889. 


No. 894. 


Ho. SOS. 



No. 406, 

The ^- O riental ^Warehouse. 

117 & 119, REGENT ST., LONDON, W. 

(Two Doors from the NEW GALLKRY.) 




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Toilet and Down Quilts 
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Cretonnes and Dtmltic 

Hosiery, Ladles' Jersey), 

Ladies' Dreesing 

and Jackets 
Underclothing, Baby Lii 


1 aim UoMdliv £t nUw- 


At Prices to Suit all Requirements. 

Latest fasMonable NoTelties li all tlie Host Approved Coloois 


PUaie menlhn Ikit Calalogjii ■whin viriling for fall trnt, and ahisys addrai in full. 

The BRADFORD Manufacturing Ca 
Bradford, Yorkshire. ' 



No. III. One Shilling 


New Gallery 

Illustrated Catalogue 




Pobliabed by fecial Permission 



ifAV 1890 

Ail KigkU ratrvei. 

"iiBEimt" ' 




Beautiful, Soft 
Light Cloth* 






/«■' <y"9 J'"" 

42 in. -aidi. 



N.B.— Visitors are invited to inspect Messrs. 
LIBERTYS' Numerous SHQW ROOMS, where 
will be found New, Originel, Artistic, aod 
CKcUistw Specielilies, not to be seen dsewhef* 
iit the Metrop9tler 

New Gallery 


Illustrated Catalogue 






MAY 1890. 

\AU Sieilt rtunid.] 


THE aif T 9t.^ 

^/ro/n Regent St.) 


IVo. III. 1800. 

Notice to Artists. — Sketches for the Illustrated Catalogue of the 
^* New Gallery " (Summer Exhibition) should be sent to Mr. Henry 
Blackburn, at his residence, 123 Victoria Street, S.W., early in April ; or to 
the '* care of the Secretary of the New Gallery," at the time of sending in 

For Regulations respecting the admission of works of art for the 
Summer Exhibition, 1891, application should be made to the Secretary 
at the Gallery, 121 Regent Street, W. 

The Illustrated Catalogue is SOLD IN THE GALLERY ; at the 
Librairie de PArt, 33 Avenue de TOp^ra, Paris, and by all booksellers. 

*^* The copyright of all pictures sketched in this book is reserved 
by their respective owners. 

The ^^ Private View^^ was held on Wednesday^ April 30/^, and the 
Exhibition opened to the public on Thursday^ May 1st, for three months. 


Allan, R. W., 96i P* xo. 
Alma-Tadbma, L., R.A., 51f 63» P> S* 
Alma-Tadema, Mrs., 118f P- zz : 148* P* i3* 
Alma-Tadema, Miss A., 144( P> Zi ; l87t 

p. i6; 249, P x8. ' . ^^ 
Archer, £., tt, p< 7 : 166* P> 15. 

Bailwarp, Miss, 293, p. 20 ; 894, p> 2'. 

Baker, Miss B., 812, 817, 369, P- 21- 

Ball, W., 875, p. 21. 

Barclay, E., 34, p. 7* 

Bartlett, W. H., 180, p. zs. 

Bates, D., 391, P> 23. 

Bates, H., 407, 408, p. 23. 

Batten, J. D., 50, P- 7. 

Baudry, a., 276, 278, p. zg. 

Bbavis, R., 171, P- z5« 

Beck, J. W., 176, p. zs ; 245, p. 18. 

Bell, Miss A., 86, p* Q* 

BsNETT, N., 266, P« zg. 

Bigland, p., 164, p. Z4. 

Bird, S., 98, p* zo. 

Black, A. J., 85, p- 7- 

Blades, Miss D.,436, p* 33. 

Bloomer, H. R., 76, p* 9* 

BoBHM, Sir E.. Bart., R.A., 405, 406, p* a t- 

BoGLB, L., 287, 289, P* 30. 

BouGHTON, G. ti., A.R.A., 118, p> zz ; 186, 

p. z6. 
BowYBR, Miss E., 250, p. z8. 
Britten, W. E. F., 138, p. z2 ; 143, p. Z3. 
Brooks, H. T., 23, p. 6 ; 36, p- 7- 
Brown, A. K., 390, p* 29. 
BuRNE- Jones, E., A.R.A., 820-365, p- 21. 
Burns- Jones, P., 100, 102, p- zo ; 124, p. z2 ; 

186, p. z6 ; 865, 368, p. 21. 
Butler, Miss M. A., 182, P* Z5. 

Cadogan, S. R., 135, P< z2. 

Canziani, Mrs. L. S., 69, P< 8. 

Carlill, S.-B., 152, p. z^. 

Carlisle, The Earl of, 87, 40i p. 7' 

Carr, D., 265, p. z8. 

Casella, Miss E., 279, P- >9* 

Casella, Miss N., 280, P* 20. 

Charles, J., Ill, p. zx ; 168, p. zs ; 226, 

p. Z7. 
Christie, J. E., 14, p. '^. 
Clarke, Mrs. S., 267, P- zg ; 302, p- 20. 
Clausen, G., 871, p. 2f. 
Clay, Sir A., Bart., 116, p. zi ; 196, p- z6. 
Clifford, E., 194, p. z6 ; 237, p. z8 ; 311, 

p. 20. 
Collier, Hon. J., 141, p. Z3 ; 213, p. Z7. 
Collins, W. W., 189, p. 16. 
Cook, G. E., 79, p. Q. 
Corbett, M. R., 44, p. 7 ; 179, p. Z5. 
Costa, Prof. G., 207-209, 221, p. Z7 ; 286, 

p. x8i - 
Cotterell, W., 86, p. 9 ; 396, p. 23. 
Co well, G. J.. 424, p* 23. 
Currey, Miss F. W., 66, p. 8 ; 223, p. Z7. 

Dalzibl, H., 114, P* zi. ' 

Davis, Miss M. J., 172, p. xs ; 204, p. z6. 

Davison, Miss N., 2Mny- ao. 

Mb Morgan, Mrs. E., 84, p* 9> 

Dillon, F., 281, P* 20. 

Donaldson, A. B., 176, p. Z5; 196, p. z6 ; 

303, p. 20. 
Donders, Mrs., 22, P* 6. 
Donnelly, Maior-Gen., J. F. D., C.B., R.E., 

261, p. zg ; 286, P* 20. 

Drags, Miss M. F., 150, p. Z3. 
Dresslbr, C, 400, 401, p- 33. 
Drury, a., 417, 418, p. 23. 

Earle, C, 889, p. 22. 
East, A., R.I., 183, p. Z3. 
Edmonds, E. M.,.12i, p. 10. 
Ellis, T., 225, P. Z7. 

EmSLIE, a. E., 392, P* 32. 

Fahey, E. H., 163, Z4. 

Farrer, T. C. 18, p. 6; 198, P- z6. 

Fisher, D., 277, p. zg. 

Fisher, M., 88, p> 10 ; 190, p- z6. 

Ford, E. O., A.R.A., 899, p- 23. 

FuLLWOOD, J., 884, p. 32. 

Furse, C. a., 74, p. g: 867, p. 2z. 

Gardner, W. B.. 262, p. zg; 305, 807, p.3o. 

Gilbert, A., A. R. A., 402, p 23. 

Glassby, R. E., 429, 430, p. 23. 

Glass, A., 485, p. 23. 

Oleichen, Countess F., 410, 431, p. 23. 

GooDALL, T. l'".;82, p. 7 ; 376, p. 21. 
Goodwin, A., 362, p* 21 ; 379, p* 2a. 
Grace, A. F., 291, P- 20. 
Grace, J. E., 73, p. g : 104, p< zx. 
Green, D., 297, P- 20. 
Griffiths, T., 27, p. 6- 

Hall4, C. E., 8, p. 5 ; 41, p. 7 ; 201, p. z6 ; 

206,210, p. Z7._ ^ ^ 
HallH, Miss E., 411-414, P- 33. 
Halswelle, K., A.R S.A., 109, P- zx. 
Harper, C, 217, P« Z7. 
Harrison, Miss S. C, 268, P> z8. 
Hartley, A., 177, p. Z5. 
Hastings, Mrs. K. G., 87, p. g ; • 308*, P- 20 ; 

380, 888, P< 22. 
Hayes, C, 206, p. z6. 
Haves, E., 161, p. Z3. 
Haynes-Williams, J. W., 4, p. 5- 
Hayter, Miss K. C., 251, p. z8. 
Hayward, a. F. W., 158, p- X3. 
Helck^, a.. 110, P> zx. 
Hemy, C. N., 1, p. 5 ; 103, 112, p. zz. 
Hennbssy, W. J., 140, p. Zi. 
Herkombr, H. G., 5, p> 5 ; 70, p. 8 ; 94, 

p. xo. 
Herkombr, Prof. H., R.A., 28, p. 6; 33, 

39, 48, p. 7. , ,^, 

Hetherington, I., 191, P* >o- 
Hudson, H. J., 288, 30o, p. 20-. 
Hughes, A., 246, p. z8. 
Hughes, E. R.. 180, p. za ; 268, p. zg. 
Hughes-Stanton, A., 21, p. 6. 
Hunt, A., 92, p. zo; 174, p. ts. 
Hunter, C, A.R.A., 67, P- 8 ; 383, P- 22. 

Ireland, T., 12, p. 6. ' 

Jacomb-Hood, G." p., 15, p. 6. 
jf ay, W. S.. 68, p. 8. 
Jenkins, Miss B., 9, P* 6. 
John, W. G., 484. p. 23. 
Jones, R. M., 220, p. Z7. 

Keith, Mrs. L. M., 870, p. 21. 
Kelly, T., 259, p. zq. 
Kennedy, C. N., 162, p. Z4. 
King, W. G., 25, p. 6. 

B 2 

Khicht, C. p., so, p. 9 ■ 334, S6B, p. iS. 
KmCHT, J. W.. 1ft p. 6, 
Knowlb*, W. p., 800. 810, p. 30. 

LaThancui. H. H., 90, p. 6; 1S3. P- ■ 

LCDKAKD, R. A., US, up, P- tj- 

LBA-MB>KrTT, Mrs. A,Ti, p. 6. 
Lh, T. S., Vh, «». p. B]. 
Lbhhahn, R., 290, SM. P- b 

Lbmok. A.. liTp/ " : isi. P- ir 

Lmli«, G. D., R,A., 886. p. iB. 
. LiNDMis, H. F.,1M|P. 14: 19TiP- i£> 
LiHiHAr. Lady, SMS68, p. >'. 
Llbwmllvn. W., 818. p. 17- 
LouuBB, J. H., A.R.S. A.. 68. P- t. 
Lucas. A.. llT.p. 11 J 202, p. 'il 2S8, p. ■ 

Macalluh, H., 86, p' i- 

MACASTHUlt, L. G.. 118, p. It. 

Macbeth, R. W., A.R.A, 108, p. 11 ; 13 

Mac^biib, K.. 8S1, p- »>. 
McLachhk, I. H., 120, p. I.. 
Maclar«k, v., T. P- 5- 
Maddox. R. W., 7fc p. 9. „ 
Marshall, J. F., 18, p. 6 -, 178, P- iS- 
MEO,G.,gO,p.>°;S«,3T4>p. 91. -' 
MmsDAO, H. *., li!ft>. II. 
MiLLAM, Sc I. E., &rt., R.A, 119, p. II. 
MOHTALBA, Mils C, IGl, p. 14. 
MOKTALBA, Mi'l H., SW, p. ». 

MOOKI, A., 101, p- 1°. 
MooFB, H., A.R.A.. 816. p. 1?. 
Mdbbii, W. B., 108, p. -6 ; 818, p. "• 
MuLLrNS, E. R., 41B. 416, P- 13- 
MuBCH. kxi- A., 41, p 7 : 848. p. 'B. 
Mdrrav, C. F., 60, p. 8 : 282. p. la. 
MuRuv,I>.,A.R.S.A.,TT.p-9; 14S, p. i 

Naf™, Mb. P. J., 884, p. IT. 
Nbttlmkip, J. T,, 9, n. s ; 399, p- =»■ 
Nbwuah, Miu F., &a, p. ai. 
NoBKAH. P., 8Se. 8ST, p. 'G : 273, p. 19- 
NoBTti. J. w., Tl. P- a ; 248, p. .8. 

Obrocb, J.. R.I.,878,P.". 
OsBOBHB, Miss E. M.j ra. p- 7. 


198,884,0. «-■ _^ 
. B., A.R.A., 67, 72, p 

RosB, H. R., 868, p. i» 

Rosst-ScoTTi, count, 8S, p 

R0L'TiI..CM-,137.p. IS. 

[iHF.A,,148,p. 13. 

SiuMONS, St. C., 131, p. II. 
Skilbbck, C. O., 8fS, D. w. 
S«iP»o»TM, F. M., 8T8, p. >i. 


SwBLL,' J. ■h.,'59, p^: 218. p. '7. 

SOMBESET, R. G.,5l».p. 17. 

STANHoi'ii, R. S., 81, p. 9 ; 314, 81B, 811, 

819, p. 2t. 
Stillhan, Miu L., 80T, »8, Uft 380, 

St^Ilmak, VSn.. B08, p. 16; 816. P Ji. 

ro>v. I. ia, p. I.. 
roTT,fe..21«,8Sap. I 

s.. 108, p. 16. 

Tkibant. Miss D., 17ft p, ij ; 388, p. 
Thohpsoh, L.. 78, p. 9. 
Toft, A., 40ft.«W, m p. 93. 
TOMSON, A., lOSp. .1. 
Tot'HAH. F. W. W., 84, p. 6 ; 83, 48, 
80ft p. i«. 

Wa>tb. E. W., 18ft P.I. : 18*, P- .». 
Waite, R T^S|^. ,8. 

■Walton, Fj.10, p. 6: Jft p. 6 : 886. p 
Ward, E.,66.p. S; iaO.;p. 14; 877, p. ^ 
Ward, 0.,B8B,p. 18 
Watehkouse, I. W„ A.R.A., 18ft p. i 
WATK>,HOUSE,iln., 870, p. .9. 
■Waterlo*. ± A., /I-HJl.., ft p. s. 
Watson, C. J., 198, p. 16. 
Watson, H^lTftp.!!. 
Watts, G. f., R.A, 31, 47, p. J. 

SS-.iS.K,-i'c^,',.".: •*'"■■* 

Wh,PPL», J., lai. p. H. 

wli^ISIt' m'^^ TflSTp. M. 

Wills, E., 91ft p. iB. 
WlUFEBTS, E.M.,181.p. - 
Wood, Miss E.S., 814, p. 

W»LUB, W. M., 187 

Young, 0. ^ 

p. 19: sBTt p. 















61 6S 



36 87 38 






JO 81 WATT3 




87 81 If AC ALLUM 

38 84 88 




80 10 17 
n 18 16 

a 18 

i OOOR \. 








4 oooii |. 





78 19 

87 88 88 

The West Gallery contains prominent works by Mr. G. F. Watts, 
Mr. Alma-Tadema, Mr. Richmond, and Mr. C. E. Hall6 ; portraits 
by Professor Herkomer, J. J. Shannon, &c. ; and many interesting 

First in the order of the Catalogue is — 

1, " Bassfishingy' C Napier Hemy. 

Fisherman landing catch : boat approaching shore. Shimmer of 
light and foam on green waves : craft in distance. 

2, ^^ As the red moon rose o'er a Sussex down^' W. PADGETT. 
Homestead and farm, with haystacks and two larches in distance ; 

a red autumn moon rising {sketch, p, 26). 

8, "/« fairyland;' C. E. Hall£. 

A little golden-haired girl in white frock, with green book, 
seated on steps in a library, reading a fairy tale {sketchy p, 25). 

4, " Une lettre d' amour;' J. Haynes- Williams. 
Figure of a girl, in rich green brocaded gown, standing near an 
open doorway giving into the corridor of a stately mansion. 
5, '' Portrait of Alfred Blume, Esq,," H. G. Herkomer. 

6, " The night before shearing," E. A. Waterlow, A.R.A. 
Moonlight A shepherd-boy with lighted lantern, closing a pen- 
fold over a flock of sheep. 

In the centre of the wall is — 

7, " Fruit time" Walter Maclaren. 

Two youths and a group of women ; melon gathering {sk,yp, 27). 

Above the foregoing is a canvas, representing a huge serpent 
with richly marked skin, watching the approach of two tigers. 
Dense tropical vegetation, brilliant red flowers, 

8, " The adversary" J. T. Nettleship. 


9, '* Ruby^ daughter of Lieut- Colonel Arthur H. Davis,'* MiSS 
Blanche Jenkins. Fair hair, blue frock {sketch, p. 28). 

10, ** Amid the old, dark-memoried pines^ Upright landscape. 

Frank Walton. 

11, " T fie gentle music of a by-gone day,* J. M. SXRUDWICK. 
Delicate pink and blue robes, and fair hair ; by the painter of 

The Ramparts of God's House ' in 1889 {sketch, p. 26)./ 

12, ^^ By woodland and stream^* T. iRELANp (sketch, p. 29). 

18, " October morning'' T. C. Farrer. 

Grey sky, trees and water, with pale autwpin sun struggling 
through the mist. 

14, " The four Maries^' J. E. Christie. 

In the garden grounds of Holyrood Palace {sketch, p. 29). 


16, '' Portrait of Miss Rachael Alexander I' G. P. Jacomb-Hood. 

16, " Summer^s ruddiest fruits,'- J. FiTZ Marshall. 

17, " Clare," C. E. Peruginl 

Half-length, back view of a fair-haired girl, brown plum-coloured 
velvet and lemon white muslin fichu, under a black cloak. 

18, ** Portraits of yacqtuline and Isaura Loraine," MRS. Anna 

Children in blue and red. White aprons, caps, and lace {sk., p. 30). 

Below is a picture to be noted — 

19, ''All on a summer's day," J. W. BuxTON Knight. 

A landscape- with a great sky, full of the charm of June, with its 
greenery, its waters, its cattle in the flats {sketch, p. 30). 

20, " A Portrait," H. H. La Thangue. 

81, ''Turnip gatherers," H. Hughes-Stanton. 

22, " Little Margaret ; " a'portrait. Madam Bonders. 

28, " Portrait of W. Holman Hunt," H. J AMYN BROOKS. 

The famous Prae-Raphaelite painter, in coat lined with brown fur. 

24, "A Gleaner," FRANK W. W. Topham. ' 

Young girl in white cotton frock and sun-bonnet, in bright sun- 
shine, among sheaves of com. 

26, " Good-bye," GuNNlNG King. 

Mother and children at cottage-door ; sunset glow on church in 
distance. Olcl man waving his hand to child as he goes away. 
2% " Landing Long-lines," Hamilton Macallum. 
Two girls wading with their load of fish to shore {sketch, p, 31). 

27, " The path to the sea," T. Griffiths. 

Upright landscape ; brilliant blue sea and sky seen through tall firs. 

28, " Portrait of W. Cawkwell, Esq," Prof. Herkomer, R. A. 

29, " A wild duck's paradise" W. J. Laidlay. 
A study of yellow reeds and blue water. 

80, "Portrait of the Dowager McLrchiofuss of Downshire" F. YATES. 
In black ; red-cushioned chair {sketch, p: 31). 


In the centre of the wall is one, of two^ contributions by Mr. 

G. F. Watts- 
Si, "Ariadne;' G. F. Watts, R.A. 
The spouse of Bacchus seated on a crag holding a skein of red 

wool. Light drapery and golden hair {sketchy p. 32). 

32, " The meadow dyke^'T. F. Good all. 

38, '' Portrait of James Grierson,Esq,l' Prof, Herkomer, R.A. 

34, " Shelter^' EDGAR Barclay. 

Four little country girls who have been gathering primroses seek 
shelter under a tree from a passing shower {sketchy p, 33). 

36, " The gloom of the Vale of Brandon^- A. J. Black (j^.,/. 33). 

36, ''Portrait of C. Drury E. Fortnum, Esq., D.CL.l' H. Jamyn 

87, " Belinzonai' The Earl of Carlisle. 

38, " Early spring^' FRANK W. W. Topham. 

A woman bearing faggots, with a child, passing a ' serpent-rooted 

Z9y '' Portrait of Thomas Hawsksley Esq'' (the well-known 
civil engineer), Prof. Herkomer,.R.A. ' 

40, " Claudes Villa, on the Tiber,'* The Earl of Carlisle. 
The home of the famous painter. One of two very interesting 

landscapes by this artist (See No. 87.) 

41, ''Portrait of Mrs. Harry Taylor," C. E. Hall£. 
Life-size ; white dress {sketch, p. 34). 

42, "A glorious autumn," FRANK W. W. ToPHAM. 

. 43, ''Portrait of Sir John Pender," PROF. HERKOMER, R.A. 

44, " On the edge of the wood',' M. R. Corbett. 

Pale blue of distant mountains seen through purple tree trunks* 

45, ** Portrait of Mrs. Weston" MRS. ARTHUR MURCH. 
Three-quarter length of a lady in crimson velvet dress, seated. 

46, *' A bean-field" Alfred Parsons. 

Three figures of reapers under a still sky in a bean-field in late 
summer ; its harvest gathered into sheaves or " stooks," standing 
on the ground till it shall be carted away ; the village of Lechlade 
in the distance {sketch, p. 19). 
^ 47, " Little Red Riding Hood," G. F. Watts, R. A. 

Blue eyes and fair hair, brownish-red frock, and red hood, edged 
with blue. In her right hand she holds some wild poppies {sk.,p. 35). 

48, " The old mill pool," Edward Archer. 

49, "Port, of Miss Jane Cobden" Miss E. M. Osborne {sk.,p. 36). 

60, " The Waking of Btynhild;' J. D. BATTEN {sk.,p. 36). 

Recumbent figure in crimson. Hills and mists behind : bracken 
in foreground. 

This large canvas hangs above a group of small pictures by 
Mn Alma-Tadema and one by Mr. E. J. Poynter. (Sketches 
of these pictures are omitted by desire of artists or owners.) 


61, " Eloquent silence,'' L. Alma-Tadema, R. A. 

A youth and maiden on a marble seat by the sea-shore : above 
them, against a bowl of blue lapis lazuli, blooms a profusion of 
purple clematis, which has strewn some of its petals on the floor. 
The girl is in a white robe with red coral fastenings. 

52, ''Portrait of Miss McWhirter,' L. Alma-Tadema, R,A 
Long fair hair. Broad-brimmed hat crowned with poppies. 

53, "/;? the rose garden,'' L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

Two girls, one seated and one recumbent ; one in light green and 
the other in dark olive, with gold bracelets ; glimpse of sea beyond, 
and a profusion of roses. 

64, " The old pump," E. A. RowE. A small water-colour. 
66, " High Noon," E. J. Poynter, R.A. 

A small study of the undraped figure of a young girl seated on 
a rock, by the sea. 

66, " Woodhouse Farm',' Frank Walton. 

67, ''Portrait of Louisa, Lady Askburton" W. B. RICHMOND, 
A.R.A. Half-length of lady in black, with black head-dress. 

68, "December;' J. H. Snell. 

69, " Port, of Leonard Skoobridge,Esq.,"TAK^, LOUISA S.Canziani. 

60, "A portrait," C. Fairfax Murray. 

61, "Fallow," C. W. Wyllie. 

A clustered town, with its central spire, lies out, across the water, 
on a long horizon ; a stretch of land that may once have been 
cornfield, abandoned to poppies, rough grasses and weed flowers. 

62, " Breaking mists on Maiden Moor, Cumberland," W. PADGETT. 
Blue mountain, white mist, moss-covered boulders, and tree-trunks. 

63, "Portrait of Lady Chalmers and Son," J. H. LORIMER. 

64, "Portrait of Sir Alfred Lyall," J. J. Shannon {sketch, p. 37). 
66. " Seed time',' Miss Fanny W. Currey. 

66, "Portrait of Mrs. Norton Strode fackson," Edwin Ward. 
Life-size ; in pinkish satin gown {sketch, p, 38). 

67, " Loch Glen Dhu" COLiN HUNTER, A.R.A. 

68, " Nature's floral carpet^' W. S. J AY. 
Moss-covered trees and primroses {sketch, p. 38). 

69, " Morning mists," A. D. PEPPERCORN. 

70, "Port ofAdm, Sir Leopold Heath, K.CB.," H. G. Herkomer. 

71, " Showery summer" J. W. NORTH. 

" When the rain is fallen, the clouds waxen clear." 

A summer landscape under storm ; boy and sheep in foreground. 

The central picture here is — 

72, Venus, in light pink robe and yellow drapery, among hawthorn- 
trees in blossom, preceded by a tame lion and lioness, and followed 
by doves, approaches a youth in scarlet robe, with a musical instru- 
ment in his hand. Crocuses spring up undei her feet {sketch, p, 39). 

W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 


Above the foregoing is a small landscape — 

73, " J^ear sunset," James E. GRACE. 

IL" Portrait of Mrs. C. T. Abrahams" Charles A. FuRSE. 

76, "Tfieford:' H. R. Bloomer. 
7^ "A portrait" R. W. Maddox. 

77, " When daisies pied" David MURRAY, 
A road ovei^rown with grass. 

78, " Summer," Leslie Thomson (sketch, p. 40). 

79, " A Welsh vale," George E. Cook. 

" Calm and deep peace in this wide air 
These leaves that redden to ihe falL" 
Next is a small landscape — 

W, "The Mayo Mountains from Rertoyle" C. P. KNIGHT. 
Vi, " Knowledge strangling ignorance," R. SPENCER STANHOPE. 
Vi," Portrait study of Mrs. Comyns Carr," John J. SARGENT. 
83, " Rest — Perugia," COUNT Lemmo RossI-SCOTTL 
ii,"Medea," Mrs. Evelyn de Morgan. 

, Day t>y day 

le happy lime fade fast ai 
■ fell from 

And as she fell from out that happiness 
Again she grew to be Ihe sorceress, 
Worker of fearful ihinga, as once she was." 

L'f{ and Diaih of J asm. 

In rose-red robe lined with white ; pearls in her hair. She bears 
a philtre with a charm in her right hand. Doves disport on the 
marble floor, on which roses are scattered. 

S5, " BishopstoK Valley, S. Wales," Wellesley CoTTERELL. 

86, " A sunny impression," ADA BELL. Flowers in glass vase. 

VI," Eurydice," Mrs. Kate G. Hastings. 

[End of West Gallery?^ 




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, U7 180 IM us 149 148 IM 143 143 
U8 U6 US 147 146 141 

Ul ISO 146 

138 137 U8 US US 129 
U9 UB 1S4 Ul U9 


88, " Springs, in a Hampshire meadow,'* Mark Fisher. 
Shepherd and flotk of sheep. 

89, " Psyche,'' with the box of Pandora, J. R. Weguelin. 
Small head of a girl, with opal-tinted butterfly wings. 

90, " Near Dunster Castle,'' Gaetano Meo. 

91, " Winter sunlight," Hugh Wilkinson. 
Calves on a common, in sunlight {sketch, p. 41). 

92, " Windsor Castle, twilight," A. W. HUNT. 

View across the Thames of the castle towers, town, and river. 

98, " A plea for an absent one," J. Parker {sketch, p. 42). 

94, '* Portrait of Mrs. H. Buxton-Buckley" H. G. Herkomer. 
Seated under a tree ; pale pink dress, with white fichu. 

96, ''On the marshes" W. Padgett {sketch, p, 41). 

96, " Homewards" Robert W. Allan. 

A flock of sheep driven across a common under a lurid sunset; 
dark clouds {sketch, p. 22). 

97, " A breaking wave," Adrian Stokes. 

98, « The Temple of Juno, Girgenti," S. Bird. 

99, '^ Portrait of Mrs. Alexander Whitelaw ;" life size, in white 
and pale apple-green dress, J. J. Shannon {sketch, p. 43). 

Underneath the foregoing hang three small pictures — 
100, '' Portrait of the Lcuiy Ray leigh" s^zXj^A, playing on the organ. 
Philip Burne-Jones. 

VA, '' A young girl',' Albert Moore. 

Head of a fair-haired girl. Black cap, orange-tinted dress under 
white, against pale lemon-coloured background. 

IQ2, '' Portrait of the Hon. Richard Strutt," standing, PHILIP 
Burne-Jones. Background of brown wood-work. 


103, " The silent adieu;' C Napier Hemy. 

A young girl standing in a wild cottage garden by the sea, 
thickly grown with poppies, wistfully looking after a boat. - 

104, " The shades of autumn',' James E. Grace. 

105, " O ! lovely spring! " G. F. Wetherbee. 

Strong sunlight on young grass, and apple tree in blossom (j^.,/. 44). 

106, " The evening of an autumn day ; " labourer with team of 
oxen. Arthur Tomson. 

107, ''Portrait of Lord Arthur C, Hervey, D.D., Bishop of Bath 
and Wells;" in episcopal robe. W. B. RICHMOND, A.R.A. 

108, " The gipsy's weary way," R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 

A gipsy woman about to ford a brook across a country road, 
with the rising moon behind {sketch, p. 45). 

109, " By fords Mill, Essex" Keeley H ALSWELLE. 
MQ, '' Lobster catchers," A. HELCKt. {sketch, p. ^6). 
Ill, " Milking-time" J AMES CHARLES. 

X^, '' A poor catch" C. Napier YiY.Wi {sketch, p, /^i). 

113, " Winter in Brabant" G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. 

A girl in 17th century costume trying the surface of the ice, to 
see whether it will bear on the morrow. Quaint brocaded cape 
with cap to match, pale green dress and apron, brown gauntlet gloves, 
and red stockings. Behind her is the town {sketch, p, 48). 

114, " Winter twilight," HERBERT Dalziel. 

" Night veileth the morning, 
The vapour the hill." 

115, " The calm of the afternoon," Lindsay G. MacArthur. 

116, ''Portrait of Sir William Hardman, Q*C.;" life-size 
standing. SiR Arthur Clay, Bart. 

117, " In San Trovaso, Venice" Arthur Lucas. 

A richly-coloured altar-piece, with crimson hangings. 

118, "Self invited," MRS. Alma-Tadema. 

Child in Dutch costume, holding a doll, entering a door. 

The head of the North Room is occupied by a large upright 
landscape {sketched on page 49). 

119, " Dew-drenched furze',' SiR JOHN MiLLAlS, Bart., R,A. 

An autumnal scene in a dense wood, with a fern-crowned vista 
between trees opening to and ending in a lofty mass of russet 
oaks, ruddy beeches, and grey larches. The vapour has condensed 
upon the furze, ferns, leaves and gossamers. In the foreground, 
embedded among the fern stems, is a hen pheasant, whose mate, with 
his splendid plumage hidden in the shadow, is close at hand {sk. p. 49). 

120, " Dawn," J. Hope McLachlan. 

Early morning. Grey dawn breaking over flat landscape. 

121, " Hampstead Heath" E. M. Edmonds. 

122, " Portrait of Dr. Sidgwick," J. J. Shannon. 
(Presented to Newnham College.) 


1 . 1 • - — --■-- 

128, " Portrait of Mrs, Humphrey Ward/' authoress of * Robert 
EUesmere/ Julian Story. 

124, " O/d Kensington/' Philip Burne-Jones. 

Water colour. A London garden, and old white houses and 
red-tiled roofs. 

126, " Happy and careless/' MRS. Kate Peruginl 

Fair hair, white dress, maize sash, carrying flame-coloured 
azaleas in a brass bowl. Blue rug, and black curtain behind {sk.yp, 50). 

126, " Early morning. Dutch coast/' H. W. Mesdag. 

127, '*Now heaven walks on earth/' CECIL M. Round. 

Early spring in the woods. Hawthorn-trees in blossom and a 
profusion of deep blue wild hyacinths. 

128, " The horse pond/' Arthur Lemon. 

Two boys riding horses stooping to drink. Haystacks and rustic 
landscape in background {sketch, p, 51). 

129| " When russet leaves obstruct the straggling ways of oozy 
brooks/' Edward W. Waite. 

An autumnal landscape, with rustic bridge across a rivulet 
choked with fallen leaves. Sheep in distance (sketch, p, 51). 

180, *' Queenie and Mabel, children of the Rev, Sidney E, Davies/' 

E. R. Hughes. 

Fair-haired child, in pink frock, seated at a piano. The other, in 
rose-red, standing near. 

181, " The path to the moor/' St. Claire Simmons. 

182, *' Leaving home/' H. H. La Thangue. 

An Irishman, driving an orphan girl along a country road. She 
carries a bandbox, and weeps at leaving her home and going into 
service with strangers. The driver slouches his hat over his head, 
and tries vainly to hide his grief as he comes along the deeply- 
rutted road. The village bystanders, inmates of the neighbouring 
cottages, old and young, come out to witness the departure (j^.,/. 52). 

188, " A Perthshire pastoral/' ALFRED East. 

Rich glow of autumn tints on trees, colouring the stream in the 
foreground, across whose stepping-stones an angry or frightened 
heron stretches his legs and screeches. Distant blue mountains. 

134, "^ summer day in Sussex/' J. Whipple (sketch, p, 53). 

185, " Chestnut woods, K note Park," S. R. Cadogan (sk,,p, 53). 

186, " The toilet," J. W. Waterhouse, ARA. 

A girl in pale pink dress braiding her hair, while a younger one 
looks at her face in the glass. Behind are leaves of various plants. 

137, " May," W. M. Wyllie. 

138, " Thisbe," W. E. F. Britten. 

In red robe, seated on grey stone wall. Warm flesh tints against 
deep green foliage. (One of two small pictures, see 143.) 

189, ''Mother and child," R. W. Macbeth, ARA. 

A lady with auburn hair in red holding a little child in pink. 

140, " Winter evening, forest of St. Gatien/' W. J. Hennessy. 


141, "^ study,'' Hon. John Collier. 

In pale amber-coloured satin, lined with greyish white, holding a 
white ostrich feather fan. Behind are gold-coloured draperies, and 
red and yellow chrysanthemums in pots {sketchy p. 54). 

In the centre of the wall is — 

142, " The meadow mirror^' DAVID Murray. 

Low toned landscape ; a pool margined with willow-trees reflected 
in the water {sketchy p. 55). 

143, ''Arachne;' W. E. F. Britten. 

Girl in greenish-blue robe, holding distaff, against brilliant green 
of sun and shade on grass. 

144, ''From the Malvern HillSy* Miss Anna Alma-Tadema. 

146, "^ study in redy' C. Val'Prinsep, A.R.A. 

Three-quarter length of a girl in red, standing; black lace trim- 
mings, brown gloves, diamond eardrops, brooch of brilliants and 
flowers at her breast. 

146, ''Down by the river I' MiSS F. A. Saltmer. 

147, "A November day'' Arthur H. Rigg. 

148, "Battledore and Shuttlecocky' MRS. Alma-Tadema. 

Two young girls in white playing, while their mother in blue sits 
watching with the baby in her arms. The dominant colours are 
white and blue, relieved by red and yellow. The floor is paved 
with coloured tiles with the initials L. A. T. [sketchy p, 56). 

149, " When daylight dieSy' Ernest Parton. 

A young girl in black looking^ across the distant water from the 
garden of a lighted cottage {sketchy p. 57). 

Above is a small landscape — 

160, " The low downs lean to the sea,' MisS M. F. Drage. 

161, " Hard-a-porty" E. Hayes {sketchy p. 58). 

162, " Oliver Hughy son of the Hon, Lyulph Stanley y' S. B. Carlill. 
Water-colour portrait of a little boy, with a pug dog. 

168, "Azaleas" A. F. W. Hayward. 

164, "La Sagra — Venetian popular feasty' J. Van Haanen. 

A group of Italian peasants — young, middle-aged and old — 
merry-making at a festival. In front a child dances with her doll ; 
a young fellow in green jacket, coloured neckerchief, and slouched 
hat, dances to the stirring strains of an accordion, with his brisk 
and comely sweetheart, who over her homely dress wears an apron 
of rich pattern and colours. A chubby baby on the lap of a buxom 
mother does its best or worst to tear up a cheap but pretty fan, 
while the latter surveys the dancing couple approvingly. Light 
wine is poured out and handed round ; a musician plays a har- 
monium, and all — drinkers, smokers, dancers, and spectators, men, 
women, and children, old and young — seem thoroughly happy. 
An abandon of simple and innocent mirth unknown in our cold 
insular clime {sketchy p. 59). 


156, " Green apples^' MBS. Emily Williams 
A small picture of an orchard. 

166, ^'Portrait 0/ Miss Sellers," MisS CONSTANCE PHILLOTT. 

167, ^^Spring-time" J. R. Weguelin. 

" O pnmavera, gioventii del anno, 
O gioventii. piimsTera della viti." 
Foremost figure in almost transparent white robe, with dark 
violet blue sash ; behind her a figure in reddish purple. All the 
foreground is in shadow. A gleam of sunlight catches the apple- 
blossom and strikes across the grass beyond {sketch, p. 66). 
158, " The path to the village," A. D. Peppercorn. 

168, "In iht Golden west" M. P. LINDNER. 

Strong sunset effect ; golden and red light reflected in still water 

{sketch,p. 61). 

180, "Portrait of Mrs. Eugene de la Penha" Edwin Ward. 

161, " The Greek Canal, Venice," Miss Clara Montalba. 

Rich red tone on stone walls in evening light {sketch, p. 6r). 

One of the prominent pictures here is — 

168. "Persetts" C. N. Kennedy. 

The monster sinking into the sea, having been turned to stone by 
the Medusa's head ; Andromeda enjbracing the hero. In a foamy 
sea of blue and green the mailed hero stands by the rock about to 
release Andromeda, his breast-plate in one hand and the slain 
head ofthe Gorgon with its twisted snakes in the o'Ci\^r {sketch, p. 62). 

163, "A river in the Eastern Riviera" EpWARD H. FahEY. 

16^ "Portrait of Lord Charles Russell," PERCY Bigland. 

The retired Serjeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons. 

186, " Drwy mom," Arthur Ryle. 

- thistle down. David Batbs. 


204 206 

2U 212 

196 200 

197 201 

203 206 

202 207 

210 213 
206 209 


217 221 




282 283 224 


226 220 

US 192 




227 228 229 


232 231 280 


284 233 


P. B. JON 3 3 


235 236 237 238 



242 241 



243 910 239 
944 245 246 




218 247 



-*— « 


249 200 251 • 

176 170 


169 168 


■* °^ ' 286 255 264 
** 287 2B2 258. 




166, " In Eastnor Parky' Edward Archer. 

167, " Winter in the lap of spring^' ERNEST Parton. 

168, " Nellies garden^' James Charles. 

169, ''Harvest moon, Shiplake-on-Thamesl' John Parker. 
VtQ/' Street Arabs at play,'' M.lS^ DOROTHY Tennant. 
On the Thames Embankment {sketch, p. 63). 

171, " Charcoal-burning in Monmouthshire!' Richard Beavis. 
An oil painting by the well-known water-colour artist {sk., p. 64). 

172, " From a country garden',' MiSS M. J. Davis. 

178, " The quarry',' HOM ER Watson. 

Below is one of two landscapes by a well-known member of the 
Royal Water Colour Society — 

174, " Holy Island Castle, Northumberland," A. W. Hunt. 
Quiet silvery-grey effect, over sea, and the land beyond. 

175, " A Somersetshire coombe," J. W. BECK. 

176, " Cathedral of Leon, Spain," A. B. Donaldson. 
Water-colour. Rich tones of red, yellow and blue, on tiles, 

walls and windows. Exterior of cathedral, houses and shops. 

177, " Portrait of R. J. Fennessy, Esq" Alfred Hartley. 

178, " Doomed in the shade thy sweets to shed',' J. FiTZ Marshall. 

179, " After-glow,'* M. R. Corbett (sketch, p, 65). 

180, " A healing shrine. County Galway," W. H. Bartlett. 

" A vigil must be kept from sunset till break of day." 

Faint streaks of dawn visible over distant hills and nearer water 

{sketch, p. 65). 

181, " A sand pit," E. M. Wimperis. 

182, '* In green pastures," Miss M. A. Butler. 
88, « A boy fishing," H. H. La Thangue. 


184, " River banks in July^' Edward W. Waite. 

186, " The ferry— a dainty fare;' G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. 

A small upright picture. Girl in white, with parasol and basket 
of flowers, and a little pug dog, descending steps to a ferry boat, 
from a quaint old river-side inn. 

188, " George Lewis^ Esq,, at work in his office in Ely Place]' 
Philip Burne-Jones {sketch, p. 66). 

187, '' Longing]' Miss Anna Alma-Tadema. 

A girl in dark blue looking wistfully out of a window. 

188, " IghtJtam Moat^' John J. Sargent. 

A party of ladies, and a gentleman, playing bowls on a very green 
lawn, in the garden of a country house. 

189, ^^Terrace of the Convent of Sta, Teresa, Ci^/r/," W.W.COLLINS. 

190, " Water meadows in April]' Mark Fisher. 

191, ^^ Peace and fair contentment crowned with flower s^' IVYSTAN 
Hetherington. The beautiful old garden of a country house, in 
which are a lady and her child walking amid hollyhocks, marguerites, 
and other flowers. Tea laid on a table under a tree. 

192, " Two sons of W. Herringham Esq., M.D.]' Mrs. A. L. 
Swynnerton {sketch, p. 66). 

193, " The full moon," T. C. Farrer {sketch, p. 67). 

194, ^^ Father Damietis arrival at a leper settlement^' E. Clifford. 
196, " Springtime in the Surrey Hills',' SiR Arthur Clay, Bt. 

196, " Toledo^' A. B. Donaldson. 

197, " Thunder clouds',' M. P. Lindner. 

Lurid yellow sky behind the clouds : golden light on the water. 

198, " Near Stokesby, Yorkshire',' W. Bright Morris. 

199, '' Returning from mass, Volendam, N. HolL," C. J. WATSON. 

200, " A consultation," Frank W. W. Topham. 

Sisters of Mercy, a peasant mother and a baby, obviously in 
trouble of some sort {sketch, p, 67). 

201, " The maiden and the bird," C. E. Hall£. 

A girl secreting a love letter among ivy leaves, watched by a 
bird perched on a fountain. Blue robe bordered with gold, over 
white dress. Pink, red and yellow roses in basket. 

202, '^ Far from the madding crowd," Aktuvk Lucas. 
A small picture of deep green grass, and trees. 

208, " Petrarch's first sight of Laura ; at the Church of Santa 
Chiara^ Avignon," MRS. Stillman. 

Water colour. Laura, in purple and red robe, bestowing alms 
on an old woman as she leaves the church, followed by her page : 
the poet, in a white garment bordered with fur, with book in hand, 
gazes intently upon her. Rich colouring, costume, and interior 
decoration, &c. 

204, " White and gold," Miss M. J. Davis. 

206, " A hunting morning," Claude Hayes. 


206, ''Portrait of Sir Charles Russell^ Q.C, M.P.;' C. E. HallE. 

207, ''Bocca dArnOy' PROFESSOR Costa {sketch, p. 68). 

208, " They sleep by day to strive by night I' PROFESSOR CosTA. 
Two fishermen sleeping by their boat on the shore {sketch, p, 68). 

209, " If love be dead, why dost thou rise, O Sun f ** Prof. Costa. 
Veiled and cowled figure of a man apostrophising the sun, 

as it rises over distant hills across the water. 

210, " Young knight in armour,'^ C. E. HALLfi. 

•* Then a soldier, 

• • • • . • 

. Seeking the bubble reputation 

Even in the cannon's mouth." 

211, ''A monastery garden^' E. Blount Smith {sketch, p. 68). 

212, " Hay time',' J. H. Snell. . : 

213, " Portrait of Mr. John Burnsl' The Hon. John Collier. 
The famous industrial " organiser," in a pea-jacket {sketch, p. 69). 

2U, M reedy river',' Miss E. Stewart Wood. 

216, " The triumph of Saul and David," T. M. ROOKE. 

" And the women answered one another as they played, and said, ' Saul hath slain 
his thousands, and David his ten thousands.' " . 

David, bearing the head of Goliath in his right hand, following 
the procession of the king. A throng of spectators in the streets 
and on the walls applauding and throwing flowers. The colour of 
the costumes is richly diversified {sketch, p. 69). 

216, ''A silvery day, west of the Needles," Henry Moore, A. 
Blue sky flecked with white clouds and sea flaked with white 

foam, bright in the sunlight that imparts a glow to the whole bay. 

217, " The singers, Byzantine interior," CLAUDIUS HARPER. 
Rich costumes and interior with veined marbled pillars and 

floor, and gemmed and jewelled -windows {sketch, p, 70). 

218, ''Portrait of Holroyd Chaplin, Esq " W. LLEWELLYN. 

219, " Star-light" EDWARD Stott. 

220, " A Yorkshire outfield;' R. M. J ONES. 

221, " Banks of the Arno, Florence — evening',' Prof. Costa. 
Golden light on. water and pink sunset glow in sky. 

222, " Sunset" a sketch, W. PADGETT. 

223, "An October afternoon" Miss Fanny W. Currey. 

224, " Through haze of autumn shine the golden leaves" Mrs. Paul 
J. Naftel. 

225, "An Arab fortune teller, Cairo" Tristram Ellis. 

226, " Selsey Bill," James Charles. 

227, " Portrait of Miss Cooper," J. J. Shannon. 

228, " On the River Frome, Dorsetshire," Arthur Lucas. 

229, " Through leafless woods," R. Gay Somerset. 

230, "Harrowing," Edward Stott. 

231, " The fugitive," ARTHUR Lemon. 

Boy on brown horse fleeing from Roman soldiers; wild landscape 



282, " The shepherds meet** R. Thorne Waite. ' ' 

Coast scene, cliffs and sea, two shepherds — man and boy — and 
their dogs, meeting {sketchy p. 71). 

. 238, " Fladbury Mill;* Alfred Parsons. 
Old red mill reflected in the water, on which are white ducks. 

Below IS a small picture — 

234, ''The evening of a day of thunderstorms ;* C. P. Knight. 
Heavy clouds rolling away after a storm, reflected in water. 

236, ''At SerpiolU;* PROFESSOR CoSTA. 

In the centre of the wall is a small delicately painted picture — 

236, "Perfect bliss;* G. D. Leslie, R.A. 

A maiden in light summer dress with straw hat and dark-blue 
sash, pouring water from a can into a watering-pot held by a little 
girl. Poppies, hollyhocks, &c., in the background. 

287, "The Earl and Ctess. of Radnor and Visct. Folkestone;' 
E. Clifford. 

238, "A study near Rome*,* ORLANDO Ward. 

289, " On a bright spring morning;* EDWARD Stott {sk., p. 72). 

240, " To pastures fresh;* Edgar Wills {sketch, p. 71). 

241, " Near Nobiallo, Lake of Como*,* Arthur Lucas. 

242, " Broom in blossom;* Alfred Parsons. 

248, " The path through the haunted copse;* J. W. North. 
Winter landscape, pink sunset and floating clouds ; bare branches 
of trees, blue hills in distance and a woman in the foreground. 

244, " yames Cagney, Esq., M.D.;* W. G. Robertson. 

246,. " The old bridge of Powick,** J. W. Beck. 

246, " The gardeners,** ARTHUR HUGHES {sketch, p. 72). 

247, " The Duchess of Manchester,** W. B. RICHMOND, A.R.A. 

248, " Exmoor — morning*,* Mrs. Arthur Murch. 

249, " A study;* Miss Anna Alma-Tadema. 

260, " The Swan Inn, Streatley;* Miss El^len Bowyer. 

261, " Lodge Lane, Worth;* MiSS E. C. Hayter. 

262, " The music party;* C. FAIRFAX MURRAY. 
268, " Victoire;* S. C. Harrison. 

264, " Land Gate, Rye,** T. M. ROOKE. 
266, " The story of the Cross,** DAVID Carr. 
An old Cornish woman telling the story of the Crucifixion to a 
group of children on the cliffs {sketch, p. 73). 

266, " Old Fountain, Perugia,** Philip Norman. 

267, "Porta Eburnea, Perugia,** Philip Norman. 

268, " The Estuary of the Exe at low water;* C. P. Knight. 

No. 46. " A iian-Jiild." Alfred Parsons. =9X4s. 


In this gallery are some interesting studies made for the " Sriar 
Rose" and other paintings by Mr. E. Burne-Jones. First in order 
of the catalogue, commencing near the East staircase, is — 

809, "Matins in the glen." TOM Kelly (sketch, p. 74). 

260, " Jasmine;' Henry Ryland. 

Large chalk drawing of a young girl with background of jasmine. 

261, "Haddon Hail" Maj.-Gen. Donnelly, C.B. (late R.E.). 
282, "Llanrkaiadr-yn-Mochnant, N. Wales" W. B. Gardner. 
263, " Large yew. tree in an old churchyard" H. R. ROSE. 

26^ " On the Roman Campagna" C. H. POIGNDESTRE. 
266, " Roses" Mrs. Cecil Lawson. 

266, " The mill on Sunday" Newton Benett {sketch, p. 74). 

267, "A Pond in Brittany" Mrs. Savile Clarke. 

268, " Portrait of Dorothy Parker ; " in red chalk. E. R. HUGHES. 

269, " The Finsteraathorn" Alfred Williams. 

270, " Silenus and Flowers" Mrs. Waterhouse. 

271, " Tatterskall Castle, Lincolnshire," E. Salomons. 

272, " Above the cliff" J. W. Walker. 

278, " Sunset near Perugia" Philip NorMAN. 

27^ " A Japanese home, Nikki" Theodore Wores {sketch, p. 75). 

275, " Rye from the cliffs" T. M. RoOKE. 

276, " Plateau du Phare d. Noirmontter — Matin," A. Baudry. 

277, " The Isle of Wight, from near Bournemouth" Dan FiSHER. 
%1^," L'anse du Cahos A Noirmontter — Effet d'Apres midi" 

A. Baudry. 

279, " Coloured wax" MiSS Ella Casella. 

C 2 


280, " Coloured wax'' Miss Nelia Casella. 

281, " The Pyramid of Maydoom, Upper Egypt;' Frank Dillon. 
288, " A tale of two citiesl' EDWARD Reed. 

" Under the Scaffold, Paris, 1789." " In front of the Dock, London, 1889.*' 

283 and 284, Two drawings for Punch, Edward T. Reed. 

285, " The Viking seated by the shore ; " pencil drawing, 

Clement O. Silbeck. 

286, "Boswells, Surrey," Maj.-Gen. Donnelly, C.B. (lateRE.). 

287, " Portrait of Miss Mary Heatonl' LOCKHART BOGLE. 

288, " Three studies^' Henry J. Hudson. 

289, " Portrait of Gwladys Elin Williams^' LoCKHART BOGLE. 

290, ^* Seven drawings — studies from Nature,'' RudolfLehmann. 

291, " A frosty morning," A. F. Grace. 

292, '* Afternoon," A. Priestman. 

Expanse of cloudy sky over still water, in which the tones of 
the clouds are reflected. 

298, "/« the woods y Glengariffe" MiSS Bail WARD. 

294, " The Warden's garden, Winchester College" NoRA DAVISON. 

296, " Black, but comely ; " (a horse) JOSEPH H. Wallis. 

296, " Luck Mill Down," W. A. Smith. 

297, ''Abandoned," David Green. 

Water-colour. Stormy sea, boat leaving a water-logged vessel. 

298, " The youthful poet," Thomas Riley {sketch, p. 75). 

299, " Sunshine o'er the meadows," Clem Lambert. 

A water-colour ; flat meadows with stream running through. 

300, " A long shore," W. P. Knowles. 
801, " After a shower," B. J. Ottewell. 

302, " On the blythe," Mrs. Savile Clarke. 

308, " Segovia," A. B. Donaldson {sketch, p, 9). 

304, " Teignmouth" Arnold Priestman. 

306, '' Peckforten Castle, Cheshire" W. BiscoMBE Gardner. 

306, " Three studies',' Henry J. Hudson. 

307, " Selling ducks, above Felin Tuhunt-yr-Axon Mill, Llanr- 
haiadr-yn-Mochnant, North Wales" W. BiscOMBE Gardner. 

Next are a series of pencil drawings — 

308, Portraits of " Viscount Sherbrooke" '' H. Flaudrin," ''Lord 
St. de Redcliffe" " Cardinal Manning',' " Sir Frederick Leighton, 
P:R,Ar "P, V Cornelius," "Elizabeth Browning',' RuDOLF 

308*, " Portrait of Mrs, Jury" Mrs. Kate G. Hastings 
Over the staircase is — 

809, "Venice" Miss Hilda Montalba {sketch, p. 76). 

810, "A Fishing Village^' W. P. Knowles. 
311, " Birches and Beeches" Edward Clifford. 


818, " The Footpath to the Village^' Miss Blanche BaIcer. 
318, *'A Country Road in Yorkshire,'' W. Bright Morris. 

814, *' Chillon,'* R. Spencer Stanhope. 

815, '*View near Brunnauy Switzerland'' R. Spencer Stanhope. 

816, ''At a Florentine Wedding Feast,' Mrs. Stillman {sk,,p. 76). 

817, "-4 Deserted Farm Yard',' Miss Blanche Baker. 

818, " On the Lake of Lucemel' R. Spencer Stanhope. 

819, " Lungo Mugnione, Florence," R. Spencer Stanhope, 

Next are a collection of studies and drawings by E. BURNE- 
JONES, A.R.A— 820, " Design in Gold; " 821, " A Design in Gold;' 
sleeping figure; 322, "-4 Study;" 328, 324, ''Orpheus and 
Eurydice;" 326, " Chrysaor ;" 826, " Study of a Head;" 327, 
" Sisyphus ; " 328, " Study of a Head for a Pictured Next are 
twenty designs jfor the four pictures of the " Briar Rose" the four 
pictures now exhibiting at Messrs. Agnew's Galleries in Bond 
Street— 329, "Study of a sleeping knight ;" 330, "Study of a 
helmet;" 381, "Study of armour ;" 382, " Design for knight;" 
888, "Desigft for armour ;" 384-339, " Coloured designs for sleeping 
girls in the third picture of the series ; " 840, Coloured design for 
" The sleeping beauty ; " 841, " Studies of armour ; " 342-349, " Eight 
studies of heads for the third picture;" 360, " Melchior ;" 861, 
" Urania ; " 862, " Sketch in gold for a picture ; " 863, " Wisdom ; " 
864, "Andromeda ; " 366, " Design in Gold on Red, 

866, " Design for book, * About Robins,' " Lady LINDSAY. 

857, " Spring," MiSS LISA Stillman. 

868, "Amor che a nullo amato amar per dona;" 869, "A For- 
trait ; " 860, " A Portrait',' MiSS LiSA STILLMAN. 

861, "Primroses" Mrs. Cecil Lawson. 

862, " Wells',' Albert Goodwin. 

863, " Design for Book, 'About Robins ^ " LADY LINDSAY. 

864, " Near Westward Ho, North Devon" Gaetano Meo. 
866, "Master Frank Balfour" Philip Burne-Jones. 
866, " Granville',' E. SALOMONS. 

367, " A Study',' C. A. FURSE. 

868, "Lady Betty Balfour" Philip Burne-Jones {sketch, p. 77), 

869, " Evening," Miss Blanche Baker. 

870, " Cyclamens," Mrs. L. M. Keith. 

871, " Twilight" G. Clausen. 

872, ** Canal lock in Essex," James Orrock. 
878, •* Poppeia" F. M arkham Skipworth. 
874, "A sandhill^ Hampstead" Gaetano Meo. 
876, " A quiet evening',' Wilfrid Ball. 

876, "The mill dykei'T. F. Goodall. 

877, "Peter',' Edwin Ward {sketch, p. 77). 


878, " JVeftum," Conte Napoleone Parisani. 

879, "Lausanng, Switzerland," ALBERT GOODWIN. 

380, '^Lulwortk Govt, Dorset" Mrs. KatE, G. HASTINGS. 
S81, " Western lowlands" Kenneth Mackenzie, 

382, " far^ wc^-ff," Arthur H. Rica. 

383, " Sound of Lismore" COUN HuNTER,^ AR.A. 

384, " The gladness of spring^' JOHN ¥\JUJNOOT){sketch; p. jS). 
885, " Haymaking, Cover Wood" Frank WaLTON. 

386, "An Allegory" Miss Dorothy Tennant. 

387. " Evening Shadows" Miss E. Stewart Wood. 

888, "Lulwortk, Dorset;" a sketch. MRS. Kate G. Hastings. 

389, " The Villa Medici, Rome" Charles Earle. 

390, " The Clyde at Lamington" A. K. Brown (sketch, p. 78). 

391, "A Windless Corner" David Bates [sketch, p. 14). 

399, "A Dinner party at the Earl af Aberdeen's" A. E. Emslie. 
On the right of the hostess is Mr. Gladstone ; amongst the guests 
are the Earl and Countess of Rosebery {sketch, p. 78). 

393, " When the Grey Day Closes" ARTHUR J. Ryle {sk., p. 79) 
394> " Glengariffe, Ireland" Miss BailwaRD. 
, 396, "Near Conway" Wellesley CottERELL. 

396, " Saijtt Veronica" Thomas Riley. 

397, " Sunshine and Blossom in fapan" THEODORE WoRES. 
Japanese lady and boy feeding pigeons : other figures. 
SB8, " Half Awake" ] T. Nettleship. 

"Hamtwards." Robbst W. Allan.. 


899, " Dancing;'' bronze. E. Onslow Ford, A.R.A. 

An Eastern girl, wearing on her head the skin and feathers of a 
parrot, whose outstretched wings form a covering like that of the 
helmet of Mercury (sketchy p. 80). 

400,. " The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor ; " bronze. CONRAD 
Dressler.. . 

401, "Pan the Piper;" coloured plaster. CONRAD DRESSLER. 

402, " Decorative Panels'' part of a memorial tablet to the late 
William Graham ; bronze. Alfred Gilbert, A.R.A. 

408, 404, *' Busts of y. Corbett, Esq., MP. ; " and J. Verdin, 
Esq, ; " bronze. J. W. SwYNNERTON. 

405, " Sketch of Colossal Statue of the Marquis of Dufferin and 
Aval' 'to be erected at Calcutta ; clay. SiR E. BOEHM, Bart, R.A. 

406,, •* Bu^t of th0 late Lord Napier of Magdala;'' clay. SiR 
E. BOEHM, Bart., R.A. Study, equestrian statue at Calcutta. 

407," The story of Psyche ; " marble. Harry Bates. 

Wiy^'Mariquita;'' marble bust. Harry Bates. 

Wi/'Bust of Mr. T H. Worrall:'' bronze. Albert Toft. 

410, " Portrait Bust of Lady Brooke Ranee of Sarawak ; ** terra 

cotta. The Countess Feodora Gleichen. 

411, " Portrait Bust of Ludovic Labbi^ Esq, ;" bronze ; 412, ''-P^r- 
trait medallion of Madame Charles Gaudry ]" 418, ^'Love's first 
low whispering;** haLS'TQlief; 414, '* H. M. Stanley, Esq," MiSS E. 
Hall£. Medal executed for the Royal Geographical Society. 

416, '*Lov^s token;" statuette for marble (sketch, p, 79); 416, 
'Paul; " terra cotta bust E. ROSCOE MULLINS. 

417, ** Inspiration ; " terra cotta bust ; 418, " Guido ; '* terra cotta 
bust. Alfred Drury. 

419, " Poetry ; " bronze statuette ; 420, " Portrait bust of Mrs^ 
y. C, Forrester" R. A. Ledward. ... 

421, ''Miss C. Esther G^A-wt^w;" bronze bas-relief A. VAN WURT. 

422, "Z^ Baptism of Christ;" wax panel: 423, '''Mrs, H. 
Copping;" bronze medallion. H. A. Pegram. 

424, " Lord Tennyson ; " bronze medallion. G. J. Co well. 

426, " Head of an old man ; " bronze medallion. ALFRED ToFT. 

^%^, " Maidenhood ;" m2xh\^ O. A. YoUNG. 

^27, *' Mrs. Knowles ;" bronze medallion; 428, "-Afrj. Charles 
Johnson ; " marble medallion. T. S. Lee. 

429, "Her Majesty the Queen;" bronze medallion; 430, "Miss 
Varley ; " bronze medallion. R. E. Glassb Y. 

431, " Head of. a. Child; " marble bas-relief. THE CoUNTESS 

Feodora Gleichen. 
482, " A Medallion Portrait," Albert Toft. , . 
488, " W. f. Dyer, Esq, ; " medallion portrait. MiSS F. NEWMAN.. 
43^ "A Bronze Medallion" W. Gascombe JOHN. 

485, " Beethoven, Mozart^ &c. ; " bronze bas-relief. A. GLASS. 

486, " Miniature of Phyllis Millais James, daughter of Major 
W. James {Scots Greys)." Miss Daisy Blades, 



Allan, Robert W 22 

Alma-Tadema (Mks.) .• . . . 56 

Barclay, Edgar 33 

Bartlett, W. H . 65 

Bates, David 14 

Batten, J. D; 36 

Beavis, Richard . . • . •. . • . 64 

Benett, Newton 74 

Black, Arthur J -33 

BOUGHTON, G. H., A.k.A. . .... 48 

Brown, A. K. . . . . ... 78 

BuRNE- Jones, Philip . . . 66, 77 

Cadogan, S. R. . . . .. . : 53 

Carr, David 73 

Christie, J. E. , . . .' . . . 29 
Collier, Hon. John . . .54,69 
CoRBETT, M. R. . . • . . . .65 
Costa, Professor . i . . . 68 

Donaldson, A. B. . . . . . . 9 

Emslie, a. E. 78 

Farrer, T. C. . 67 

Ford, E. Onslow, A.R.A. ... 80 
Fullwood, John . . . . . '. 78 

Haanen, J. van ■ . . .' 59 

Hall£, C, E 25, 34 

Harper, Claudius . . . .70 

Hayes, E. . . ... . . .58 

Helcke, a. ....... 46 

Hemy, C. Napier . . . . .47 

Hughes, Arthur 72 

Ireland, T. . . . . . . 29 

Jay, W. S. . . ..... . 38 

Jenkins (Miss), Blanche . . . 2S 

Kelly, Tom . 74 

Kennedy, C. N 62 

Knight, J, W. Buxton ... 30 

Lea-Mer&itt (Mrs.), A. ... 30 

Lemon, Arthur ...... 51 

Lindner, M. P 61 


Macallum, Hamilton ... .31 

Macbeth, R. W., A.R.A. ... 45 

Maclaren, Walter 27 

MiLLAis, Sir John, Bart., R.A. . 49 

MoNTALBA (Miss), Clara . . , 61 

MONTALBA (MiSS)^ HiLDA . . . J6 

Mullins, E. Roscoe .... 79 

Murray, David 5$ 

Osborne (Miss) E. M 36 

Padgett, W. . . ... . ' . 26, 41 

Parker, J, . 42 

PAR30NS, Alfred. ... . . . 19 

Parton, Ernest 57 

Perug^ni CMr5.) . . . w . • 50 

Richmond, W. B., A.R.A. . . . 39 

Riley, Thomas ... . . . 75 

RooKE, T. M. , . . . . . . 69 

Ryle, Arthur J. ... . . . 79 

Shannon, J. J. . . . . . 37, 43 

Smith, E. Blount ' . . . . . 68 

Stillman (Mrs.) . ' 76 

Stott, Edward 72 

Strudwick, J. M. ' 26 

Swynnerton (Mrs.), a. L. . . 66 

Tennant, Dorothy" ..... 63 

Thangue, H. H La .... . 52 

Thomson, Leslie. . . , . . -40 

Topham, Frank W. . , . . . 67 

Waite, Edward W. . . . . . 51 

Waite, R. Thorne ..... 71 

Ward, Edwin ... . . 38, 77 

Watts, G. F., R.A 32, 35 

. Weguelin, J. R. , . . . . . 60 

Wetherbee, G. F 44 

Whipple, J 53 

Wilkinson, Hugh 41 

Wills, Edgar 71 

WoRES, Theodore ..... 75 

Yates, F 31 


No. 8. " In fairfiand;' C. E. HallI. 


No. & *' At the red moan rate <ftr a Sutsex dean." W, Padcbtt. 

po, 11. " The gmtic mHtHcaJ a by-gent day." J. M. Steudwick. 



" Ruby, daughUr ef UtuU-Celoml Arthur H. Davit." 
Miss Ulanciis Jenkins, 


No. 12. " Bj' vioodland and tl 

No. 14. " The /eur Maria ." J, E. Christie. 

30 ^ElV GALLERY NOTES. 189a 

No. 18. '^FvrtraHs oj yacqutUiu e%i Iiioira Laraint." Mrs. Anna Lea-Mbuitt. 

"/f^^'^'~:\ -^^-^^y^ "o'- ':^-N 

No. 1ft " All en a mmmer't day." J, W, Buxton Khigkt. 

I . WEST' room: 

No. 26. "LanJing Lo/ig-liiiei." Hamilton Macaliam, 



No. 96. " Tie gleam of the Vale of Brandon." Arthur J. Black. 

No. S4. " Shelter." Edgak BARCLAY. 


No. 41. " Portrait oj Mrs. Harry Taylor." C. E. Hall£. 

WEST room: 

No. 47. " Ultk Red Riding Hoed." G. F. Watts, R.A. 


No. IS. " Ptrtrait of Mits yam Cotdm." Miss E. M. Osboknb, 

No. 60. " The Waking nf BrynkOd." J, D. Battbn. 


No.64. '* Ftrtrait 0} Sir Alfred Lyall." J.J. Shannok. 


No. n. "SKmaur." LtsLiK Thomson. 

( 4i ) 


No. 91. " IVinia- sunlighi." Hugh Wilkinson. 

No. 9S. "On the mania." W. Padgeix 


No. 93. " A flea fer an ahitnl Mt." J. Parxer. 


No. 9ft " Portrait of Mrs. Altxander WhUtlam." J.J. Shannon. 



" Tht gipsy's vitaryway^' R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A 




No. 118. "IVinler in BrabaHl, saiaitonth cmtury." 


No. lift " Deui-drmchid/um." Sir Joiim Miuais, Bart., R,A. 


No. 126. "Happy and carila!." MRS, Katb FEKCGINI, 



No. 13S. "Ltatdng homt." H. H. La Thanqui. 


No. lU. " Chalnut ii/oods. Knoll Park, Sevmoaks." S. R. CadOgan. 

No. IM. •• A summer day in St^i"-" J- Whipplb. 





h 149. " Whftt d^H^t dus." Ernest Fartoh. 
, Sweet dreams of other dap uile, 
And memor]' breathes her vesper sigh Co thee." 



No. 164. "La Sasra—Vtnetian popular fiast" J. Van Ha* 


No. 16T. " Spring-time." J. R. Weguelin. 


" In the Goldtti tBest." M. P.LlNDNBR. 

" Tlu Cretk Canal, Vmic^" Miss Clara Hohtalba. 


No. Iffi. ^•Perstus." C. K. ] 




' I 


No. 1T9. " A/ltr.glnv." M. R. Corbett. 

No. 180. " A healing sAriitt, emnly Gahoay." W. H. Bartlbtt. 

" A vifil mutt be kept Crom BunHt to break of diy." 


No. 188. " Georgt LtaU, Esq." Philip Bukne-Jonks. 

No. 18*. " Sunt 0/ W. fferringhani, Esq., M.D" Mrs. A. L, Swynkebtok. 


No, 183. "TAtfuUmeen." T. C. Farrkr. 


No. WL " A monastery garden." E. Blount Smith. 

No. 207. "Bfccad'Amo." Professor COST a. 

No. SOS,. " Thty tUef by day to ttrhie iy taghi." Professor Costa. 


No.21fi. " The triumph of iaul and David." T. M. RooKK. 

No. 218. *' Rrlrait ej Mr. Jahn Bunu." The Hon. John Collibr. 


No. 817. " The siHgers, Byzantim 


No. 240. " TepaslU'iifrah" EDGAR WlL 

No. 882. " Theshipherdi mea." R. Thorne Waite. 


No. 289. " On a itigkt tpnng morning." Edward Stott. 

No. M6. " Thi gardinersr Arthur Hut 




No.SflB. " MaHns in the g!m" Tom Kellv. 

No. 26a •' ThemilloB Sundaj:" Ne\ 

No, 8T4. "A Japanese home, Niiki." Theodore Woi 

■' Thi youihfnl pott." Th 


No. 800. " KmiVr." Miss Hilpa 

No. 318. " Ai a Fhriniine vieddlng feasl." Mrs. Stillmak. 


•' T/iegiaiiiuis B/ifrin£"—vatei-co]oal. JOKK FULLWOOD. 30X511 

" TItt Clyde a{ Liomngtoa." A. K. BROWN. 

No. 398. " A dinner farii 

" IVAen lie Grfy Day Closet." ARTHUR J. Ryle. 

No. 415. " I,mii Toktn." E. ROiCOK Mullins. 



No. StIB. "Dancing" — bronze. E. Omslow Fokd, A.R.A. 


[ 117 ft 119, REGENT 8T„ LONDON, W. 

L (Two Boors ttom the NEW GAIiIiSSBT.) 




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THE . 

New Gallery 



Illustrated Catalogue 




BUri'OK Of "tOi^lHiy notes,'' ASD OUreiNATOa.OF THE SY^TKU 

01" i.\r*L.i''Cirp-. iLuusrRfes. 

Published by Special Permission 



MAY 1891 

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A new Satin. In a variety 
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An excellent wearing 
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Dres^s and Tea-gowRs. 
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New Patterns Post Free^ 


Messrs. Liberty have taken very great 
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the latest example's of rich brocades in 
this new work. The Spitalfields Bro- 
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New this Season. Very 
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A beautiful raft light 
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Prices from M. per yard, 32 inches wide, to 7/6 plet yard, $0 in<?hes wide. - Many 
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To me«tike ever-increasir^ reqtiirements of,their business, Messrs. Liberty & Co. 
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Bed Rooms. 

Smoking Rooms 
and StUdioiSi. 

^ I 

LIBERTY & CO., Regeiit St, Lonaon,W. 

Under Revision,'] 




New Gallery 



Illustrated Catalogue 









No. 877. 


MAY 1891. 

THi dirt f r ^ ^ 

MM. •lOHil li JlWAHtti 

Mit u (Its* 

rroAi Jttgeat 8t.) 


No. IV. 18&1 

Notice to Artists. — For Regulations respecting the admission of 
works of art for the Summer Exhibitions, application should be made 
to the Secretary at the Gallery, 121 Regent Street, W. 

Sketches for the Illustrated Catalogue of the " New Gallery " 
(Summer Exhibition) should be sent to Mr. Henry Blackburn, at his 
residence, 123 Victoria Street, S.W., early in April in each year ; or to the 
" care of the Secretary of the New Gallery," at the time of sending in 

The Illustrated Catalogue is SOLD IN THE GALLERY ; at the 
Librairie de VArt^ 33 Avenue de TOpdra, Paris, and by all booksellers. 

*^ The copyright of all pictures sketched in this book is reserved 
by their respective owners. 

The ^^ Private View^^ was held on Wednesday^ April 29M, and the 
Exhibition opened to the public on Thursday, April ^othy for three months. 




Abraham, R. T., 112t p. 13. 

Adams, D., 166* p< x6. 

Adams, J. C, 180f p 17. 

Adam, J. D, 25t P. 8 ; I06t P« 12. 

Allan, R. W., lOSf p. xa. 

Alma-Tadbma, L., R.A., 96f P* 12; 131* 

p. X4. 

Alma-Tadbma, Mrs. L., 92i P> ix. 
Alma-Tadbma. Miss A., SOOt P Z9> 
Archer, E., Sdi p* 8 ; 58f P> 9* 

Bailwarh, Miss M. B., 207f P* so. 
Baker, Miss B., 223f P> ao. 
Ball, w., 284t p> ao: 884f p. 35- 
Barclay, £., 206f p. xg: 290, 296t p. 24 : 

890f p. 35. 
Bartlett, W. H., 74» p. xo ; 195* P- x8. 
Bates, D., 288f p. 34. 
Batten, J. D., 189f P* x \ 
Beadle, J. P., H^* p. ax. 
Bbavis, R., 196f P« x<f> 
Bbck, J. W., 2a0i p. ax ; 305f 810, P- 23. 
Bbnett, N., 319f P« 35* 

BiGLAND, P., 179f P> 17. 

Birch, Miss, 188f P> u* 

Bird, S., 28, p. 7 : 182, p. X7. 

Black, A. J., 165, p. 15. 

Bogle, L., 384, p* a6. 

Boughton, G. H., A.R.A., 30, P- 8 ; 133, 

p. 14. 
Britten, W. E. F., 8, p. 6 ; 100, p. xa. 
Brown, A. K., 36, p. 8. 
Buchanan, J. P., 268-280, p- 93. 
BuRNE- Jones, £., A.R.A., 34, p< 8 ; 63, 

p. xo ; 331, p* 35. 
BuRNE-JoNES, p., 7, p. 6 ; 143, 147, p. 15 > 

100, p. X7 ; 197, p. 29 ; 264, p. 2a. 

Cadogan, S. R., 137, p* X4. 

Calvert, E. S., 159, p- x6. 

Carlisle, The Esal of, 107, P- xa ; 264, p. 32. 

Carr, D.. 266, p. a2. 

Carter, W., 68, p* xo. 

Casella, Miss £., 342, p. 26. 

Casella, Miss N., 341* p. 26. 

Charles, J., 127, P< X4. 

Chelminski, Jan v., 267, p* 23. 

Childers, Miss M» 44, p. 9. 

Christie, J. £., 60, P* 10; 198, p. 19. 

Clay, Sir A., Bart., 240, p. at. 

Clifford, E., 262^ p. aa; 269, P« 23. 

Coleman, C. C, 66, p« xo ; 296, p> 94* 

Collier, Hon. J., 2, p. 5 ; 19, p. 7 ; 192, 

p. x8. 
Cook, G. E., 180, p. 17. 
Corbett, M. R., 79, P* XX ; 94, P> zx. 
CoRBETT, Mrs. M. R., 41, p. 8 : 209, P* ao. 
Costa, Prof. G., 40, p. 8; 122,* p. 14; 172, 

p. x6 ; 201, P* 19. 
Cotterell, w., 64, p. 9; 72, p* xo; 148, 

p. 15. 

Dalziel, Hi, 125, P' X4* 
Davis, V., 160, P* x5 ; 268, p. 23. 
Davison, Miss N., 273« P* 24: 316, p. 35. 
Db Morgan, Mrs. £., 246, p. az. 
Dillon, P., 248, P> aa. 
Dixon, H., 372, 873, p. 37. 
Donaldson, A. B., 271, P* 24 ; 313, p. 95. 
Donders, Mrs., 360, P^ a6. 
Donne, B. J. M., 136, p. 14. 
Donnelly, Major^Gcn., J. F. D., C.B., R.E., 
846, 346, p. 36. 

Drage, J. H., 276, p. 34. 
Dresslbr, C, 362, 364, p. 97. 
Drbsslbr, Miss A., 266, p. aa. 
Drury, a,, 366, p. •7. 

Earle, C, 291, p. 34. 

East, A., 140* P. 15- 

Edmonds, E. M., 286, p. 34; 306, p. 95. 

Elias, a., 187, V> X7. 

Ellis, A., 106, p. xa. 

Ellis, T.. 262, p. aa. 

EsTRiDGE, Rev. L., 272, p. 24 ; 307, 323i 

p. 9$. 

Fahey, E. H., 279, p. 94. 
Farrer, T. C, 66, p. 0: 141, p. 15. 
Fisher, M., 21, p. 7 ; 210, p. ao. 
Frampton, G. G., 368, p. 37. 
Freeman, Miss W., 13ft, p. X4. 
Fripp, T., 274, p. 34. 
Furse, C. W., 108, p. 19 : 202, p. 19. 
FuRSE, J. H. M,, 361, p.87. 

Glassby, R. El, 366, p. 37, 
Gleichen, Countess F.. 362, 363, p. 37. 

GOODALL, F., R.A., 238, p. 91. 

Goodall, T. F., 174, p. x6 ; 298, p.^a4. 

Goodwin, A., 116, p. X3, 

Gotch, T. C, 111, p. xa. 

Grace, J. E., 128, p. X4 ; 300, p. a . 

Graham, T., 169, p. x6. 

Granby, Marchioness of, 326, p. 35 ; 336, 

p 36. 
Grosvenor, Hon. Mrs. N., 387, 348, 348, 

p. 36. 

Hacker, A., 168, p. x S ; 260, p. a . 

Hague, A., 162* p. x6. 

Hale, E. M., 49, p. 9: 78, p. xx. 

Hall*, C. E., 57, p. 9 ; 70, p. xo ; 80, p. 11 ; 

161, p. X5 ; 160, p. x6. 
Hall^, Miss E., 868, 369, p. 37. 
Halswelle, K. (The late), 4, p. 5. 
Hardy, H., 266, P. aa 
Hardy, Miss N., 289, P> 24. 
Hartley, A., 61, p. 9- 
Hastib, Miss G. H., 322, P. 35. 
Hastings, Mrs. K. G., lit, p. X3 
Haves, E., 93, 95, p. xx ; 144, p. 15 ; 268, 


Haynes-Williams, J. W., 246, p. ax. 
Hayward, a, F. W., 101, p. xa. 
Hblck*, a., 239, p. 21. 
Hemy, C. N., 99, p. »2 ; 120, p. 14. 
Hbrkomer, H. G., 130, p. X4. 
Herkombr, Prof. H.. R.A., 167, p. x6. 
Hethbrington, I., 46, p. 9. 
HiNB, H., 292, p- 94. 
Hike, W. E-, 77, P. xo. 
Holmes, R. R., 2o3, p* 24. 
HowsB, F. D., 191, p. 17. 
Hughes, A., 118, p. X3. 
Hughes, E. R., 330, p. 95. 
Hughes, G., 220, p. 20. 
Hunter, C, A.R.A., 251, p. 22. 

Ireland, T., 83, p. 8. 

Jacomb-Hood, G. p., 188, r- X7 ; 194, p. 18. 

Jay, W. S.. 16, p. 6. 

Jenkins, Miss B., 227, p. 21. 

John, W. G., 371, p. 27. 

Jones, M. R., 18, p. 6; 69, p. 10. 

B 2 

KunraDT, C N., US, p. a 
KHKorFr, F., B8.P- * 
KmcHT, C P., all p- a ; 

laihuy, w. J., ase, p. 
,A«iJH, w..jMie,i. »s. 

.AWBOB. Mrt C, (^ p. 

W. B., A.R.A., 142, p 

lAKif, R.. leS, p. 16 : 330, aSS.^ >;■ 
>n,A.,ST. p. i>: 114, p. 13; H4.p.3>. 
)H, Mr*. A., S27, P- «s- 

u^'Mii^^Tm'p. 14: S08, 314. 
LS.ii.LTH, w., S8. p. 8 : 7!, p. ■<>. 
Lai(iHiiii,J. H.,2ei,p». 
Lucas, A., 81, P- ■■ i S70. P- ti- 
LucA., B., 3T8, p. 34- 

Macalluh, H., 102, P- 13. 

Macbhth, R. W., A.R.A., SOS. p. to: 2SB, 

Ucc"ackeh, Miss K., S63. P- ». 
UcLachi^n, T. H.,93S, P- 91- 
Maclabsh,W.,B3,P.ii; IBl, p. it- 
Marshall, H.,ai* p. sj. „„ 
Mai-shall, j. f.. lie, p. <4 : MO. p- 14. 
May, Misa 6. B., 212, p. >o : 9tl, p. >j. 
Mh),G.,67,P..o; nStP-'S- „ 
MiLLAii,SiiJ. E., Ban^R.A., 168, P-'S- 


Naptil, Mn. P., 132, p. 14 : 2S2. p. 14- 
Nmttlkhii-, J. T., itt p. IS- 
Nichols. Mfss C it., SlS. p. .J. 

Hoiit*,R..71.P. -o. 

OliFIELD, J. R., 10*. 109. p. ". 

0LTyiB,H.A.,»7,p.«. ,„ 

0»c«ABEeoN. W. Q., R.A., 50, p »; : 



o™«itLL,j. B.,a7«.p.i4. I 

FAi>GiTT,W.,BO,p. 11: 2S7,S41,p.ii. 

Pa«i«a«i, N., Is, p. 9; 277, p. "4. I 

Pahsohs, A., 199, p. 19; 217, o. M. I 

pABTON, E.. 1, p. s: m. p. -6. I 

FamscoBN, A. D., ISO, p. '5- 

Pmugini, C £., 6, p. 9- ' 

PuDGiNi, Mts. K, 171, p. 16; 3SB, 339, | 

PovnteVe. J.,B.*.. 11, p. 6:215.210, 

p. .6: lT6.p.i7._ 

RlCKATKK, O., 817. 
RiGBY, Miss H. M., i 
Rice, A. H., 14. p. 6 
RiLir. T., SOS, p. » 

RoLLRB, Mrs.M.H., Sll,p.i>;. 
R(»KK,T. M.,al.p.7:Bl,P■"■ 
BowK, E. A., m, H. a4- 
RVLAHD, H., 2K, p. >4. 

Rvi^ A. J., 17S, p. .!•; 214. p. «. 

Sabgbnt, J. J., 66. p. 9. " 

SHANNON. 'j/j..Tl,pr9: IWp- >?; 
SlcHlC E-, SH, P- '7- 

Sb.LL,J. H., IM.P.'S- 
SOHIRSET, R.G., S7<p. S. 
S^NCB.T. R.,2«>,P. «. 
Stbkast, Miu K., 801, p. >4- 


Stot-t, E 18,p.7; 82, p. »: MS, p. 
Stott, w!, 76, p. 10. 

Stuart. C, 168, p. i«. 

Si.AN,i.M.,2l8.p. =0. 

SWYNHBKTOB, J. W., 3(7, P- -7. 

SwVKNBirroB, Mrs. A. L., 27. p- 8; 

TOMSOH, A., 10, D- «; 2il.p. »o. 
TofHAii, F. W. W 18S p. .5. 

TowHsiND.A. D.,S.p.3. 

Vbbhkdi., C, 76, 0. 10. 
ViRHEII, Mii^ I., 88, p. II. 

Waitb, E. W., 88, p. .1 : 316, P 's- 

WA.TB, R. T.. iSj, p. ,j. 


Wabd. i. a'., tli, p. 9: 1«, p. t;. 
Wa-i kbhouse, J. W., A.R.A,, 188, P- ■ 

WATBKLf- " • -.R.A..ail,p.» 

Watts,! 9, p- 6; 288. p -i 





No. IS, "■ In the ghamng." ^'i/L Raphael Jonk. 

1, " November," Ernest pARtON. 

A moist grey day ; through the birch trees, on the edge of the 
river is seen a village {sketch, p. 30). 

2, "Miss Nina Welby" THE HoN. JOHN Collier. 

Dark hair, in white evening dress, the arms seen through thin 
gauze drapery {sketch, p. 29), 

8, " The Old Mill, Golant, CornwM',' A. D. TowNSEND. 

4, " Kings of the Forest" The late Keeley HaLSWELLE. 

A large oblong picture of old oaks on a sloping river bank ; two 
boys and a girl are lying on the grass beside a " felled monarch " ; 
the landscape opens out on the left under a broken sky. 

b, " Miss Helen Lindsay" C. E, PerUGINI, 

6, "Morning bright" Henry Moore, A.R,A. 

Blue Channel water under a bright sky, in which ^the masses of 
cloud are glowing in sunlight {sketch, p. 30). 


7, *' The village pond,'' Philip Burne-Jo:nes. 

A small work in water-colour ; the village pond lies between the 
spectator and quiet village of red-roofed houses ; over all a delicate 
toned sky. 

8, " Corinna the Theban " W. E. F. Britten. 

The Boeotian poetess reclines on a marble seat, reading from a 
scroll over which she leans ; - round her is a dim wood, the grey and 
green of which culminate in the draperies in which the figure is 
clad and those spread upon the seat {sketchy p. 31). 

The central picture on this wall is : — 

9, " The Nixies Foundling;' G. F. Watts, R. A. 

A young girl, blue eyed and auburn haired, stands toying with a 
necklet of red jewels ; the water in which she has her home among 
the nixies, forms an iridescent bgickground {sketch, p, 31). 

10, " The Last Stack," ARTHUR Tomson. 

11, « Knucklebones," EDWARD J. Poynter, R.A. 

Two young girls, nude, sitting at the edge of a marble bath, are 
playing with knucklebones. A third is sleeping on a bench on 
which are lilac draperies. Through the window over her head are 
seen the sea and some mountainous sea coast {sketch, p. 32). 

Above Mr. Watts' picture is : — 

12, " The lamp-cleaners;' H. S. TUKE. 

Two men seated, cleaning a ship's lamps, while a third leans 
upon a cask smoking. Behind, on the left, two more of the crew 
sit on the deck making sennit The colour is a contrast of green 
woodwork, the red *' port " light and the blue jacket of one of the 
cleaners {sketch, p. 32). 

18, "/« the gloaming;' M. Raphael Jones {sketch, p, 5). 

14, " By the Brook;* Arthur H. Rigg. 

Shadow and sunlight falling on a brook in a narrow glen. 

16, ''An April day," W. S. Jay. 

Primroses growing among the dead leaves under some beech 
trees on a hillside. A pale blue sky. 

16, '' Light showers— Channel," HENRY MoORE, A.RA. 

Light and shadow on the rough blue water of the Channel, three 
small craft in the distance. 

17, " Elaine;' J. M. Strudwick. 

" day by day 

Leaving her household and good Father, climb'd 
That eastern tower, and entering barr'd her door, 
Stript off the cafe and read the naked shield, 
Now guess'd a hidden XLeaning in his arms, 
Now made a pretty history to herself 
Of every dint a sword had beaten in it." 

The most elaborately painted picture in the gallery, in colours 
varying from the pale brown tints of the garment in which Elaine 
is arrayed, and the chest on which she sits, to the deep tcne in the 
richly carven oak walls. A contrast is found in the blueish shield 
and the scarf by which it is fastened to the species of fauld stool oa 
which it rests {sketch, p, 33). 


18, " Peaceful Evening',' Edward Stott. 
Evening landscape with cattle, in warm low tones. 
10, ''Miss Mabel Pollock;' The Hon. John Collier. 
Three-quarter length. In black walking dress and hat, standing 
against a light background. 


20, " Spring morning'— Venicey" MiSS HILDA MONTALBA. 
Comer of an old garden wall of red brick and marble at [the 

junction of two canals. Over the wall are some trees, and among 
them flowering almond. 

21, ''Tke village forge," Mark Fisher. 

An upright picture. At the side of a snow-covered road, along 
which runs a line of tall trees, a grey horse stands outside the 
smithy, while the farrier sets a shoe to-rights {sketchy p, 34). 

22, " Old love renewed'' J. R. Weguelin. 

Behind the dark-haired maiden, who stands looking back at her 
former lover, is the pale-blue sky and the warmer tinted sea, and 
in full contrast to them a branch of crimson rhododendron which 
grows out from behind the marble wall. The man who sits in the 
shadow of a cypress is clad in a pale purple cloak. In the 
middle distance the many-coloured town is seen in full sunlight. 
An illustration to Horace, Book iii. Ode ix. {sketchy p. 34). 

48 X 7«. 

No. 23. r The nobU Thames wUh all h.s goodly tra^^^^ \ SaMUEL BiRD. 

*iv. *»»•• 1^ —Spenser, ' The Faene Queen/ bk. iv., canto xu / •j^.^w*-*- *^i«.i^. 

This picture was painted on a barge in midstream at nearly 
high tide. A cross wind is blowing, which increases the general 
effect of the movement. It was commissioned by J. H. Tritton , 
Esq., the chairman of the General Steam Navigation Company. 

24, " North side of St. Jean-ati-MarcUy Troyes," T. M. Rooke 

(sketchy p. 36). 


26, "^ Scotch Bully' J. Denovan Adams. 

Standing in a moorland landscape under an evening sky. 

26, " Under the Willows,'' E. M. Wimperis. 

27, " Maurice, son of Edmund Powell, £j^.,"Mrs. A. L. Swyn- 


A fair-haired child with dark eyes ; dressed in bluish green 
velvet, and seated by a piano. 

28, ''A poacher," Edward Archer. 

29, " The Duchess of Rutland," A. Stuart Wortley. 

In black gown, with fan, wearing tiara of dianionds, and standing 
against a dark blue curtain. 

80, '' A frosty sunrise in the marshes^' G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. 
A peasant child ventures upon the ice, two other children stand 

looking on ; a village in the distance, under a light sky (sketch, /. 35). 

81, ^^ A tranquil evening at the end of October I' C. P. KNIGHT. 
A small landscape ; water in foreground. 

82, " The Banner;' MiSS F. Monkhouse. 

A maiden in dark-blue dress and crimson cap sitting at work, 
embroidering a white banner. 

88, " A Berkshire lock, September;' T. Ireland {sketch, p. 36). 

The central picture here is : — 

84, '' Sponsa de Libano',' E. BURNE-JONES, A.R.A. {sketch, p. IJ). 

* * Awake, North wind ; and come thou South ; blow upon my garden that the 
spices thereof may flow out." — Solomon's Song^ iv. i6. 

A large upright picture. The daughters of the Winds are 
descending into the garden at the call of the Bride who stands 
draped in blue, among tall lilies by a rivulet. Their garments 
whirl upwards in folds of green and yellow. Behind are forest- 
trees, from among which the shell strewn rivulet finds its way, 

86, ^^ Lamington Castle, Lanarkshire;' Ps^ K. BROWN {sketch,p, 36). 

86, *'Lorna Doone," William Wontner. 

Head and shoulders only. A dark-haired maiden with grey 
eyes in a low cut bodice with rourtd lace collar and puffed sleeves 
of pink and green. 

87, " A Mountain Birch," R. Gay Somerset. 

88, " Francis Tress Barry, Esq., M,P.;' W. LLEWELLYN. 
Seated by writing table. 

89, * Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness," D. MURRAY, AR. A 
Harvest field at evening. Over the centre of the field is a glow 

of red sunlight, and between two clumps of trees the landscape is 
seen to lose itself in mist and blue distance. In the sky, clear but for 
a bank of clouds on the horizon, the crescent moon rises {sk,,p, 38). 

40, " Some of my studio properties," PROFESSOR G. CosTA. 

A small picture of a studio corner. Young female model in 
white reclining. Flowers in her hand and in a vase at her side. 

41, " Charlotte, daughter of Douglas Finney, Esq,;' Mrs. M. RID- 
LEY Corbet. 

• 42, " Where cattle stray," Hugh Wilkinson {sketch, p. 39). 


48, " Camerinoy' N. Parisani. 

44, ''Portrait of the Artist',' MisS MiLLY Childers. 

In bright red painting blouse, standing, palette in hand. 

46, "i4 summer garden'' Ivystan Hetherington. 
Tall lilies and red roses on low bushes beside a box-edged path 
running under arches of climbing plants ; trees in the background. 

46, " A small aquarium'' John R. Reid. 

Children at riverside with nets and bottles. Behind them is a 
boat-house in a private garden. 
47, ^* Chrysanthemums'' W. Graham Robertson. 

48, ''Near Ewhurst'' Frank Walton. 

49, " Marriage by capture',' E. Matthew Hale. 

A barbarian on horseback gallops off with the coveted wife lying 
across the horse's withers in front. The foremost of the tatooed 
rivals is attacking with a javelin, others climb the slope behind. 
The sky is dark and cloudy, with a gleam of yellow light over the 
hills on the horizon. 

60, "Professor Nichol, M.A., LL.D.,"W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. 
Seated, against a red background. 

61, " In a Suffolk lane," Alfred Hartley (sketch, A 41). 

62, " The Right Hon. Lord Randolph Churchill, M,P.," EDWIN A. 
Ward {sketch, p. 39). 

Next is a very interesting small portrait — 

63, "Mademoiselle J, de Bauer," YEK^Klniy Khnopff. 
Standing against a screen of slatey blue, in dark blue driving 

coat with fur at throat and wrists {sketch, p. 40). 

64, " On the Surrey hills," Wellesley Cotterell. 

66, ** Lingering light',' T. C. Farrer. 

The evening rays strike horizontally on some birch trees which 
take vivid tints ; the foreground is of furze in shadow. 

66, " A portrait',' John J. Sargent. 

A young girl, with brown hair falling round her face, seated in 
white frock, fronting the spectator, before a screen of carved wood. 

67, " Bo'peep," Q E. Hall£. 

Clad in bright blue embroidered smock and hood, piping to the 
lambs which follow through the wood, about to cross a bridge over 
a small stream {sketch, p. 40). 

68, " A glade in Eastnor Park',' Edward Archer. 
89, " White Chrysanthemums',' Mrs. Cecil Lawson. 

60, " Sere and yellow',' E. Blount Smith. 

61, " Miss Clough — '■ Principal of Newnham College'' J. J. 


Seated in a large armchair, the tones of which are bluish and 
yellow, in a gown of grey silk {sketch, p, 41).^ 

62, "Autumn," ]. W. NORTH. 

A slope of brown bracken, descending into a misty glen. Late 
autumn, with old oak leaves in foreground under a pale sky. 


— - ■ ■ ■ , ■ I I I ■- - I. .i^— — 

In the centre of the west wall is — 

63, " Tke Star of Bethlehem^' E. BURNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

In this . large work, from which Messrs. Morris have executed 
some tapestry for Exeter College, Oxford, the Virgin sits enthroned 
on sheaves of straw beneath a thatched shelter built of wattles, 
round which briar roses grow, their pink blossoms and dark foliage 
contrasting with the blues and paler greens in the drapery of the 
Virgin and the robes and armour of the Kings. Joseph stands on 
the right behind . the Mother and Child, bowing before the bearers 
of gold and frankincense and myrrh. The Child turns towards His 
Mother, but looks round at the figures, the childish fear being 
overcome by the divine nature. In the centre of the picture stands 
the angel holding up the star. The background is of grey green 
woodland {sketchy p. 42). 

Above Mr. Burne-Jones's large picture, hang three small works 
as follows : — 

64, ''Harrowing'' Walter Osborne. 

. 65, ''Purple, white, and gold',' C. C. COLEMAN. 
A study oif flowers against a background of brocade, 

66, " When the tide is low," James E. Christie. 

Mud banks and water under the glow of an evening sky. 

67, ''Near Girgenti, Sicily I' Gaetano Meo. 

68, " Sir John Bailey, Bart,, M.P.," William Carter. 
Three-quarter length ; seated in shooting suit of dark green. 

69, " Wood-Cutters," M. Raphael Jones. 

Two woodcutters working at the edge of a wood on a hill slope. 
In the glen runs a tiny stream. 

70, " Cherries," C. E. Hall£. 

A child in white frock and cap seated on the grass by an old 
wall, with a bowl of cherries in her lap. A starling flies down to 
take one from her hand {sketch, /. 43). 

71, "Springtime," ROBERT NoBLE. 

A small landscape. In the foreground fruit trees in bloom. 

72, "Autumn's Farewell," Wellesley Cotterell. 

73, " Mrs, Reckitt" W. Llewellyn. 

Full length, standing against yellowish background, in a gown of 
light and dark green {sketch, p, 44). 

74, •' After the storm — Chelsea embankment" W. H. Bartlett. 
A distant, view of Albert Bridge. A lady with umbrella advances 

along the embankment. The clouds catch the rays of the setting sun. 

. 75, " The Eiger," William Stott (of Oldham). 

Snow-capped mountains by moonlight ; far down in the valley 
runs a river. 

76, "A bit of wood" Camille Vernede. 

77, "In a Surrey village," W. Egerton HiNE. 

A small water-colour. By the edge of a stream stand some old 
red-tiled houses. 


78, " On Pattenham Common, October^' E. Matthew Hale. 
Hilly landscape ; water in foreground ; clear bright sky. 

79, " The Pisan Mountains I' M. R. Corbet. 

The mountains are seen across a foreground of rough grasses 
and flowering plants. Pinkish clouds in a pale sky (sketch, p. 44). 

80, " Miss Helen Grant;' C. E. H ALL£. 

Three-quarter length in white. Seated in armchair, holding a 
feather fan. 

Sly "In the South Aisle — 5/. Jean-au-Marchi, Troyes^' T. M. 

In this church, in the year 1420, Henry V. was married to 
Catherine of France. 

82, " A frosty morning— -sunrise!' Edward Stott. 

A small flock of geese making their way over a field covered 
with hoar frost which takes a bluish tinge. This tone, intensified in 
a row of fruit trees, contrasts in a wonderful manner with an early 
morning sky tinted with pink and yellow. 

83, ''At the Fountain!' WALTER Maclaren. 

Mother embracing her child as they sit by a marble fountain, at 
the roadside, waiting for their vessels to fill. 

84, " The end of an autumn day!' W. St. Clair Simmons. 

A clump of trees grow red in the evening sun, and contrast with 
a bright blue sky. Over the slope of pale grasses in the fore- 
ground the full moon is rising. 

85, " y. A. Froude, Esq,!' H. Weigall. 
Half-length ; seated, wearing an out-door cape. 

86, ''A Welsh valley!' E. Blount Smith {sketch, p. 45). 

87, " The lost comrade!' Arthur Lemon. 

Two Gauls on horseback in the foreground have found their 
comrade's body. Their companions ride towards them up the 
sloping ground. In the middle distance is a gleam of sunshine, 
and the far-off hills are blue {sketch, p. 45). 

88, " Where the daffodils grow!' Edward W. Waite {sk., p. 46). 

89, " The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Madras!' MiSS Ida 

90, " Hurried clouds on the South Downs!' WiLLIAM PADGETT. 
On the green slope of the cliff top a shepherd lad warms his 

meal over a fire, overhead the sky is full of grey clouds which are 
rushing confusedly before a fresh breeze {sketch, p, 46). 

91, " In a Hampshire Garden!' Arthur Lucas. 

92, " Fireside Fancies',' Mrs. L. Alma-Tadema. 

A small picture in browns and greys. Two fair-haired children 
in light satin frocks by a fire burning in a large old-fashioned grate, 
with high overmantel on which are metal trays, etc. (sketch, p. 47). 

98, " Old Jetty— Padstow," Edwin Hayes. 

A small picture with shipping. 

94, "^ Study," M. R. Corbet. 

A rough foreground with water and distant mountains. 

95, '' Padstow harbour!' Edwin Hayes. 


The prominent picture on the north wall is : — 

96, " Love in idleness^' L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

An auburn haired maiden in grey draperies, crowned with a 
garland, sits by her companion, a dark-haired, green clad girl who 
rests extended on a white rug, with a green pillow under her head 
and arms. In her hair are yellow daffodils. Beyond the parapet 
of sculptured marble is the dark blue sea, under a pale and bright 
blue sky. On the horizon is a strip of sunlit cliff, and a circular 
fountain fills the foreground on the right {sketch, p, 48). 

97, *" Mrs. Joseph Shawl' Herbert A. Olivier. 

Seated in front of an ornamental screen of gold and bluish grey : 
wearing a grey silk flowered gown. On a table at the side are 
clove pinks which match with the embroidery on the gown. 

98, " Sir Jacob Preston, Bart,',' F. Markham Skipworth. 

99, " Trotit in the Eel Reeve," C. Napier Hemy. 

A fair-haired woman leaning out of a shed looks at the trout 
which are lying among the eels in a wooden construction under 
which the river is running. In the background is a landscape. 

100, " Fortune teller I' W. E. F. Britten. 

A young woman in green drapery bends over to examine 
the hand of a youth in purple cloak and feathered hat, who is 
seated in a wood. Above him hang pale blossoms. 

101, " Convolvuli," A. F. W. Hay WARD. 

102, '' Fishermen of Positano," Hamilton Macallum. 
Three boats full of fishermen on an opalescent sea ; the sky 

light and delicate in tone {sketch, p. 47). 

103, " On the Loire," Robert W. Allan. 

The broad tow-path with trees, cattle in the foreground, and the 
rivjer, under a heavily-clouded grey sky. 

104, *' Cockade Farm, far-spent day," J. Reffitt Oldfield. 
The red sun setting in a bank of purple haze. A white-walled 

farm shows over the slope of yellow cornfield. 

105, ''Just before sundown" J. Denovan Adams. 
A small Scottish landscape, with cattle. 

106, " St. Margaret" ARTHUR ELLIS. 

Head and shoulders only of the little saint, who holds a bunch 
of pink-tipped daisies to her breast Against the bright blue back- 
ground are a number of tall marguerites. 

107, " The fort at Bocco dArno" The Earl of Carlisle. 

An oblong landscape, with mountains in the distance. The fort 
is seen on the right across a stretch of broken ground. 

108, ''Mrs. Ernest Frere" CHARLES W. FuRSE 

In creamy satin, against a curtain of slate blue {sketch, p. 49). 

109, '' The waning day" J. Reffitt Oldfield. 

A small picture of meadow land in delicate grey tones. The 
iCrescent moon is in the sky. 

110, " Reeds and Rushes" MiSS E. STEWART WOOD. 

111, " Portrait of a lady I' T. C. GOTCH. 


F. BnBllB.K>NB3 






No. IIB. " Noith Cortrwall." Akthur Hughes. 

112, " Portrait of Alfred Lindsay, Esq.," R. T. Abraham. ' 

113, " Stealing onwards towards the sea," J. Whipple. 

A small river running between broken grassy banks (sk.,p. Jo). 

114, "Portrait of Mrs. Edgar Hume," ARTHUR LEMON. 
On a grey horse. At the horse's side is a bull-dog. 

116, ■' Tke favourite walk of Charles Dickens, Hampstead" 
Gaetano Meg. 

116, " October" Albert Goodwin. 

A saw-pit, surrounded by trees gorgeous in their changing 
leaves. A child in white hood advances towards the workman, 
carrying a basket. 

117, " Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh and his magicians" Mrs. 
Kate G. Hastings. 

The trial with the magicians at the point where the rods are 
turned into serpents. The court thronged with courtiers and slaves. 
Between the pillars on the left is seen the Nile (sketch, p. 50). 

118, "North Cornwall" Arthur Hughes. 

A tiny oblong picture, giving a bright glimpse of cliff top and 
dark violet sea {sketched above). 


119, " The bright hawthorn flowers J' J. FiTZ MARSHALL. 

120, " The dredgerman" C. Napier Hemy. 

Man in the bows of a small boat dredging with the aid of a 
windlass ; grey sea and sky. 

121, " On the breezy dawns near Lulworthl' C. P. Knight. 
Another small picture of cliff top and sea. 

122, "-4 tomb on the Via Latina at sunset,'' PROFESSOR CoSTA. 
A Roman landscape. Ruins in the middle distance, blue moun- 
tains beyond. 

123, ''A, Akers Douglas, Esq,, M,P,;' C. N. Kennedy., 
Three-quarter length. Standing. Left hand on hip. 

124, " Winter quarters,'' Edgar C. Wills {sketch, p. 51). 

126, " Wet harvest — evening'' Herbert Dalziel. 
A grey green picture with misty sky. 

126, " Midsummer^' CHARLES W. Wyllie. 

An idyll of bright sunlight, and blue sky and river, on a theme 
suggested by the Thames below Kew Bridge {sketch, p. 53). 

127, " Hide and seek',' James Charles. 

Two little girls hiding in an old barn, the boy in search of them 
looks in through an open door. 

128, ** Sweet September^' James E. Grack 

A landscape with two silver birches on the margin of a pond ; a 
light sky. 

129, " Justin McCarthy, Esq., M.P.," MiSS W. H. Thomson. 

180, '' Rear- Admiral Edward Seymour, CB." Herman G. 
Herkomer {sketch, p. 52). 

181, " Agness, daughter of H. S. Marks, Esq., R.A,," L. Alma- 
Tadema, R.A. 

» A small portrait. The lady stands by an open window, fan in 
hand, wearing a black gown with white flowers and a black hat. 

132, '*A son of the sea," Mrs. Paul Naftel. 

A small water-colour. A man sits on a rocky shore close to 
some boats ; behind him is the red cliff. 

133, " The winter of our discontent," G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. 

{sketch, p, 51). 

184, " Philip, son of C. Napier Hemy, Esq,," MiSS W. FREEMAN. 

Aet 8, sitting on a wooden bench in blue sailor suit by a model 
boat A three-quarter length portrait in water-colours. 

135, " The last gleam," B. J. M. DoNNE. 

A small water-colour. The last ray of the sun falling on a crag 
in a mountain top. 

186, ''A portrait sketch— f, M, Heathcote, Esq.," W. Q. Orchard- 
SON, R.A. The well-known tennis player in flannels. 

137, ''fune — Knowle Park',' S. R. Cadogan {sketch, /. 54). 

188, '* Esm^, son of Hon, Ivo Bligh" Miss Sarah Birch. 

A half-length portrait of a little fair-haired boy standing ; white 
coat with fur, and pale blue neckcloth. 


1S9, " Just before sundown*' A. D. PEPPERCORN. 
A hayfield painted in low tones. The sky is grey, and the 
middle distance takes a darker tint of green. 
140, ''Daphnis^' ALFRED East {sketch, p. 53). 
141, '' Morning'—late Autumn'' T. C. Farrer. 

142, " Miss Lewis," W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 
Seated with lilies in hand, in apple-green drapery. 

148, ''A Surrey garden," Philip Burne- Jones. 

A small water-colour. Girl in white gathering flowers. 

144, " Gods tone pier, Great Yarmouth" Edwin Hayes. 

146, " Flood" J. T. Nettleship. 

The flood illumined by the crimson sunset, which also gleams 
upon a lioness crouching on a crag of rock partly submerged. Her 
cub lies under the shelter of the mother's paws. Two vultures 
hover round her, and a monkey sits close to the lioness' side 
seeking shelter unnoticed ; on a tree, bending with the violence of 
the flood are a leopard and some snakes (sketch, p. 54). 

146, " Open fields," R. Thorne Waite. 

A group of haymakers going to work ; a man riding a horse 
through a stream. 

147, " The garden gate" PHILIP Burne-Jones. 

A child standing by a small garden gate in an old wall. 

148, *' A bit of Old England" Wellesley Cotterell. 

149, " Joyce, daughter of William Schooling, Esq" Edwin A. 


Fair-haired child, in grey plush frock, holding a bunch of 
daffodils {sketchy p, 54). 

150, " The Miller's Ferry" Val. Davis. 

A female figure, standing on the ferry steps. Two swans float 
near. In the distance is a village. 

151, " Mrs. Stewart " (of Murdostoun), C. E. HALLfi. 

In white gown, standing, book in hand, opening a piano. 

152, ** Harvest-time on the Conway river," J. BuxTON Knight 

{sketch, p, 55). 

153, " Circe, offering the cup to Ulysses" J. W. Waterhouse, 

Gauzy blue drapery. On the pavement at her feet violets are 
strewn. Behind her Ulysses advances, and his galleys are seen 
between the pillars {sketch, p. 55). 

164, " Hay-time',' J. HERBERT Snell. 

166, " Homeward at sundown" ARTHUR J. BLACK. 

The rosy sky contrasts with the purple-hued shadow in the valley, 
and the green of the grassy slope in the foreground {sketch, p. 18). 

156, " Portrait of a lady" SIR JOHN E. MiLLAlS, Bart., R.A. 

In red velvet dress, with which contrast emerald earrings and 
necklet. A brown background {sketch, p, 56). 


In the centre of the end wall is — 

167, " The setting sun'* Adrian Stokes. 

The purple tones of the sunset contrast with the broken greens in 
the foreground, the climax being reached in the' red sun and its 
reflection over th^ sea {sketchy p, 56). 

158, " Mrs. J, B, Brined ARTHUR HACKER. 

In brown velvet dress and black fur boa, seated against a dark 
background. Three-quarter length. 

159, " Ere shadows deepen,'* E. Sherwood Calvert. 

Two women binding faggots, the clouds touched with sunlight 

160, " R. M. Stewart, Esqr (of Murdostoun), C. E. HALLfi. 
Standing in riding dress with hunting cap under his arm. Nearly 

three-quarter length. 

161, " Cupid and Psyche^* Mrs. A. L. Swynnerton. 

Cupid with deep blue wings. Background of rosy mist and 
mountain {sketch, p, 57). 

162, " A tributary of the Conway^* ANDERSON Hague. 

163, '^Florence, wife of Major Gordon, g^rd Highlanders'^ 

Rudolf Lehman n. 

In a gown of gold -coloured silk with black lace {sketch, p. 57). 

164, " Garden front to Grocers' Hall, Princes Street, City, 1890." 

Frank W. W. Topham. 

The more interesting since this quaint corner is in danger of 
being pulled down {sketch,p, 57). 

165, '* ' Bright with the beauty of the silver moon* " CHARLES 
Stv ART {sketch, p, s^)' 

166, "A Gipsy encampment — Isle of Arran*' DOUGLAS Adams. 

167, " The Lady Helen Fergusson** Prof. H. Herkomer, R.A. 
In white gown with pink sash, standing on the lowest step of a 

flight leading into a garden. On her right are yellow roses, and 
the landscape shows the river and distant hills. 

168, " On the Bure, Norfolk^* Miss E. M. Osborne. 

169, " Crofters*,* T. Graham {sketch, p. 59). 

170, " The close of the day I* Ernest Parton. 

171, " Jeanne*,* Mrs. Kate Peruginl 

Brown hair, pale violet cap, and grey background {sketch p. 59). 

172, " First steps on the Pontine Marshes** PROFESSOR CoSTA. 
A woman with her basket held high above her head advancing 

into the marsh, behind her a glimpse of rough ground. 

173, " TIte Lady Algernon Gordon Lennox^* W. B. RICHMOND, 

In black satin, seated on a sofa. Background of a blue-green 
with grey pillars. On the sofa is a mantle of greenish velvet and 
fur. Three-quarter length. 

174, '* A Summer Day,** T. F. Goodall. 

175, " A lonely lock,** A. J. Ryle {sketch, p. 60). 


176, '^Amor omnia vincit^' W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. " 
Venus throwing off her draperies, stands at the edge .of a circular 

bath of green marble ; attendants in warm-toned gslrments of pink 
and orange, the kneeling figure in green, . Between the twisted 
trunks of three trees the blue sea is apparent ; some bushes spring 
into leaf at the presence of the Goddess {sketchy /, 6o), \ 

177, " The ferry;* DAVID MURRAY, A.R.A. . . 

Some cottages among the trees close to a riven Two boats 
moored to the grassy bank. 

. 178, "P3t>//;w," John R.Reid. 

Child in white, with straw hat, carrying a basket of ruddy apples; 

179, '\ The Right Hon. W. E, Gladstone, M.P,;* Percy Bigj^aUd. 
Seated at a baize-covered table, MS. in hand ; beside him is a 

bronze statuette on a bracket ; a half-length portrait. 

180, '* Lingering Leaves;* George E. Cook. 

181, " By the edge of the stream^ springtime;* WALTER Mac- 
laren {sketchy p. 61). 

182, ''A bit of Bonnie Scotland;* SAMUEL BiRD. 

A wild hillside strewn with boulders. A man on a grey horse 
is picking his way along the slope. 

183, " The Duchess of Portland;* J. J. Shannon. 

Seated in an armchair of old fashion, in white satin gown, with 
cherry-coloured ribbons from waist, and feather fan ; behind are a 
dark cloak and bluish tapestry. 

184, " Pasture by a sandy shore;* W, A. Smith. 

185, " Sunshine and shadow in the hayfield;* J. Clayton AdamSw 

186, " A sunny land;* George Wetherbee. 

The sunshine in which the young girl is driving home the 
cattle tinges the grass of the common with warm tones, and tints 
the clouids in the clear sky {sketch, p. 61). 

187, " Cattle in a landscape,** Alfred Elias, 
Cows on the sandy shore at the edge of a river. 

188, " A portrait;* G. P. J acomb-HoOD. 

A half-length portrait of a lady in green, seated against a green- 
ish background, the colour accentuated by a daffodil at her breast. 

189, " Demeter and Persephone*,* J. D. BATTEN. 

Demeter, clad in blue drapery, holds the hand of her daughter, 
who sits by her dressed in green and russet garments ; at their 
feet wild hyacinths find anemones are springing, from among the 
dead leaves With which the ground is 'strewn {sketch; p, 62). 

190, " Earth-rise from the moon;* Philip Burne-Jones. 

The moon as an extinct world obtaining evening light from the 
earth, which rising casts its light over crags and craters and upon 
the remains of a skeleton in the foreground {sketchy /. 6'^, 

191, ""Ave Maria;* F, D. HOWSE. 

Two women walking along a grassy path near a river, passing 
under the shade of some sombre trees growing in an enclosure. 



192, " Rudyard Kipling, Esq.," the Hon. John Collier. 

In white jacket. A background of greenisli grey {sketch, p. 64). 

198, " Hush I " Miss Flora M. Reid. 

A cottage interior. • A girl has left her task of preparing 
vegetables in order to rock to sleep a younger sister {sketch, p. 64), 

194, " The Duke of A rgyll, K. T.," G. P. Jacomb-Hood. 
Half-length. Standing against a dark red background. 

195, " Portrait of Henry Irving, Esq.," W. H. Bartlett. 

Mr. Irving in the old Beefsteak Club room at the Lyceum. 
Above him hangs a portrait of Edmund Kean, the only one 
extant (sketch, p. 63). 

196, " First snow — Argyllshire" R. Beavis {sketch, p. 65). 

No. 166. " fftmeward at SMndewa." A. J. Black. 



■ 227 

221 222^ 


218 217 
210 216 

no 211 




















216 2n 
948 249 

[iCEEB aso 




281288 28a 
286 285 254 


270 266 
289 287 9M 

This room contains about seventy pictures, mostly of small 
dimensions. There are among them works by Burne-Jones, 
Shannon, Swan, Parsons, Poynter, Macbeth, Goodall, and others, 
the post of honour being occupied by a large canvas from the hand 
of Mr. Watts. 

197, " Afternoon tea^' Philip Burne-Jones. 

Two ladies in white dresses, sitting on a lawn in a garden at 
Rottingdean, near Brighton, 

198, '' Brighton from Race Hill,'' J. E. CHRISTIE. 

199, " Somersetshire hills,' Alfred Parsons. 
Water-colour, Landscape in spring. 

200, " Returning light," MisS ANNA Alma-Tadema. 

A small upright picture of winter's dawn over snow-covered fields. 

201, " Winter evening — charcoal-burners on t/te heath,'' PROFESSOR 


A green sunset, barred with heavy purple clouds. In the fore- 
ground is a furze-thatched hut, with stumps of trees. A man is 
attending to the charcoal fires. 

202, " Flight," Charles W. Furse. 

A savage galloping with two grey horses over a sandy desert. 
A blood-red sun is setting behind scanty vegetation on the sky- 
line (sketch, p 6s). 

203, " Tlie margin willow veiled" Miss Donald Smith. 

204, '* Mrs. C C. Chambers," J. J. Shannon. 
Three-quarter length figure, seated, in dull-green dress. 

206, " The heel stone and slaughter stone" EDGAR Barclay. 

Two of the monoliths of Stonehenge. A flock of sheep grazes 
round the upright heel stone. No. 320 is another view of the 
same subject, treated in a different manner. 

C 2 


206, " The first lesson,'' Thomas Riley {sketch, p. 67). 

207, " Glen Art, county Wicklow*' MiSS Bailward. 

208, *'A daughter of Eve,'' R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 

209, *' Cicily, daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Parker'^ 
Mrs. M. Ridley Corbet. Child in blue and white frock {sk.,p. 66). 

210, " A Hampshire farm',' Mark Fisher. 

Herd of cows in an orchard near some farm-buildings. 

211, " The hay cart in the Down Country^' Arthur Tomson. 
Quiet evening effect. 

212, « A study of Iris',' MiSS G. B. May. 
218, ''Mrs. Ian Hamilton',' JOHN M. Swan. 

Delicate flesh tints against dark blue-and-green background. 

214, *.' Christchurch," ARTHUR Ryle. 

Grey tones predominate in this picture. A church among a group 
of trees is reflected into the water of the foreground {sketch, p, 6y). 

216, " The new barn, Sussex," E. J. POYNTER, R.A. 

A companion picture to No. 219, in water-colour. Breezy sky. 

216, ** Guernsey, from Sark," John Parker. 

Also a water-colour. Effect of vivid sunlight on rocky islands, 
strongly contrasted with the blue water of the Channel. 

In the centre of the east wall of this Gallery is — 

217, ''Poppies," Alfred Parsons. 

A study of red, white, and purple poppies {sketch, p, 69). 

218, " The homeless sea," Leslie Thomson. 

A large brown and grey picture. Sea and sky showing traces 
of a recent storm. A piece of wreckage prominent on the shore. 

219, " Playtime," E. J. POYNTER, R. A. 

A south-coast village among the Downs, interspersed with trees, 
and bathed in rich afternoon sunlight. A few schoolchildren are at 
play near a wall in front of a village, in the middle distance. 

220, " On the Upper Thames" Godfrey Hughes. 
View of a small three-arched bridge. 

221, " Gathering Wrack, Connemara," E. A. Waterlow, A.R.A. 

222, " Audaces fortuna juvat" MRS. M. Spartali Stillman. 

A mystical figure (half-length) representing Fortune balancing- 
two bronze statuettes. 

223, "Late Autumn" Miss Blanche Baker. 

224, " Weybume, Norfolk',' Wilfrid Ball. 

226," Vita Nuova" MRS. Marie Spartali Stillman. 

Evening scene. A winged figure of Love points out Monna 
Vanna and Monna Bice to Dante, as they approach, in earnest con- 
versation, down a stone-paved street 

226, " Sunshine and showers" E. M. WiMPERlS. 

Patches of sunlight on a wind-swept heath, A flock of sheep in 
the foreground. 


227, "Afrj. Charles W. Wyllie^' Miss Blanche Jenkins. 
Half-length figure, in white fur-lined cloak {sketchy /. 68). 

228, " The pet goat;' R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 

Another orchard scene. A girl is giving an apple to a goat on 
her right : at her left is a dog {sketchy p, 69). 

229, ''Fishermen's cottages^ Overstrand, Norfolk^' Lady Lindsay. 

230, " Woodmen's cottages at Oxshott, Surrey^' J. W. Beck. 
A small water colour. 

231, ''Irene; a portrait," Mrs. Marie Spartali Stillman. 

282, " The thrush^' T. Hope McLachlan. 

283, " Carry lance I eyes right ! " J. P. Beadle. 
A detachment of the 12th Lancers in the Row. 

284, "Modem Venice," Val C. Prinsep, A.R.A. 

A half-length study of a girl, with pale olive complexion and 
dark hair. 

235, " The narrow path!' JOHN R. Reid {sketch, p. 70). 

286, " Beatty Kingston, Esq.;' F. GOODALL, RA. 
Half-length portrait. 

237, " Winter afternoon : Isle of Wight;' William Padgett. 
A solitary Scotch fir is lit up by the crimson light of a sunset on 
a snow-covered hill-side. 

288, " The deluge: the forty-first day;' G. F. Watts, R.A. 
The rough waters under a golden glow. 

289, " The brook;' A. Helck£ {sketch p. 70). 

840, " Herr Joachim;' SiR Arthur Clay, Bart, {sketch, p. 72). 

241, " Bright autumn : near Hastings;' William Padgett. 
Brilliant blue sky and green slope, down which a girl descends, 

carrying a faggot. 

242, ^'Past and present: a study in Venice;' Val C. Prinsep, 

Two girls in a colonnade, and a monument with a heraldic device 
in an alcove. 

243, " Midsummer Day',' Frank Walton. 

A small picture, suggestive of the midday heat of hay-making 
time. The mawers rest near stack and loads of hay. 

244, " On the D^fwns the sun still lingers;' ARTHUR Lemon. 
A team of horses going home at evening {sketch, p. ji). 

245, ^' A favoured courtier," J. Haynes-Williams. 

In rich red plush suit of the Stuart period {sketch, p. 72). 

246, "The Bells of San Vito," Mrs. Evelyn de Morgan. 

^ a Bacchante came from the past into the present and revisited Bellosguardo, near 
Florence, in 1890, but was scared away by the clang of the church bells." 

Water-colour. The complexion of the Bacchante is deadly pale* 
Auburn hair and a reddish purple robe {sketch, p. 73). 


247, " Pink tulips*' W. Graham Robertson. 

248, ''The Sacred Pool, Karnac, Thebes^' Frank Dillon, 

The colossal buildings arc still illumined, as the moon rises, by 
the last glow of the sunset. 

249, '' The horse pond^' Edward Stott. 
Twilight effect {sketch, p, 73). 

260, ''Miss Ethel Wright,'' ARTHUR HACKER. • 

Pale grey-green dress, with pink sleeves and sash, against 
greenish tapestry {sketch, p, 74). 

261, " lona shore',' COLiN HuNTER, A.R.A. 
Rocks and surf, with a few gulls on the shore. 

252, "A Highland foreground'' Edward Clifford. 
Harebells and heath. 

268, " Welsh stream, near Glen Conway," J. B. KNIGHT {sk,,p. 75). 

; 264, " The edge of the pine forest^ Pisa," The Earl of Carlisle. 
Wild boars in marshy foreground : pale green sky. 

266, " Tarn O'Shanter," Heywood Hardy. 

Centre of west wall. A lightly-clad auburn-haired girl, cowled 
figures, and a fiend with bagpipes pursue the rider. A murky and 
uncanny atmosphere, full of storm and wind. 

266, " Evening," W. J. Laidlay. 

A rendering of a dull sunset, over sea. 

267, " The Piazzetta, Venice" Miss Clara Montalba. 

The base of the Campanile, with pigeons feeding. A golden-red 
light on St. Mark's {sketch p, 75). 

268, " Sere December',' Val Davis. 

ACQ / " -<4 little while and life shall smile, \ j p "DTTr'xTAATA'M 

^^^' \ And all the earth be decked with flowers:' f J' ^' -D u i^±iAJN aim . 

260, " The last bar," T. R. Spence. 

Dark purple mountains in background. A girl in red robe, with 
rapt expression playing the lyre ; her companion listens at her left, 
in a blue robe. They occupy a somewhat elevated position on a 
marble cornice, beneath which ivy creeps {sketch, p, 23). 

261, "A child s thank-offering" J. H. LORIMER {sketch, p. 76). 

262, " The Athenian Acropolis, from the Hill of the Nymphs''' 
Tristram Ellis. 

Pink light on Hymettus (Trelo Vouni), contrasted with pale 
yellow tone of the Acropolis, a man in the foreground wearing the 
fustinella or petticoat {sketch p, 76). 

263, "A Surrey cottage," MisS CATHARINE McCracken. 

264, " The Rev. R. H. Storey, DM.," Philip Burne-Jones. 

266, " The last rose of summer," Miss Ada Dressler. 

266, " The last of the catch," David Carr. 
Pink, buff, and grey tones (sketch, p. 77). 


%Vt,'^Advatu:ed Gtiard surprised^ ]hii V. Chelminski. 
Winter landscape ; group of horsemen. 

268, "Entrance to Padstow Harbour" — sand boats loadii^. 
Edwin Haves. 

269, "5(>5iirj," Edward Clifford. 

A knight in gilt armour, erect, and grasping a spear, 
■ 270, " On the Frome, Dorsetshire" Arthur Lucas. 

No. 260. " The Last Bar." T. R. iiPBHCE. 



. In this gallery are to be found the usual collection of small oil 
paintings, water colours, and pastels, besides some interesting pencil 
portraits of celebrities by Mr. Lehmann, and a few miniatures. 
There are also photographs by Hollyer, Cameron, and others. 

271, ''Precincts of St. Andreas, Hildesheiml' A. B. DONALDSON. 

272, ''On Lago Maggiore^* THE Rev. Loraine Estridge. 
278, M Summer's Day,'' Miss Nora Davison. 

274, " Wingfield Castle, Norfolk;' T. Fripp. ' 

276, " A Sussex ox-team^' J. HENRY Drage. 
The phenomenon known as " earth shine " is here very distinctly 
shown in the moon. 

276, " The wood, solemn and silent everywhere;^ J. B. Ottewell. 

277, " Capri;' N. Parisani. 

278, " Mountain solitude;' Bernard Lucas. 

279, " The farm;' Edward H. Fahey. 

280, " In a mossy bed;' J. FiTzM arshall. 

281, " Petrarch and Laura;' Mrs. Marie Spartali Stillman. 
A striking study of apple-blossoms {sketchy p. 79). 

282, "A Serk home;' Mrs. Paul Naftel. 
288, '^Snow showers over Eton," R. R. HOLMES. 

284, " On Car dross Moss, Scotland;' James Orrock. 

Cloud and mountain background, with peat gatherers in middle 

285, " Old buildings, Ledbury;' MiSS Emily LITTLE. 

286, " Dovedale," E. M. Edmonds. 

287, " A glimpse of the land of Beulah," J. W. WALKER. 

288, "A corner of tlu farmyard',' David Bates. 

289, " On the best of terms;' Miss Nina Hardy. 

A scene from the last century. An old man with a little child. 

290, " Vespasian's Camp, and road from A mesbury to Stone- 
henge;' EDGAR Barclay. 

291, " Winter morning in the Campagna, Rome',' Charles 

292, "Lincoln from the Witham, S,E. View," Harry HiNE. 

293, "Miss Julia Neilson," W. Graham Robertson {sk., p. 78). 

294, "An early September morning;' John Parker. 

295, " St. Lucia',' C. C. Coleman. 

296, " Amesbury Church',' Edgar Barclay. 

" Cleanliness is next to godliness." 

297, "An English home',' E. ARTHUR ROWE {sketch, /. 79). 

" Softer than sleep, all things in order stood." 

298, " A summer day',' T. F. GOODALL. 

299, " Columbina," Henry Ryland. 

300, " The sand-pit," James E. Grace. 

301, " Phyllis," Miss Katherine Stewart. 


802, ''Swanage bay,'' P. Moffat Lindner,. 
308, " The estuary at low water,'' C. P. KNIGHT. 
304, " Miss Grant Thorold," A. Stuart Wortley. 
806, « The miller's cottage'' J. W. Beck. 
806, ''Hawes bridge^' E. M. EDMONDS. 

307, " Night in a quiet square^' THE Rev. LORAINE ESTRIDGE. 

308, ''An old courtyard in Herefordshire',' MiSS Emily Little. 

809, " The duck pond," WILLS LANDER. 

810, ''Autumn woods',' J. W. Beck. 

811, "Possession is nine points of the law" Mrs. Nettie Huxley 
Roller. Two paroquets quarrelling over a banana. 

812, " Bubble of the brawling weir',' NEWTON Benett {sk,,p, 78). 
818, " Towers ofZutphen," A. B. DONALDSON. 

314, " Old houses in Herefordshire" MiSS EMILY LITTLE. 
Extremely vivid in colouring ; a pendant to No. 285. 

815, " A winter's afternoon^' E. W. Waite. 

816, "An old coaster',' Miss NORA Davison. 

317, " Near Kinsale, Co. Cork',' O. RiCKATSON. 

318, " Westgate Street, Norwich" MiSS C. M. NICHOLS. 

319, '* January 1891," HERBERT MARSHALL. 

A scene on the Thames at Westminster Bridge ; a steam-tug is 
pushing through ice-floes. 

320, " Stonehenge and Heel Stone" EDGAR BARCLAY. 
A view of the monolith, which lies near the great altar. 

321, *' View from Fawley, on the Solent',' Miss G. B. May. 

322, '* Lilac and guelder roses," Miss Grace H. Hastie. 

323, *' On Lago Maggiore: looking towards Pallanza," THE 

Rev. Loraine Estridge. 

324, " Clay-next'the-Sea," WiLFRiD Ball. 

325, " Frame of seven pencil drawings',' Rudolf Lehmann. 
Portraits of — i. Sir David Brewster; 2. Sir Richard Owen; 

3. Mrs. Humphry Ward ; 4. Lord Tennyson ; 5. Bret Harte ; 
6. H. M. Stanley ; 7. W. Story. 

These, as well as No. 333, have the autographs of the subjects 

326, "Miss Welby" The Marchioness of Granby. 
827, *' Mischief," Mrs. Arthur Lemon. 

328, " Mrs. Harry Taylor," E. J. POYNTER, R. A. 

329, "Mary, daughter of Luke lonides, Esq,," MiSS LiSA 

830, "Miss Dorothy Arden," E. R. Hughes. 

831, "Sketch for Star of Bethlehem," E. BuRNE-JONES, A.R.A. 

832, Lady Ribblesdale" Mrs. Graham Smith. 
A pastel drawing. 

833, "Frame of seven pencil drawings," RUDOLF Lehmann. 

Portraits of— i. Frederika Bremer; 2. Professor Knaus ; 3. Pro- 
fessor Ranke ; 4. Sir Theodore Martin; .5. Sir John Bowring; 
6. Sir M. S. Grant Duff; 7. Eckermann. 


334, " Constance.dattghUr of James H. Chaplin, Esq." LOCKHART 


336, " Among the hills" Tom Kelly. 

336, "The Lady Susan Keppel," The-Marchioness OF Granby. 

837, "Dorothy— a portrait," TiiE Hon. Mrs. Norman 

338, "Miss Effie Hare;" 339, "Little Beatrice;" 340,. "Miss 
Georgina Hogarth" Mrh.' Kate PeruGINL 

341, Coloured wax bas~relief, "Allegorical figures after au early 
Italian design," MiSS Nelia Casella. 

342, Coloured wax bas-relief. Miss Ella CaselLA. 

343, "Evolutionary assimilation," EDWARD T. Reed. 

A stQiy of Signer Piatti and his Cello. Drawing for Punch. 
This and the following are pencil sketches, 

344, "Manners of (lie Bar," Edward T, Reed, 

Patient and respectful attitude of counsel during the speeches of 
counsel on the other side. Drawing for Punch. 
846, "Farm-house, Surrey," Major-General Donelly, C.B. 

346, "Friday Street Pond, Surrey," Major-General DonELLY, 

Two etchings, 

347, " The Peopl/s Palace;' E. R. ROBSON. 

348, Case of miniatures; 1, ''Lady Ebury ;" % "Miss Mary 
Meade ; " 8, "Hon. Albertine Grosvenor" The Hon. Mrs. Norman 

349, Case of Miniatures — 1, "The Hon, Mrs. H. Forster ;" 
2, " The Countess of WharncHffe ; " 3, " Rosamund, Daughter of tlie 
Hon. A. H Grosvenor ;" 4, " The Earl of Carlisle" The Hon. 
Mrs. Norman Grosvenor. 

360, "Little Dorothy," Mrs. Donders. 

No. 364. " Ckamfiott yasey hull." C. Drissler. 


351, Bas-relief— boy's kead" J. H. M. FukSE. 

352, " M. H. Spielmann, Esq. — Portrait bust" Conrad Dress- 

363, "Portrait bust of a lady" GEORGE GlanfiELD FramptON. 
354, " We are seven" E. RoscoE Mullins. 

366, Francis Ford, Esq.-^Bronse bust" Alfred Drurv. 

356, "Bronze statuette — Sketch, the Dragon Ship," Ernest 

367, "A pastoral" J. W. SwynneRTON {skelck,p. 8o). 

368, "Portrait bust" MiSS HONORIA M. RiGBV. 

369, "Hypatia," A. J. Smith. 

360, "Portrait bust," Everard Stourton. 

361, "Asleep," E. RoscoE MuLLlNS. 

362, "Queen's Cup, iZgo, for Royal Yacht Squadron," The 
Countess Feodora Gleichen. 

363, "Cnyx and Silver Christening Cup," The CounteSS 
Feodora Gleichen. 

364, " Champion Jersey Bull," the property of James Blyth, Esq. 
Conrad Dressler {sketch, above). 

366, " The late Sir Edgar Boehm, Bart, R.A.," R. E. GlaSSBY. 

366, " The late Cardinal Newman," A. J. SMITH. 

867, " To know : to be : to do," E. RoscoE MuLLINS (sk.. p. So). 

Z6%,"The late Sir Henry Taylor;" medal. MiSS ELINOR 

369, " Master Gerald IVellesley ; " portrait medallion. Miss 
Elinor HALLfi. 

870, " Mrs. W. M. Conway," T, Stirling Lee. 

371, "Parting;" bronze group. W. G. John {sketch, p. 8o). 

372, "A grizzly bear;" bronze. Harry Dixon. 

873, "A lioness and cub ;" bronze. Harry Dixon {sk.,p. yy). 

874, " The Rev. G. G. Blomfield, M.A ; " medallion. HENRY A. 

Peg RAM. 

875, "B. If. Wright, Esq.," medallion. Henry A. PEGRAM. 

876, " Widowed" William Tyler. 

877, "Miss Florence Duncan" Miss FLORENCE NEWMAN. 




Alma-Tadema, L., R.A. . . . 4S 
Alma-Tadema (Mrs.) .... 47 

Bartlett, W. H 63 

Batten, J. D 62 

Beavis, Richard 65 

Benett, Newton 78 

Bird, S. ........ 7 

Black, Arthur J 18 

BouGHTON, G. H., A.R,A. . . 35, 51 
Britten, W. E. F. . . . 31 

Brown, A. K. . ..... . . i 36 

BuRNE-JoNES, E!, A.R.A. i . 37,42 
BuRNE-JoNEs, Philip 63 

Cadogan, S. R 54 

Carr, David . . . . . . . 77 

Clay, Sir Arthur 72 

Collier, Hon. John . . . 29, 64 

corbett, m. r 44 

CoRBETT, Mrs. R, M. . . . . 66 

Dixon, H., , 77 

Drbssler, C 27 

East, Alfred 53 

Ellis, Tristram 76 

Fisher, Mark, 34 

Furze, C. W. . 49, 65 

Graham, Tom . ..... . . . 59 

Hacker, A 74 

Hall£, C. E. , . . . . 40, 43 

Hartley, Alfred 41 

Hastings (Mrs.), K. G. ... 50 

Helcke, a. 70 

Herkomer, H. G 52 

Hughes, ARmiuR ..... 13 

Ireland, T 36 

Jay, W. S 33 

Jenkins (Miss), Blanche ... 68 

John, W. G 80 

Jones, M. R 5 

Khnopff, F 40 

Knight, J. W. Buxton . . 55, 75 

Lehmann, R 57 

Lemon, Arthur 45, 71 

Llewellyn, W 44 

Lorimer, J. H 76 


Macallum, Hamilton .... 47 

Macbeth, R. W., A.R.A. ... 69 

Maclaren, Walter 61 

MiLLAis, Sir John E., Bart., R.A. 56 

Montalba (Miss), Clara ... 75 

Moore, H 30 

Morgan (Mrs.), E. De .... 73 

MuLLiNs, £. Roscoe 80 

Murray, David, A.R.A. . . . 38 

Nettleship, J. T 54 

Padgett, W. ........ 46 

Parsons, Alfred 69 

Parton, Ernest 30 

Perugini (Mrs.), Kate. ... . 59 

PoYNTER, E. J., R.A 32 

Reid, (Miss), Flora 64 

Reid, John R 70 

Richmond, W. B., A.R.A. ... 60 

Riley, Thomas 67 

Robertson, W. G 78 

RooKE, T. M. 36 

Rowe, E. a 79 

Ryle, Arthur J. . . . . 60, 67 

Shannon, J. J 41 

Smith, E. Blount 45 

Spence, T. R 23 

Stillman (Mrs.), M. S. ... 79 

Stokbs, Adrian 56 

Stott, Edward 73 

Strudwick, J. M 33 

Stuart, Charles ..... 58 

Swynnerton, J. W 80 

SWYNNERTON (MRS.), A. L. . . 57 

ToPHAM, Frank W. W. • • . 57 

Tuke, H. S. 32 

Tyler, W 26 

Waite, Edward W 46 

Ward, Edwin A 39, 54 

Waterhouse, J. W., A.R.A. . . 55 

Watts, G. F., R.A 31 

Weguelin, J. R 34 

Wetherbee, G 61 

Whipple, J 50 

Wilkinson, Hugh . . . . .39 

Williams, J. H 72 

Wills, Edgar C 51 

Wyllie, C. W 53 


No. 2, "Miss Nina Wdlby." Hon. John Collier. 


No. I. " Novimber," Eknest Farton. 

Na 0. " Merning Mgkt." Hbhky Mookb, A.R.A. 


No. 9. " 7%e Nixies FeuitdUng." G. F. Watts, R.A. 



Ko. 11. " Kiiuckkbena," E. J. Poynter, E.A. 

No. 13. •• Ths lamp tltaners." H. S. TuKft ■ 


Na. 16. "An April Day." W. S. JaV. 


No. SI. "Hit VtUagt Fergi." Mark Fishbr. 

No. S3, "Old lime raiewtd." J. R. Weguelin. 
" Quid, si prisca redit Venns, 
Diductosqne jago c(^l aeneo !" 

IUustrati«H to Horace, Ode ix., Ba^ ia. 



Ha 84. " NsTtk nae oj Si. 

'^ ytaH-au-MarcM, V^irva." 

T. M. RooKE. 

3SX tS. 

" A Btrkskiri Ixh^Sfptrmbery 

T. Ireland. 

Na 88. " LamtKgUn Caitk, Lanarkshire." A. K. BrowN- 


Ko.34. '^ Spema de IJbam." E. BuaNE-JONBS, A.R.A. 



Mo. IS. " Where catilt stray." Hugh Wilkinson. 

Ko. 88 " IheXightHtn. Lord Sattddih CkurcMU, M.I." Edwin A. WA a. 




No. 8L " In a Suffolk lane." Alfred Haktiey. 

No.61. "MhtClmisi, Fniicifal «/ ^'ea;i/.am Collep." J.J. Shaknom. 







*' Cherries." C. E. Halle. 


Kr. 73. "Mrs. Reckitt." W. 1. 

Ko. Tfc " 7ht Piian Mountains." M. E. Corbett. 

tVEST ROOM.]' "A WOshvalky." E, Blount Smitif; 

•trade." ARTHUR LEMON, 


No. BS. " When Ihi dagodih grevi." Edwasd W. WaItB. 

N0.SO. "Hurridckvdi en iht South Dffwm." WillIam Padgett. 


Mrs. Alha-Tadeua. 

No. 102. " Fiihermai of FosilattQ." Hamilton Macalluu. 




so NE>y GALLERY NOTES, 1891. 


No^llS. " Stealittg oHWards Umaris thi tia." J. Whipple. 


No. 131. "Winlir qmrters." Edgar C. Wills. 

No. ISS. " Tkt vanttr of our ditconlmt." G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. 

E 2 


No. Ua " Rair-Admiral EOmani Seymour, C.B." Heruam G. Heiik0K£K. 



No. IM. "Flood." J. T. Nkttleship. 

No. 118. "Jb^m, daughter of 

HrUliam Schsalmg, £sg." 

Edwin A. Ward. 


No. 182. " Hamcst-Hme M tie Canuray ntar." J. W. BuXTON Knigkt. 

No. 168. "Cmeeff»initktcutii>V^tsa." J. W. WatkrhoCSE, A.R.A. 


). 186. " Prrtrmt fifa lady." Sia Jokn E. Mili^S, Babt., R.A. 



Cbauxs Stv akt. 


No. ITL ^'Jianne." MRS. Kate FBeuaiNi. 

No, lea "Crofters." Tom Graham. 

" tfrtiline/runt tit tudi tartk ihtir korIh itsrc" 


No. 176. " A Imity lock." Arthur J. Ryle, 

No. 176. " Amor omnia vincit." W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. 


No. 18L " ^ tht edge ej the stream—Sfrin^imc," Walter Maclakkn, 

No. 186, " A tunny land," Geokge Wetherbee, 


No, 189. " Dtmttir and Persephone." J. D. BaTTEH. 

•• The sorrows of thine heart are comforted i 
For once again [he king yields up bis prize. 
The blossom maiden of thy memories, 
Crown'd biidc of deatb, and queen amongst the dead. 
For whose returning feet the world is spread 
So thick with flowers, a welcome dear to eyes 
That long have looked upon the land thai lies 
Beyond the gate whose threshold all must tread. 

" O mother, mother, in whose wistful ear 
The secret things of that dark realm are told. 
Gulf of man's life, and gamer of thy gold j 
What tidings of the hope aad of the tear. 
What dream of bliss hath made the dawning year 
Ring with such mirth of voices manifold T " 

J. D. B. 




No. 192. "Rudyard ^fUng, Eiq." Hon. John Colubr. 

) 188. "Huth'." Miss Floka M. HziD. 


No. 196. " Tht first snmi—Argylahin 


No. 202. "Flight." Charles W. Furze. 


" Cea/y, daughter of thi Right Hon. Sir Ckarlis Parker." 
Mks. R. H. Cokbett. 


No. aoa. " Tht first Iisam." THO. RILey. ; 

No. 214. " Chnslchurck." Arthur Ryle. 


No. 827, "Mrs. C. W. Wyllie," Miss Blanche Jenkins. 


N0.21T. "Pefpia." Alfred Parsons. 

No. 288, " TJupagoaL" R. W. Macbeth. 


No.S3S, '^ The narrow path." John R. Reid. 

N0.2S9. "T&rirook." Arnold HElCKt 



" ffirr J^ckim." SiR Arthur Clay. ' 

A Javmrtd couriier.^' J. Havk»S Wii 


No. 846. " The MU sf San VOo." Mrs/Evblyn dk Moroam. 

NikSUt " Tin horse pond," EdwasD'Stott. 


No. SM. "Misi Ethd Wright." Arthur Hacker. 


"Wiltkttnam, tuar GUn Coirway." J. BuxTON KniGht. 

N0.36T. "Tht Pbrsutta, Venice." Clara Mont alba. 


No. see. '^ThelastofthtcaUk." David Carb 


NObSTS. •' lieneu aiui cui"—hioiize. Harry D ikon. 


No. 29s. " Mist yuHa NabDH." W. Graham Robertson. 

Nb. 313. ^' Bubble of the braalingweir.^^ NEWTON BENBTT. 

. ■■'\T-T • 

rr.M . • 

-,., -'Yi>j-^i J. r^ 




Na MT, " To ^mm, lo it, fa de." E. ROSCOE MOLLlNS. 


HE •!• O riental » W arehouse, 

117 (J 119, REGENT ST., LONDON, W. 

(Two Doors from the JNJbiW QAIiIiEBT.) 




Easte tn ♦ Hrt ♦ J^robuctions, 



'♦'^- Screens, Fans, Cabinets, 

fables, ^ Stands, Gongs, Trays, Curtains, 
>-|; Table Covers. 




,,»••••: . _ 



From Sixpence to zoo Guineas* 

-•^^»*^, - «^'»''»^* 










5 & 6 HAYMARKET, S.W. _': 

I — :> j 


Ho. y. One Shining 

New Gallery 


a' C0U.FI,BT1 

Illustrated Catalogue 




Published by Special Permission 

lonKon I 


MAY 1892 \ 

AB Righti rturvtd, y 



Woven in British Looms, exclusively Toi LiBEsry & Co. J'A duraUe xai graeefal 
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""" Z Kr^,w S/"*-™.""^* 

Price SI/- aoa SS/- pot pleoe ot 
ByaMn; as Inottai wide. 


A'™ PM,-^ P«l Fr,,. 

In a varletr of usw OoIdqib. 
For EffBotive DrapsiT. 



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puce 1/11 vei yam. 

il Inebaa wUe. 



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Price 2/8 to 0/9 par yaid. 

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Bbadea. Price a/ii per yatd ; 

Km PM^ni Pia ft™ 



Hew boloor Frlstea is Ez- 

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FMhtonable and Bcouomlo. 

paUrlc. Made entirely of ttt* 
a loose, rongb aurfiulo. 


Frlofl SS/e per Piece or aHont 7 


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Afljoirawy adaptea tat On- 

tie yard, « Inohei wMb. 

tnmes and Oloaks. Prioe 3/11 

trios V-por yard. 


Nm P^lams FsH Fra. 

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rocadu for Ti» Gowai, Dianei. | 

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s,6. LIBER 

TT llavE just intiod 

ite an eulr vlsil af infection. 

JDg COloi.. 

np, of which iheym 

S^mpU U„etM, o/w, ^ftfu Ma'trmii cil 


id=. ' ^^ 
fl If TiwH RifiriHca. 




PARIS, and 

' ' "■ ; ■. 

•1 C/n^er £emsi«ii.] 

New Gallery 



Illustrated Catalogue 






MAY 1892. 


THC aiFT 9f 


NOV. 1| 1I1I» 

^0/n fiegent St.) 


3Vo. V. lSOS< 

Notice to Artists. — For Regulations respecting the admission of 
works of art for the Summer Exhibitions, application should be made 
to the Secretary at the Gallery, 121 Regent Street, W. 

Sketches for the Illustrated Catalogue of the "New Gallery" 
(Summer Exhibition) should be sent to Mr. Henry Blackburn, at his 
residence, 123 Victoria Street, S.W., early in April in each year ; or to the 
" care of the Secretary of the New Gallery," at the time of sending in 

The Illustrated Catalogue is SOLD IN THE GALLERY ; at the 
Librairie de PArt, 33 Avenue de FOp^ra, Paris, and by all booksellers. 

*^* The copyright of all pictures sketched in this book is reserved 
by their respective owners. 

The ^^ Private Fteta** was held on Saturday^ April 2^rdj and the 
Exhibition opened to the public on Monday^ April 2^th, for three months. 


Adhrckohbie. UIis M. C, SW. p. «■ 
Ai.A»j,D.. 213,883, p. «. 


Alur,R.W..88S,P .31. 

Aima-Tamma, L.. "R-A., 16, 18, p. 6 ; 23, 

Alka-Tamha, Mrs., 181, p. i?. 
Alha-Tadska, Miss A., 190, p. iB I 438, 

. P- "■ . » 

AlUITAQK, A^ 2. E- J. 

Atkihs, Hiss C. J., 31Si p- 1>3- 
AuMouiKR, J., 260i p. "I. 
Bakiii, Miss 6.75?, p. T : 800, p. w. 

! lbs, p. 36. 



P->s: 1»8.: 

BouCHTOH, G. H., A.R.A., 


BiiovH, k. K. 

Burton, M. ] 

BUTLSE, Mist p. <il . 

CALKiTt\'aftV7;'i33, p. n- 

Calvbbt, E. S.,TI,p.>o. 
Camjiani, Madsnie i. S., B8, p. lo- 
Caiklli, C. H. R.. 83T, p. «J. 
Cablan. I, O., WjP. * 
Cablill, S. B., atS, p. SI. 
Case, D., IM, p- ii ; .218, p- ig. 
Casula, Miss £., US, p. n- 


Chahbbks Miss A. M., 84, P- 7- 

Ch.valibr, k M S80, p. .3; 
CHusTia, J. E., Bfc p. 9 : 213, p. 19. 
Clav, Sir A., BmI., 81, p- 10. 
Clelahd, W. H^ iSS, p. a6. 
Clippord, B., 38, p. j ; 108, p. 11. 
C01L1.R, kon.J.. ftr, 140, p. >* ; IM, t 
CoLTaH,W. R..^,p. i;. 
Costa, Praf. G.. i^, p. 6; T2, p. .0: i 

CoV-i-L, W.'.'s, p. s; 82, p. 7: i 
TiAii^n. w. B., R.A., 303. p. iB. 
Davis, Miss K., 118. p. la. 
Davisoh, Misi N., 843. p. 33. 
Dh Buas. Prof. E., iOS, p. s«. 
Dillon, f„ 181, p. 15. 

DOHALDSOH, A. B., ^, p. 33; 338, I 

Donald-Smith, Miss H., 40, P- 8. 

OONKIN, Miss A., 80H- n. 1.. 
DoHHELLV, Mai. -Get 
Draqe, Hiss M. F., : 
Dbissiis, C. 41fi, I 

Ehslie, a. E., 
Ehslib, Mra. A 
Fahby, E. H., 
Fisher, M., 28., 
FlSHIIR, S. M., li 


ig:304,p. « 

^p.3.. ! 


FoHBKS, S. A., A.R.A., ITO, p. 16. 
Foster, Hiss A. H., 329. P- "I- 
Fowl.;, R., 180, p: ij. ^ 

Fkakfton, G. G., 418, p. 3S ; 437i p. '7- 
Fkbkhan, Miss W., 14^ p. 13. 
FURSR,J.H. U.,484,p.a7. 

Gasdneb, w. b., 879. p- »4 ; 380, 388, »J 

Gavtoh. Miss a. M., 89, p. II. 

s of, 3SS, 386. SB7> 



Hague, A.. TO, p. 10. 

Hau, F., n, p. I. 
Hall, S. P., b4, p. g. 

HalU,,p 6rl 

211, p. 19. 
Hallward, R. F., 878, 
Hardy, H., 266, p. 30 
HARDY^iSS N lit, p. 
Harper, C, «!? p. 19. 
Habtlev. X.rSe. p. 30. 

aliV^ Mfsfif r = ^P ' : Mft 872. p. 

Haves, Hiss b,. C.., 123, p. t^- 

HAVNES-WlLLlAHi J. Jf, p. 5. 

Hayward. a. F. w:,J!I§, p. .<, ; 87B, p. 

R^.. 181,188. p. II 


B6. p. 31. 
p. ij. 

JA^i-li'cSD, '6. 'p., 62, p. 8 ; 188, p 

11 lia 117,4. 


,j a a u u HIT K g !g 


^— ** _ liDSUA 







' M h 



U.B 1 

No. 4. ".4 Little MmdicoHt." C. E. Hall£. 

The West Room contains prominent pictures and portraits by 
Mr. G. F. Watts, R,A., L. Alma-Tadema, R.A., and E. J. 
Poynter, R.A. 

First in order of the Catalogue is — 

1, " The fisher's home," W, J. Laidlay. 

Sunset barred by lowering grey clouds over a calm sea. 

2, "A study of roses " ; in blue china vase, A. Armitage. 

S, "A glimpse of the River Conway, N^rtH Wtdes " ; early 
autumn tints, Wellesley Cottrell, , 


4, " A little mendicantl' C. E. Hall£. 

Brown-eyed Italian girl in light dress, her arms leaning on a 
marble balustrade, holding pink anemones {sketchy p. 5). 
6, ''Arranfrom the Kyles of Bute',' C. P. Knight. 

6, " The voice of the turtle is heard in our land,' Alfred 
Parsons. Upright landscape. Flight of wood-pigeons over pool 
to leafless beech grove. Lent liltes flowering in foreground. 

7, ''Portrait of George Richmond^ Esq,, R.A.,'' W. E. MILLER. 
Half length, seated. Profile, with skull-cap. 

8, " Industry and idleness — sunshine and shadow^' A. J. Black. 

9, " Sunset, Brighton beach,'' Edwin Hayes. 

lOy'^'When the world was young'"', finished study for the 
picture in the Royal Academy, E. J. POYNTER, R.A. 

A small picture of two Greek maidens, in diaphanous draperies, 
tossing astragali over a pavement of pearly grey and purple mosaic 
in marble alcove, near a fountain with gold fish. A third reposes 
on couch. Pink oleander, peaches, grapes, touches of blue and 
coral, complete the harmony. 

11, ''In a stubble field, Surrey," Walter McLaren. 

12, "A quiet evening by the Musone, at A solo," EUGENE Benson. 
18, " White roses," E. J. POYNTER, R.A. Portrait half-length. 

Blonde, with pensive expression, in pale loosely-fitting spangled 
robe of classical design, holding bowl of roses. Leafy background, 
with white roses overhanging trellis- work {sketch, p. 29). 

14, " The landing-place" HOMERVILLE HAGUE. 

16, "A silent greeting," L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. 

Here is a small picture of colour. Roman officer in brown 
leather cuirass and cothurni, has just left a bouquet of deep pink 
roses in the lap of auburn-haired maiden, who is taking a siesta on 
a marble seat with pale green cushion near a doorway. She has 
dropped her shears and ball of yellow silk, but still holds her 
needle. On the shelf above her head are laid folds of shawls of 
many colours. An attendant holds back a curtain over the " salve " 
on the threshold. 

Next are two small landscapes — 

16, " The sheepfoldl' J. Thwaite Irving. 
Cumulus-cloud overhanging plain. 

17, "Where the Carrara Mountains stretch down to the sea',' 
Professor GIOVANNI CoSTA, 

18, "Paderewski," L. Alma-Tadema, RA. 

An oblong canvas in centre of east wall, showing head (full- 
face) and shoulders of the famous musician, with a mass of bright 
" honey-coloured " hair. Tapestry background {sketch, p. 2q). 


19, ''A mother^'' Miss Anna Nordgren. 

Woman in brown dress and grey-blue apron, carrying her child. 
Crescent moon showing over hill-side and stream. 

20, "/« the gloamingl' W. J. Laidlay {sketch, p. 30). ^ 

21, ''Allotment gardens, Canterbury I' Philip Norman. 

22, " Dreaming^' L. Alma-Tadem A, R. A. 

Small upright picture. Black-haired sun-burnt youth in white 
chiton, leaning in an attitude of reverie on marble balustrade, over- 
looking a tranquil deep blue sea. 

28, " Sunday morning in thefieldsl' EUGENE BENSON. 

24, ''Afloat,'' G. F. Watts, R.A. Cupid floating gaily on the sea 
amid glittering gold and emerald ripples. He steadies himself 
with outstretched arms and head bent forward. His quiver, with 
red, white and blue arrows, floats by his side {sketch p. 30). 

25, "WincheUea; mist rising^' A. S. May. 

26, " The harvest moonl' Philip Burne-Jones. 

Windmill and houses seen under a full moon and deep indigo sky. 

27, "A girl of Saracinesca,' Miss LiSA Stillman. 

A contadina in light dress ; half-length and downward look. 

28, " Colston harbour on the Yare,' Edwin Hayes. 

29, " Portrait of Ceorge E. Smith, Esq.,'' Lance Calkin. 
80, "In the autumn sunshine,". Ernest Parton. 

An upright landscape, with aged shepherd resting on fallen 
trunk under bare birch tree. Dark-blue sky over gold and purple 
woodland vista. 

The remaining small pictures on this wall are — 

31, "At the Head of Windermere," C. P. Knight. 

32, "A bit of North Wales, near Conway" \V- Cottrell. 

83, "Portrait of E. L. J. Ridsdale, Esq." Philip Burne-Jones. 
Three-quarter length, full-face, in velveteen coat {sketch, p. 31). 
34, " Daphne," Miss Alice M. Chambers. 
A little upright picture of a maiden penetrating with closed eyes 
through dense laurel thicket 

85, " The last of November," Miss Blanche Baker. 

36, " Silver morning," J. Clayton Adams. 
Sunshine playing on mountainous lake-side. 


37, " Swanage Bay," Moffat P. Lindner. 
Smacks becalmed off Dorsetshire cliffs. 

38, " The Countess Brownlow." Edward Clifford. 
Half-length profile, in white and gold brocade. 

39, " Gold and silver" W. Graham Robertson. 

White and yellow tulips in vase. 


40, " 7%^ uncertain glory of an April day^' Miss H. Donald- 

41, ''Mrs. George Garden Nicoll' Arthur Hacker. 
Life-size portrait in pale pink and grey evening dress. 

42, ''A lane scene',' R. Gay Somerset. 

Sheep and cattle passing under dark row of trees, near a stream. 

48, ''Dolores,'' F. Markham Skipworth. Head and bust of 
Spanish beauty, with half-opened eyes ; dark hair and black hat. 

44, "Poppies," W. Graham Robertson, 

45, ''Strayed," M. Raphael Jones. 

Lamb crouching behind gorse bushes on moorland hill-side ; 
smoke rising from burning heather {sketch, p. 31). 

46, "An Isle of Wight pastoral," James E. Grace. 

Sheep feeding in brown stubble. Blue stretch of sea and sky 
behind bold group of weather-worn trees. 

47, " Mid-summer" Mrs. Annie L. Swynnerton. 

Rustic girl in a field ; rich red hair, in reddish-brown print frock 
and dark shawl, with necklace of buttercups. An elder-tree in 
flower and strip of ripe dock-seed form accessories. 

^^,"The Venerable Archdeacon Wilson;" painted for Clifton 
College. W. B. Richmond, AR.A. 
Three-quarter length, seated, in black gown, life size. 

49, "Haymaking on the marshes" T. F. GOOD all. 

60, "Showers" PERCY Belgrave. 

In the centre of the south wall is Mr. Watts* portrait of Walter 
Crane ; ^bove it — 

61, " Twilight:' Fred Hall. 

Girl with hay-rake, driving cow and calves. Summer moon 
and gossamer in misty light (sketch, p. 32), 

62, " Ganymede" G. P. Jacomb-Hood. 

A small upright picture. A white-tailed eagle spreading its 
wings over young Ganymede reclining on a pinnacle of snow-clad 
mountain range. Luminous blue shadow and sunlight on snow, 
contrasted with yellow robe of the boy. 

68, "Portrait of Walter Crane, Esq.," G. F. WATTS, R. A. 

On the line in the centre of the south wall. Head and shoulders, 
in brown velveteen coat (sketch, /. 32). 

64, " The storm siren," J. M. SWAN. 

A nude figure with black hair, holding a cithara, and seated on 
dull-red prow of galley, swept by sea-foam. 

66, "Portrait of Mrs. Marsden Smedlq^" W. B. RICHMOND, 
A.R.A. Rhododendron and oak background. 


No. BS. "Patimtfea." J. L. PICKERING, 
"The norlh wind blusters over the wold. 
Low browed aod sullen wears the winter's day." , 

fiT, " CUoel' E. J. PoYNTER, R.A. 

" Dulces^docta modos el cithane sciens." 

Girl in silver robe, holding testudo in right hand, resting on ledge 
between marble pillars. 

58, "Autumn'' Miss E. Stewart WOOD {sketch, p. 33). 

69, '^The wreck" J. Elder Christie. 

Livid sunset over shores of estuary ; sea-birds hovering near the 

60, "Song-tkrusk nest" Frank W. W. TOPpAM. Girl holding 
nest and examining thrush's egg ; hilly background. 

61, "Room in the Palace of Fontainebleau in which Pope Pius VII. 
was imprisoned by Napoleon /.," J. Haynes- Williams. 

62, "Falls o/Lora, Loch Etive" A. K. BROWN. 

63, "Mrs. Humphrey Ward," A. E. Emslie. 
Full-face, writing, in dark-green tea-gown. 
Under it is — 

64, "The late Charles Stewart Parnell" SYDNEY P. Hall. 
Three-quarter face, with folded arms {sketch, p, 33). 

65, "The Circean Cape, from Terracina" O. Carlandi. 

66, "A war-cloud," C. E. Hall£. 

Goddess in Venetian red robe, standing on a cloud, holding 
sword and banner aloft. Behind is a maiden driving chariot 
Battle raging on sea and shore below. 

67, "The path by the wood," A. D. PEPPERCORN. 

68, "Portrait of James Cagney, Esq., M. D., M. R. C. P.," 
W. Graham Robertson. 

69, " Sweet Emma Moreland," SiR John Everett Millais, 
Bart, R.A. 

10 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

Three-quarter length. In blue blouse, blaCk skirt, and black hat 
trimmed with white; holding rush basket containing red roses. 
Leafy background. No reproduction of this picture. 

n^, ''Portrait of the Right Hon, W. E. Gladstone, M.P.y' H. 

71, "i4 riverside pastoral,'* E. Sherwood Calvert. 

72, **Autumn evening on the A Iban hills,' PROF. GIOVANNI CoSTA. 

73, " The march of the seasons^' C. E. H all£. 

Ver in white and mauve draperies, borne by Cupids on a car 
with green banner, scattering flowers, defiling with iEstas, Auc- 
tumnus, and Hiems, before seated figure of Time {sketch, p. 34). 

74, ''Her morning ride^' Miss Blanche Jenkins. 
Golden-haired child in olive green hat and dress ; holding 


75, " OldGyffin Mill," ANDERSON Hague. 

Child resting by mill-dam, watching ducks. Winter scene, with 
violent sky. 

76, " The late Mr. Archer Houblon,** Herbert A Olivier. 
Three-quarter length, seated, holding case of gems and seals. 

In the centre of this wall is — 

77, " Sic transit;* G. F. Watts, R. A. 

" What I spent, I had ! 
What I saved, I lost ! 
What I gave, I have ! " 

A shrouded corpse on a stone bier ; before it are scattered 
ermine cloak, lute, golden shield and chalice, gauntlet, sword, 
helmet, spear, palmer's shell, book, and chaplet. The legend - 
occurs in the old epitaph of Robin and Margaret in the churchyard 
of St George's, Doncaster (quoted by Addison in the Spectator, 
No. 177), {sketch, p. 34). 

W; { "''^'"^s;rKr^:^i«Tx. } fkrnand khnopff. 

Girl, in grey robe, deathly pale, steel-grey eyes, and dull red 
hair, rests her face on her hands, and gazes dreaniily over table 
covered with black rug. Three orange tiger lilies spring from the 
lower edge of the picture {sketch, p. 35). 

79, " The edge of the common',' Miss Annette Elias. 

80, " In opulent June',' Frank Walton. 
Haymaking near a group of elm trees {sketch, p, 35). 

81, " Colonel Kay," SiR Arthur Clay, Bart. 
Standing, in dark fur coat {sketch, p, 36). 

%2," He loves me, he loves me not" C. E. Perugini. 

A little maiden in dainty fawn-coloured robe and darker cloak 
with bluish-green trimmings; seated on bank and blowing dan- ' 
delion-seed. Forest background. 

88, ** Our little maid," Madame L. S. Canziani {sketch, p. 36). 


84, ''Autumn, Knole Park',' S. R. Cadogan {sketch, p. 37). 

Vi, ''Portrait of the late Joseph Geldart, Esq.]' MiSS E. M. 


Head and shoulders ; three-quarter face, seated. 
86, "/« an orchard — an early summer morning^' E. Stott (sk,p. 37). 
. 87, '' Portrait of Mrs. Worsley Tajylor"W.B.RlCRUOiiD,A.R.A. 
Three-quarter length, seated, in black dress. 

88, "Greensward and sea" J. W. Buxton Knight. 

89, ''Portrait of the Rev. S. H. Mott" MiSS ANNA M. Gayton. 
Half-length. Dark blue background. 

90, " Danael' John D. Batten. 

Danae, sheltering the infant Perseus, is seen afloat on a heavy sea 
in a brass-bound chest. A towering volume of blue seawater 
reflects the scarlet of her cloak. High horizon with distant islets 
of the iEgean. See the artist's translation of Simonides. 

91, " Gathering mists'' David M urra y, A.R. A. 
Dark band of forest fringing rough meadow land. 

92, "> The Lady Skelmersdale," J, J. Shannon. 
Three-quarter length, in pale evening dress, holding violin. 

98; " The Valley of the Medway— Evening,' I. Hetherington. 

94, "Myra, daughter of Mrs. A. W. Pinero," J. FORBES- 

95, " Silent weather,' ARTHUR Lucas. Water lilies on a pond. 

96, "Autumn mists," W. S. Jay {sketch, p, 38). 

97, "In the month of roses',' Miss Blanche Jenkins. 

Little girl with white hood and frock, holding bunch of eglan- 
tine {sketch, p. 38). 

98, "Birds of a feather flock together',' Edward W. Waite. 
Green landscape, with flocks of geese and rook {sketch, p. 39). 

99, "Miss Wordsworth, Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, 
Oxford^' J. J. Shannon. In a slate-coloured gown {sketch, p. 39). 

100, " The Red Sofa," Mouat Loudan. 

101, " Flood-wrack : the end of the night," J. T. Nettleship. 

Lioness holding her cub and picking her way over greenish- 
brown, dark-looking debris. Solitary . star shining over back- 
ground of heavy blue water {sketch, p. 40). 

102, "At the fountain — early morning, Carrara" Mrs. Annie I. 


Barefooted and red-skirted girl drawing water. 

103, "The garden at Lidford Hall," Edward Clifford. 

In the centre of the north wall is — 

104, "A revery," Albert Moore. 

Upright canvas. A dark-haired maiden seated in chair inlaid 
with ebony and mother-of-pearl. She wears a blue coif, pale 
orange tunic, and bistre chlamys. Orange and black mat. 


105, "In loving memory" ^PMSS, CHARLEa 

106, "Ploughing in early spring," EDWARD Stott. 

107, "The late Lady Thomas Hay," Herbert A. Olivier. 
Three-quarter length, in dark grey dress and lace cap. 

108, "Portrait of a baby," Miss Alice Grant. 

109, "Sigurd carries off the Princess of Ireland," E. MATTHEW 
Hale. Grey surf and inky sky {sketch, f. 40). 

110, " The sheep-walk, Walberswick," HENRY MoORE, A.R. A. 

111, " Valeria," F. Markham Skipworth. 

Head and bust of girl, with white robe, and gold ornaments. 

112, "At Hemingford AbbotU" Mrs. James E. Grace. 

118, "Portrait of Mrs. Biscombe Gardner" MiSS KATHLEEN 
Davis, Small head, three-quarter face. 
114, "A Troyes canal" T. M. RoOKE. 
116, "Poppies',' Miss Grace H. Hastie. 

116, " The mirrors of time—past, present, and future" A, Mac- 
GREGOR. Many-coloured mystical design, with three winged 
figures holding crystal spheres. A motley colour-scheme, greens, 
reds, browns and yellows, in brilliant golden light {sketch,p. 41). 

117, " Spring time," Arthur Lucas. 

118, "After the raid" E. Matthew Hale. 
Vikings with prisoners and booty on sea-shore. 

118, "An old farm on the Dorsetshire coast" Walter McLaren. 

120, "Portrait study," H. S. Tuke. 

Small three-quarter length, in rich green dress. 

liO, "A rainy day—Clovelly" Edward W. Waite. . 

122, " Spring blossoms" Miss Helen Thorneycroft. 

" Windsor." Newton Bbheit. 


U6 129 
127 128 



133 ^ 150 155 

131 134 137 138 141 142 145 1« 149 151 154 156 159 

132 185 136 139 140 143 144 147 148 152 153 157 156 




208 208 909 
206 207 

198 202 200 
196 201 


197 DOOR 





O. K. EBIC7 

196 190 192191190U818518318I 
194 193 189 187 186 184 182 






168 164 

166 165 

167 168 



179 177 176 175 172 

180 178 174 178 

128, ''A Study;' Miss E. C. Hayes. 

124, ^'To our Lady of the seas^' GEORGE Wetherbee {sk.,p. 42). 
126, '*At the ferry;' James Charles. 

Small Venetian subject. A girl in red and white costume 
shading her eyes with a bright red fan, about to enter gondola. 

126, " The mid'day sun, Venice;^ S. Melton Fisher. 

Upright picture. Girl resting on wheelbarrow under tall sun- 
flowers, in garden with lofty stone wall. At a little distance are 
women gathering pumpkins. Red cotton umbrella and green 
water jug. 

127, " The way across the marsh;' E. M. WiMPERis. 
Heavy clouds over flat tract of country. 

128, " Evening;' T. Hope McLachlan. 

Dim starlight (sketchy p. 42). Also companion picture " Morn- 
ing," which hangs as a pendant on the other side of No. 132. 

!" Whafs female beauty hut an air 1 

Through which the mincCs all gentle graces shine t** — I H, VAN RuiTH. 
Study of a girl's head. 

180, ''The Madonna of St. Giorgio in Alga, Venice;' Miss Hilda 


Moon rising over lagoon. The red brick of the chiesa stands out 
prominently against the deep blue sky. 

181, " Portrait of the artist;' Madame Mina Bredberg. 

Half-length, seated at easel, in loose grey painting costume, at 
an open window. 

132, '' Black-eyed Susan;' G. H. Boughton, A.R.A 
Dark grey jacket, and hat lined with pink. White muslin gown 
with knot of forget-me-nots at throat {sketch, /. 43), 

133, " Weaned," Lance Calkin. 

Child in long green skirt with sandy coloured kittens. 

134, " Portrait of Mrs. Maurice Beddington," W. B. RICHMOND, 
A.R.A. Half-length, seated, with folded hands. 

14 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

136, " Morning" T. HOPE McLachlan. 

Grey dawn, girl driving flock of geese {sketch, p. 42). 

136, " When winter's •wasteful spite was almost spent" J. W. 
North. Pearl-grey haze over wooded hills and tangled foreground. 

137, "Portrait of Mrs. W. H. Foster',' The HON. JOHN 
Collier, Three-quarter length, seated, in pink and grey 

188, " Cutkhert, son of the Rev. A. Foster^' G. P. JaCOMB-Hood. 

138, "Bedtime" Philip Burne-Jones. 

Lady and child, standing at window and watching moon. 
140, " Gretchen" The Hon. John Collier 

Nach GoMe diSngt, 

Am Golde haogt 

Doch allesl Acb, wiT Armen'.l— (?wMa 
Strong glow of yellow lamplight on auburn hair, and white 
gown ; richly carved cupboard behind ; metal>clasped white casket 
{sketch, p. \i). 

No. 111. " 7%t Moalai GraMgt.'* Home rville Hague. 

142, "Jonah," C. N. Kennedy. 

A flaming lantern attached to forestay of primitive vessel 
illuminates the group of sailors in the prow {sketch, p. 44). 
Under which hangs : — 

143, "Roman Campagna; Early Spring" Adrian Stokes. 
Green landscape, relieved by yellow sandstone rocks and 

brilliant white cloud (sketch, p. 45). 


144, " Tomboy I' Mrs. Kate Perugini. 

Child in dull red bodice and blue striped brown frock. Black 
stockings^ and pink ribbons in white sun-bonnet {sketchy p. 47). 
146, " The thatcher^' Miss Winifride Freeman. 

146, " Hopscotchl' Charles E. Lovell. 

Small upright picture of a little girl in grey, playing in a dark 
oak chamber, watched by dachshund. 

147, " Tha water carrier'' COLiN Hunter, A.R.A. (sketch, p. 47). 

148, " Moonrise o'er the marshes^' William Padgett. 

149, " The Lady Henry FitzGeraldl' PERCY Bigland. 
Three-quarter lengfth, in light bluish pink evening dress. Sprays 

of yellow mimosa on the table. 

150, " Low water'' Charles Thornle y. 

161, " Through the thistles^' Walter M aclaren {sketch, /. 46). 
152, " The house on the marshl' Miss Annette Elias. 

163, ''An old suburb',' C. W. Wyllie. 

Orange and white sails and blue hulls of barges in strong 
afternoon light {sketch, /. 46), 

164, " Portrait of Mrs. Giffard," The Hon. John Collier. 
Three-quarter length, in white satin evening dress. 

156, " Dewy eve," S. H. Baker. 
156, " A great responsibility," Miss Nina Hardy. 
Old man in eighteenth century costume, in charge of a baby girl. 
167, "O who will o'er the downs so free?" Philip Burne- 
JONES {sketch, p. 48). 

158, ''Autumn solitude," Arthur Ryle {sketch, p. 48). 

159, " Circe," David Carr. 

Chesnut-haired girl, with yellow apron and blue petticoat, 
watching pigs under an apple tree in blossom. 

160, " The glory of dying day," J. Denovan Adams, R.S.A. 
Large oblong landscape. Wealth of glowing colour and fierce 

contrast, trees on skyline glowing in the light of sunset. A drove 
of cattle and sheep entering deep shadow on foreground. Dark 
blue water and mountains to the right. 

161, "Garden of the Imperial Palace, Kioto, Japan" Frank 

A small elaborately-painted study of a Japanese garden, with 
brilliant azaleas in bloom reflected in still water, spanned by a light 
bridge on which stand two or three figures. 

162, "Portrait of Miss Phillips;' G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. 
Profile and shoulders. Pink gown, and purple feather fan. 

- 168, "Meadow Sweet," J. W. Buxton Knight. 

" By summer's ripening breath.'' {sketch, p* So). 

i6 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

164, " In rose time, Gravelye** Herbert A. Olivier. 
Gentleman, in grey suit, holding cluster of yellow roses. 

At the head of the room are — 

165, " Che sara sara,' W. E. F. Britten. 
Girl in white draped with blue. 

166, ''An Alsacian Jlower-stall,'' Robert W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 
Flower-girl in* dark bodice of neutral tint, bending over a 

collection of many-coloured flowers ; background of mat-work 
and tarnished gold colour. Blue woodwork [sketch, p. 50). 

167, " The night ferry,'' Ernest Parton {sketchy p. 51). 

168, ^'Francis Reckitt, Esq.,'* W. Llewellyn. 
Three-quarter length, in fur coat. 

169, " Homewards," James P. Beadle. 

**The night comes calmly forth 
Brioging sweet rest upon the wings of even." 

Girl in lilac dress, with dun-and-white cow, dark-green hedge, 
and sunset of subdued red {sketchy p. 51). 

170, " When the boats are idle in the bay," STANHOPE A. FORBES, 

Fisherman in blue suit and red tie, netting. Girl in white, 
mauve-grey sky ; fresh morning light {sketch, p. 52). 

' 171, ''From the Garden of Astley House" I. Hetherington. 

172, " Scouts" Arthur Lemon. 

Two Gaulish horsemen peering over boulders. 

. 173. { "'/^.IjUj^ZTa^Zl,., \ WILLIAM WONTNER. 

Brown-haired girl in pale sulphur-coloured dress, against green 
marble. Bowl of roses — pink, red, yellow and white, on inlaid 
table {sketch, p. 52). 

174, " Cader Idris, North Wales" George Chester. 

175, "A Hampshire Haying, 1891," David Murray, A.R.A. 
Storm clearing off at sunset, lurid clouds, and lightning playing 

over steel-blue water {sketch, p. 53). 

176, " Edie," a portrait, Mrs. E. Normand. 

Bronze and peacock blue against deep violet Yellow flower 
fastened with jewelled clasp {sketch, p, 54). 

177, '"Gleaners," Edward Stott. 

178, "Mrs. Chapman," J, J. Shannon. 

Three-quarter length, seated, in black satin evening dress, 
holding yellow roses ; background of brown woodwork, relieved by 
blue bowl and red cushion. 


179, ''Hay-thne in the Tyroll' Adrian Stokes (sketchy p. 54). 

180, " Spirit of the morning',' ROBERT FowLER. 

Eos encircled by sea-gulls ascending from the many-rippled sea. 
A pale pink scarf floats lightly round her {sketch, p. 55). 

181, " Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart,*' past-President of the 
Royal Society — presentation portrait ; PROFESSOR H. Her- 
KOMER, R.A. Three-quarter length, seated, in black gown. 

182, " The Nether Pool— a nibble;' Edward H. Fahey. 
In centre of this wall is — 

188, ''The Cornish sea," C. Napier Hemy {sketch, p, 55). 

184, *^ Mark, son of Julian and M, M. Sturgis," Julian 


In sage-green suit and red vest, standing on panther skin. 

186, " The Rev. fohn E. B, Mayor ; " Professor of Latin in th3 
University of Cambridge — presentation portrait ; PROFESSOR H. 
Herkomer, R.A. 

Forms a pendant to No. 181. Three-quarter length, full face. 

186, "^ pool in the dell," T. Ireland {sketch, p, 56). 

187, " Mater triumphalis" Mrs. Annie L. Swynnerton. 

Nude figure in upright posture, with arms thrown over head. 
Yellowish flesh tints forced by ultramarine background. 

188, ''An east wind" G. H. Boughton, A.R.A. 

A small picture of two girls, one in black, the other in shades of 
fawn, pink, and red, in a snowy landscape. 

189, M study of white" C. W. Mitchell. 

A child with blue eyes and brown hair forms the decided colour 
amongst white surroundings. 

190, " Jean, Jeanne, et Jeamiette" Mrs. Stanhope Forbes. 

Angler, girl and goat, in an atmosphere of repose. A scheme of 
grey and green, relieved by boy*s blue suit, and yellow and pink 
flowers in the barrow {sketch, p, 58). 

191, " The wool-winders" Mrs. Alma-Tadema. 

Two young girls in white, in a white panelled room. Skeins of 
dull blue wool, and plain plum-coloured arm chair. 

192, '' Searching for octopus, in the Bay of Amalfi," Hamilton 


Sky suffused with pale golden light reflected on the blue of a 
rippling sea. Similar in treatment to the artist's '' Fisliermen of 
Positano" in last year's exhibition {sketch, p, 57). 

193, '' Low tide, Boulogne-sur-Mer" ARNOLD HELCKfi {sk,p, 58). 

194, ''Mrs. Entile Merton" W. Llewellyn. 
Three-quarter length, profile, in red cloak lined with grey fur, 

and blue, green and white costume {sketch, p, 59). 
196, ^' Evening glow, Sussex" William Padgett. 
196, "Primrose Day" FRANK W. W. Topham {sketch, p, 59). 




Wt,"Theevmtngc0*nes,th£day is still" St. Clair Simmons. 

198, "Lady Wrigkt," Percy Bigland. 

199, "Air I air I blue air and white !"^\SS ALMA Tadema. 

200, "The young doctor" Miss Flora Reid {sketch,p. 60). 

201, "The keeper's cottage" Frank Walton. 
208, 'M northern share" KENNETH MACKENZIE. 

203, '^Approaching ni^ht—Camp de Char — Pas de Calais" H. W 
B. Davis, R.A. 

Brown landscape, and dappled grey sky {sketch, p. 62). 
Above is one of the largest pictures in the exhibition — 

204, "In a bull-ring, Andalusia," G. Denholm Armour, 
Black bull attacking scarlet picador, who baffles hinr with a 

maroon -coloured cloak; bright green doors into arena {sk.,p. 61). 
206, "Jessie," Edward R. Taylor. 

206, "Early spring," Camille Vernede {sketch,p. 60). 

207, "Dawn in the country of St. Francis," Professor] GIOVANNI 

Cost A. 

208, " Caff^ Ckioggia, Venice," James CHARLES. 

209, "Portrait of Gervais Ker, Esq," William ' LOGSDAIL, 

210, "Sea Urchins" Arthur Meade (ji^/c/*,/. 62). 

Sn 293 296 
292 294 296 

289 288 887 

285 286 



282 279 277 


280274 275 



•i DOOR I- 







"D, OikBB 









268 267 







228 227 225 



235 234 233 

236 237 
240 239 238 
246 245^4 
253252 291 


248 250 


211, "A portrait;' C. E. HALLfi. 

212, " Rembrsel' Leslie Thomson. Nude female figure^'.pros- 
trate by a pool. Lurid sunset behind gloomy precipice (.y>6., /. 63). ) 

%\Z,''Lov^s golden dreamt' J. E. CHRISTIE, 

214, ''A souvenir of Kingsley',' Gaetano Meo. 

215, ''The village green',' E. J. POYNTER, R.A. 
Water-colour sketch of homestead and church. 

216, ''In English waters^' TRISTRAM ELLIS. 

217, " Up with the sun,'' R. Thorne Waite. 

218, " The evil eye,*' David C arr. 

A harmony in salmon colour and grey {sketchy p. 63). 

219, "Mallows,'' A. F. W. Hayward. 

220, "From Tempio della Concordia, Girgenti," Gaetano Meo. 
Sicilian sky seen through peristyle of temple. 

221, "Emanuel Hospital, Westminster," now threatened with 
destruction, Philip Norman. Water-colour. 

222, " In Mediterranean waters," Tristram Ellis. 

223, "The Delphic Oracle, in the time of Adrian," C. Harper. 
Gorgeous display of colour and detail. Apollo and Athene 

Nikephoros are of gold, the Pythia is clad in white, the Delphic 
nobles in various shades of red {sketch, p. 64). 

22^, "Portrait of Michael Davitt," TAl^S S. H. Purser. 

Half length, seated, full face. 

225, " Spring-time," J. Whipple {sketch, p. 66). 

226i " A winding waterway," ARTHUR RVLE {sketch, p. 64). 

227, " St. Luke writing his Gospel at the dictation of the Virgin 
Mary," CLEMENT O. Skilbeck. The Virgin in crimson robe and 
dark blue hood ; Saint Luke in a dark grey cloak {sketch, p. 65), 

228, " Jack at home," James Charles. 

229, '< Henry Irving, Esq.,". Edwin A. Ward. 
Small three-quarter length, seated, with fox terrier. 

230, "A bark— a sea— a wind" Henry Moore, A.R.A. 

C 2 

20 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

• 281, ''A Venetian ferry I' Miss Clara Montalba. 

Calm dark green lagoon shading off to golden horizon. Black 
gondola in foreground {sketchy p. 65). 

232, " Ruins of Solunto, Sicily^ Samuel Bird. 

233, " The farm on the hilli' PHILIP BURNE-JONES. 

234, " Cloister lilies'' Mrs. Stillman. 
236, « After rain',' E. J. Poynter, R. A. 
Small water colour landscape. 

236, " The moon-lit vale'' Alfred Hartley {sketch, p. 66). 

237, ''Molly Dalrymple;' Henry S. Tuke. 

238, " Rosa Mystical' T. R. Spence. Madonna in purple vesture, 
with her feet on orange carpet {sketch, p. 6y). 

In centre of east wall is : — 

289, " Portrait of Paderewski," Princess Louise, Marchioness 


Similar in treatment to No. 18. 

240, *' Sunrise and moonset on the shore of the Tyrrhenian Seal* 
Professor Giovanni Costa. 

241, " The rich strand^' ALBERT GOODWIN. 

Cymoent and her sisters seeking the wounded Marinell. Oranges 
and lemons strewed on shore amid wreckage. In the distance are 
black rocks and angry clouds. 

242, " George and Mervyn, sons of Major Edwin Del SandySy^ 
H. Harris Brown {sketch, p. 68). 

248, '' Every green path has its fay," M. R. Hill Burton. 

^44, ''The mill at rest, Sussex," Gaetano Meo. 

246, " Portrait of Stanley Baldwin, Esq,," PHILIP BURNE-JONES. 

246, " The edge of the woody Bryn Gwylan, near Conway^* 

Wellesley Cottrell. 

247, "A legend of Fra Currado d' Offida," Mrs. Stillman. 

248, " The Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P,;' Edwin A. Ward. 

249, " Children of the mist" T. Graham. 

Highland peat gatherers sheltering behind a bothie {sk.,p. 69). 

260, "In a birch wood'' A. J. Lewis. 

261, "A potato field— Autumn" JoilN HENDERSON. 

252, " The crabbers' Cove" John R. ^^ijy {sketch, p. 69). 

253, " Evening near St, Gatien, Calvados," W. J. Hennessy. 

254, " The Castaway" G. P. Jacomb-Hood. 
Mermaids piloting a boat on an oily sea {sketch, p, 70). 

265, "Portrait of Sir Frederick Millbank, Bart,',' HeywoOD 
Hardy. At a grouse-shooting battery {sketch, p, 70). 

266, " The book of love',' Charles M. Gere {sketch, /. 71). 

267, " Flood time" WiLLlAM PADGETT. 

268, " Mrs, George Hitchcock',' J. J. SHANNON. 


269, ''When the tide is down,'' Edgar C Wills {sketch, p. 71). 

260, ''Belluno, Venetial' J. AUMONIER. 

261, ''Lynn Ferry — sketch for larger picture,' R. W. Macbeth, 

262, "At milking time," David Murray, A.R.A. 

263, "In the shadow of the Campanile, St. Marks, Venice^' 
William Logsdail. Delicately painted study of girl and child 
feeding pigeons at the base of great standard on the piazza. 

264, " * When twilight melts beneath the moon away! " Mark 
Fisher {sketch, p. 72). 

266, "Mrs. Donald Graham',' J. J. Shannon. 

266, "Breakers',' W. Ayerst Ingram (sketch, p. 72). 

267, V'^'^rdnulodie^ are sweet; h,t those unheard) j j^ WEGUELIN. 

1 ^*re svfee»er. i 

An Anacreontic. Girl listening to sculptured Pan {sk., p, 73). 

268, "Within sound of the sea',' ARTHUR TOMSON {sketch, p. 73). 

269, ** The tangled skein," Mrs. J. M. SWAN. 

270, " Crossing the ford," Mark Fisher. 

271, '* 'Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe,' " J. Reffitt- 


272, " Cub-hunting with the West Somerset," ROBERT W. 
Macbeth, A.R.A. Huntsmen sheltering under tree. Double 
rainbow seen over far-stretching plain. 

Above is — 

273, "Harlech Sands," DOUGLAS Adams. 

274, "Mrs. Nathaniel Montefiore" C. E. Peruginl 
276, " When the kye come hame," JOHN PARKER. 

276, "/. W. B, Howsley, Esq.," Edwin A. Ward. 
Small canvas ; shooting costume. 

277, "Seed-time, Cornwall," JOHN R. Reid. 

278, "Portrait of Edward fohn Stanley, son of the Hon, E. 
Lyulph Stanley" S. B. Carlill. Boy in cricketing dress. 

279, " Dawn',' Alfred East {sketch, p. 75). 

280, " The bridge in the meadows',' HOMERVILLE HAGUE. 

281, " Shepperton-on-Thames" HOMERVILLE HAGUE. 

282, " The Student',' Mrs. Florence Martin. 

283, " The Kenmare River," Douglas Adams. 

284, "Nightfall in the Dauphinh" H. H. La Thangue 

{sketch, p. 76). 

286, "Thunder clouds," C. E. JOHNSON {sketch, p. 75). 

286, " Gwalior, India^' ROBERT W. Allan. 
Dazzling tropical colour and blue shadows {sketch, p. 76). 

287, " Near Milford, Surrey," James Orrock. 

288, " Agathonike, daughter of W. Crates, Esq.," Mrs. Annie L, 
SWYNNERTON. In pink frock, with blue background. . 

^2 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

289, ''Nutbourne^' GeqRGE E. Cook. Water-colour. 

290, ''Evel' Thomas Riley. 

291,'' Miriam^ tk^ prophetess,'' V^KLT^ViT>\ji!iCK^,. 

292, ''Housed,'' Miss Mildred A. Butler. Water-colour. ^ 

293, " The snow queen," Mrs. Kate G. Hastings. 

Two reindeer draw sledge over frozen surface of lake. Boy in 
idark blue suit gazes at the Snow Queen, who wears pale green 
robe and mauve wimple. Gefda kneels on the ice behind. 
: 294, " The heat and burden of the day" ARTHUR Lemon. 

296, " The village church" Philip Burne-Jones. Water-colour. 

296, "Spring" MisS MARGARET HiCKSON. Water-colour. 

297, "In the Abingdon woods" Major-Gen. Donnelly, C.B. 



In the balcony are oil paintings, water colours, chalk, pen and 
pencil drawings, and pastels. 

c 2dS, " Portrait of Sir Frederick Bramwell, Bart., F.R.S,," Miss 
M. C. Abercrombie. 

299, "An old Benedictine monastery, NeuchateL, Normandy" 
Lennard Lewis. 

300, " A Surrey hamlet" Miss Blanche Baker. 

301, " Spring sketch, Guildford," Philip Norman. 

302, " The end of harvest" A. FOORD HUGHES. 
SOS, "A Somerset cottage" W. Egerton Hine. 

304, "A cedar of the Lord, Lebanon',' Tristram Ellis. 
306, " Holland House, Kensington" MisS G. B. May. 

306, "Pont St. Benezet, Avignon" A. B. DONALDSON. 

307, " The Callater Burn, Braemar" C. Wynn Ellis. 
SOS, " Dreaming" Mrs. A. E. Emslie. 

309, " When orchard boughs are full in bloom" MiSS MILDRED 
A. Butler. 

310, ** Mermaid Street, Rye',' PHILIP NORMAN {sketch, p. 77). 
Sll, "A pastoral," Henry Ryland. 

312, " Rothenburg," E. Salomons. 

SIS, " The end of the story" MiSS CATHERINE J. Atkins. 

314, " The tumbling burn," B. J. Ottewell. 

316, " On Selkirk Common" M. Raphael Jones. 

316, " The Coliseum at Rome" Charles Earle. 

317, " The mill pond, Swanage" Miss Cecilia Jacquet. 

318, " 5. Jacques, Lisieux," T. M. ROOKE {sketch, p. 77). 


819, " A Somersetshire orchard" J. W. Beck. 

320, " A Thames back-water," J. W. Beck. 

381, " The rivulet," Albert Kinsley {sketch, p. 77). 

328, " Thyrsis" Mrs. C. N. Kennedy. 

383, " Windsor" Newton Benett. 

325, " The quay, Polperro" MiSS K. McCracken. 

328, " Shirley poppies I' MisS ELLEN BOWYER. 

387, "Near Sandwich, Kent;' Albert KINSLEY. 

328, " East Mascolls, Sussex" C. Tonge. 

829, " On the Fife coast" Miss Amy H. Foster. 

330, 'M scene in Boulac, near Cairo" R. M. Chevalier. 

331, "Albert Dilrer's house, Nurenberg" E. SALOMONS. 

332, " On the ramparts, Carcassonne" A. B. DONALDSON. 

333, " Rose, softly blooming" Miss Ada Dressler. 

334, "Autumn" J. W. Beck. 

No. SS6. " Cramer." Wilfrid Bali, 

336, "La Grosst Horloge, Rouen" Lennard Lewis. 
837, " In the courtyard of the Bargello, Florence" C. H. R 

338, " On the golden horn;' Tristram Ellis. 

339, " Le Puy," A. B. DONALDSON. 

840, " Chrysanthemums;' Mrs. Cecil Lawson. 
341, " Village of Pinkevere, Holland" Claude Hayes. 
■ 348, "Der Klingenthor, Rothenburg" E. SALOMONS. 

343, " Outward-bound" Miss NoRA Davison. 

344, " Urbino — morning;' Miss Mildred Drage. 
- 346, '^ Bosham harbour, Sussex," James E. Grace. 

848, " Hay-time," J. HERBERT Snell 

24 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

847, " A rose's life is but a day,'' J. Fitz-Marshall. 

8489 " The mountain peak 'tivixt sun and moon^' W. PADGETT. 

849, '"^ Jacob's Bay, Amside," Arnold Priestman. 

860, **Sotto i LauH di Mandela, 1891, Napoleone Parisani. 

861, " The walls, Nurenberg," E. Salomons. 

862, "/« theKyles of Bute," C. P. Knight. 

863, " Chislehurst Common'' R Yates. 

864, ''Across the moorland^' J AMES E. Grace. 

866, '' Spring flowers'' Henrietta Rae (Mrs. E. Normand). 
A girl's head in profile, decked with pansies. 

866, ''Fly-fishing in the Brathie, near Amblesidei' E. M^ 


867, '^ Moonlight," Miss Hilda Montalba, 

868, "Portrait of Miss Alice Pollock, daughter of Sir Frederick 
Pollock, Bart," MRS. F. F. HoLROYD. 

869, " Twilight from the hill of Asolo," EuGENE BENSON. 

" Fra la Brenta e la Piave.** — Dante. 

860, '^ Among the withered leaves',' J. Fitz-Marshall. 

861, " The village on the cliff" ARTHUR Hughes. 

862, "An autumn evening" ARTHUR TOMSON. 

863, "In the Itchen vall^" Philip Norman. 

864, " Companions of the bath" A. Harvey Moore. 

866, " Portrait of Leslie Stephen, Esq.," S. BosCH Reitz. 

866, " Sleep," Miss Dora Noyes. 

Girl lying amid a profusion of scarlet poppies. 

367, *' When purity and peace immingle charms," J. FlTZ- 

868, "Portrait of Miss Caroline Cust" MisS Alice E. Donkin. 

869, " Fishing boats leaving Fow^ Harbour," Edwin Hayes. 

870, " Harbour lights," JAMES P. Beadle. 

871, " The glow of autumn on the Thames," E. M. Edmonds. 

872, "Harbour of Savona, Italy," Edwin Hayes. 
373, " Storm brewing," ARTHUR HuGHES. 

874, " A Dutch girl',' Miss Jennie Moore. 
876, " Roses',' A. F. W. Hayward. 

/•«• Chill thy littU heart, and gtuves 


At the flut^ ring of the leaives. 
And the night'Wind's dismal cries, 
Fright thee, little waking tyes. 

•* Close your little eyes in sleep. 
Loving arms around thee Cfie^ 
Rest, while Nature endlessly. 
Eyes to see her weaves for tkee.^ 
— Flowbu of Paradi&k. 

Reginald F. H allward {sketch, p. 78). 

877, " Will he come?" John Charlton {sketch, p. 78). 

878, '^Eleven illustrations to Anacreon," J. R. Weguelin. 

379, " The palace of Fontainebleau from the south" W. BiSCOMBE 

No. 306. " FenlSl. Bineiit, Aviguon." A. B. Donaldson. 

880, "Porte Daupkine, or the Baptistkre, palace of Fontainebleaii" 
W. BiscoMBE Gardner. Louis XIII. was baptized here. 

881, " Natives" TOM Kelly, Highland cattle. 
388, "A portrait," Mrs. Graham Smith. A pastel, 

383, " Old wall on the west of la Cour Henri IV., Palace of 
Fontainebleau," W. Biscombe Gardner. 

384, "Horseshoe staircase, entrance to the Palace of Fontain^leati" 
W. Biscombe Gardner. 

385, "Study for the head of Medusa" The MARCHIONESS OF 

386, "Study for a frontispiece to 'A Violet Crown ' " ; a book of 
poems by Reynell Rodd, The Marchioness of Granby. 

387, "Mrs. Beerbohm Tree; " a portrait The Marchioness of 

388, " ff. Beerbohm Tree, Esq.," The MARCHIONESS OF GrANBY. 
889, "Korinna, a study," The MARCHIONESS OF GrANBY. 

390, "Mrs. Harry Taylor," W. B. RICHMOND, A.R-A- 

391, " Mrs. Harry Taylor ; " chalk drawing. E. J. POYNTER, R. A. 

392, " The pitfalls of culture;" a. drawing ioT Punch. E.T. ReED. 
893, " The trials of an anxious junior — prompting a deaf and testy 

chief in open court; " drawing for Punch. Edward T. Reed. 
394, " Portrait of Mrs. Douglas Arden" E. R. HuGhes, 
S9fi, " Portrait of Miss Violet Troubridge," MRS. HOPE. 
896, "Ridge of Cuchullins, Skye" ToM Kelly. 
397, " Preparing for the fete," G. Crqssland ROBINSON. 
898, "A landscape — birches," Fred Yates. 

399, " On the sand dunes, Boulogne," WiLLIAM PADGETT. 

400, " Charge of Inniskillings at the battle of Malplacquet, 
R. Caton Woodville. 

401, " Evening" ARNOLD HELCK£. 

402, " Retreat— Crimea," Jan V, Chelminski, 

^6 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

403, " The interrupted story I' EUGiiNE DE Blaas. 
Three Venetian girls listening to an old fisherman. 

404, ** A November morning on the Frome^ Gloucestershirel^ 
Alfred O. Townsend. 

405, ''An autumn day I' MisS L. Blatherwick. 

406, " Sunset on Salisbury Plaint' Edgar Barclay. 

407, ''Portrait of Miss Bella Stillman',' MisS Lisa Stillman. 

408, " Portrait of the Countess Pasolini^' pastel drawing. MiSS 
Lisa Stillman. 

407*, " The Hall, Eton Avenue, N. W.;' E. R. ROBSON, F.S.A. 
408*, " Interior of the grand hall, Trosley Towers {the country seat 
of Sir Sydney Waterlow), E. R. ROBSON, F.S.A. 


409, "Jessica'' bronze head. Miss Edith Bateson. 

410, "/. R. Redmayne, Esq.,'' bronze bust. ALFRED DrurY. 

411, "Dorothea Beak — President of the Cheltenham Ladies' 
College," bronze bust. Miss Mary Swainson. 

412, " The Honourable Ethel Eraser," bronze bust. E. Stourton. 

413, " Bust of the late Sir Morell Mackenzie" clay. G. E. Wade. 

414, " St Agnes',', bronze head. Alfred DrurY. 

416, *' Girl tying up her sandal" bronze statue, life size. CONRAD 

416, " Non A ngli, sed A ngeli," plaster head. E. • ROSCOE 


^Vt,"Peri at the gates of Paradise," Mrs. Catherine 
Toberentz. Marble statuette. • 

418, " The singing girl," G. G. Frampton. 
Marble, half-length. 

419, " Comus," E. R. Mullins. Small bronze group {sk.^p.y^). 

420, " Spring," J. W. Swynnerton. Plaster statuette {sk,, p. 80). 

421, " A portrait study," Henry A. Pegram. Plaster head. 

422, *' Bust of the late Countess of Dalhousie" D. W. STEVENSON. 

428, " Cuninghame Graham, Esq., M.P" ALBERT ToFT. 
Bronze head and shoulders {sketch, p. 80). 

424, " La Sonnambula," J. W. Rollins. Plaster head 

426, " John Cleland, Esq., of Stormont," W. H. ClelanD. 

Bronze head. 

426, "A portrait bust," W. GOSCOMB JOHN. Plaster. 

427, " Mademoiselle Marguerite" MiSS ETHEL M. MoORE. ' 
Bronze head ; life-size. \ 


428, "African slave boy" The Countess Feodora GleiCHEN. 
Bronze statuette, 

420, " Youtk, like summer mom," MiSS EffIE StillmaN." 
Small plaster head. 

4S0,"Brome dust of the late Sir Edgar Boekm, Bart., R.A.." 
Edouard Lanteri. Small plaster statuette. 

451, "At home" ; terra-cotta statuette, CONRAD DressLER 

{sketch, p. 80). 

452, " the tangles of Nemra's hair" W. R. COLTON. 
Small terra-cotta head. 

483, "J//-. John Hare, as Benjamin Goldfinch, in 'A Pair of 
Spectacles', " A. Boyd SaUNDERS. 
Small terra-cotta bust. 

434, "An Irish wolfhound," J. H. M. FuRSE. 
Small bronze figure, 

436, " Study of foxhound and pups" Miss ALICE Chaplin. 
Small clay group [sketch, p. i). 

436, "Herodias," Albert Toft. Marble bas-relief head. 

437, "yokn Fielden Mackarness, the late Bishop of Oxford','. 
George Frampton. Bronze head in low relief. 

438, "A decorative panel" MiSS ANNA Alma-TadEMA. 
Bronze flowers in bas-relief. 

489, "Miss Jean Gordon" ; medallion portrait, MissE. HallE. 
Clay head. 

440, " Thi late Charles Stewart Parnell, M,P. " ; medal, MisS 
E. HALLe. Clay. 

441, " Medallion portraits," Miss E. Stillman. Clay and bronze 

442, " Children with palm branches " ; design for a bronze relief 
Miss E. M. Rope. Black wax. 

443, " Coloured wax bas-relief" Miss Ella Casella. 

444, " Victory " ; coloured wax bas-relief," MiSS Nelia Casella. 

445, "Fountain, mermaid, and sea lions" Designed and exe- 
cuted for W. C. Prescott, Esq. G. SiMONDS. Bronze {sk.,p. 79). 



Adams, Douglas . . . . . . 74 

Allan, Robert W 76 

Alma-Tadema, L., R.A 29 

Armour, G. Denham .... 61 

Ball, Wilfrid 23 

Ball, William 23 

Beadle, James P 51 

BsNNETT, Newton ..... 12 

BoUGHTON, G. H., A.R.A. . . . 43 

Britten, W. E. F 49 

Brown, H. Harris 68 

Burne- Jones, Philip . . . 31, 48 

Buxton, J. W . 50 

Cadogan, S. R. 37 

Canziani (Madame), L. S. . . . 36 

Carr, David 63 

Charlton, John 78 

Clay, Sir Arthur 36 

Collier, Hon. John .... 43 

Cottrell, Wellesley .... 68 

Davis, B., R.A 62 

Donaldson, A. B. ..... 25 

Dressler, C 80 

East, Alfred 75 

Fisher, Mark, 72 

Forbes, Stanhope A 52 

Forbes (Mrs.), Stanhope ... 58 

Fowler, Robert 55 

Gere, Charles M 71 

Graham, Tom 69 

Hague, Homerville .... 14 

Hale, E. Matthew 40 

Hall, Fred 32 

Hall, Sydney P, 33 

Hall£, C. E 5, 34 

Hallward, Reginald .... 78 

Hardy, Heyward 70 

Harper, Claudius 64 

Hartley, Alfred 66 

Helcke, a 58 

Hemy, cm 55 

Hunter, Colin, A.R.A. ... 47 

Ingram, W. Ayerst. . . . . 72 

Ireland, T. 56 

Jacomb-Hood, G. P 70 

Jay, W. S 38 

Jenkins (Miss), Blanche . . . 38 

Johnson, C. E 75 

Jones, M. Raphael 31 

Kennedy, C. N 44 


Khnopff, F 35 

Kinsley, Albert 77 

Laidlay, W. J 30 

La Thangue, H. H 76 

Llewellyn, W 59 

Macallum, Hamilton .... 57 

Macbeth, R. W., A.R.A ... 50 

Macgregor, a. 41 

Maclaren, Walter 46 

McLachlan, T. Hope .... 42 

Meade, Arthur 62 

MoNTALBA (Miss), Clara ... 65 

MuLLiNs, £• RoscoE .... 79 

Murray, David, A.R.A. . . . 53 

Nettleship, J. T 40 

Norman, Philip 77 

Normand (Mrs.), K.. . , . .54 

Parker, John 74 

Parton, Ernest 51 

Perugini (Mrs.), Katr. ... 47 

Pickering, J. L 9 

PoYNTER, E. J., R.A. . . . . 29 

Reid (Miss), Flora 60 

Reid, John R 69 

RooKE, T. M 77 

RowE, E. Arthur 18 

Ryle, Arthur J 48, 64 

Shannon, J. J 39 

Simon ds, George 79 

Skilbeck, Clement O 65 

Spence, T. R 67 

Stokes, Adrian 45j S4 

Storey, Julian . . . . , .56 

Stott, Edward 37 


Thompson, Leslik 63 

Toft, Albert 80 

Tomson, Arthur 73 

Topham, Frank W. W. ... 59 

Vern^de, Camille 60 

Watte, Edward W; 39 

Walton, Frank 35 

Watts, G. F., R.A. . . . 30, 32, 34 

Weguelin, J. R 73 

Wetherbee, G 42 

Whipple, J 66 

Wills, Edgar C 71 

Wontner, William 52 

Wood (Miss), E. S 33 

Wyllie, C. W 46 


No. 13. " Whiti Raset." E. J, Poyntbr, R.A. 

No. IB. "PadtrewsW L. Alua-Tadema, R.A, 

30 THE NEW GALLERY, 1893. 

No. 80. "/« IK: ^aamn;" W. J, I.UDIAY. 

No. «. "Afioat." G. F. Watts. R.A. 


No. 83. "PerKmt of E. L. J. Rididale, Esq." P. Burnk-Jonbs. 

NO.U. "Str<^td," 


No SI. •^Tmligkt." Fkid Hau. 

No. 48. "-Portrait a/ IVallir Cram, Esq." G. F. WATrs, R.A. 


No. «4. "Til lalt Charla^Sttwart Pt^ntii." SYDNEY P. Hall. 


No. 73. ■' The march of the s 

G. F. Watts, R.A. 


No. 78. "/btk My door ufen myself." Fbemand KHNOrFF. 

No. 80. '■/« ofulau Juai." Frank Walton. 




No. 84. "Autumn, Knolt Park." S. R. Cadogan. 


No. 96. " Autumn Mists." W. S. JAV. 

No. 97. " In thi mortk of rost!." Miss BLANCHE jBii 


No.88. "Birdtvf a feather flock togcthiT.''' Edward W. Waitk. 

No. 88. " Miss Wordsioorth, Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. " 
J. J. SHANNaf. 

40 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

No. lOI. '^Fbod^rack: thtena nf the night." J. T. NsTTLESHlr. 

No. 109. " Sigurd carrUs og the Princtts vf Ireland." E. Matthew Hale. 


No, 116. " The mirrors oj Hmi—past, preitnt, and /uliire." A. Macgkiaor. 



No. 124. •' T« oar laiv o^ Ikt teas." Georgb Wsthekbeb. 

No. IM. "Evtning." T. Hope McLaculan. No. 188. ".\fornfiig"JT. Hope HcLacBUN- 





44 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

No. 1*2. "Jonah." C. N. Kennedy. 





No. UT. "O, viitviUI^a'lhedtmta 19 Jrtit" 
Philip Burne-Jones, 


No 1(8 * Aitui H sohtudt " Abthue Rvlb. 


No. 168. "Che tara lara." W. E. F. Brittkn. 


N0.IM. " Miadats twed." J. W. BtJXION Knigbt. 

No. 166. "An Alsatian faaiastall." Robert W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 


No. 167. " Tht nighl/erry," EtNBST Pakton. 

No. 169. " fPnnewards." James P. Brad lf. 









" Edif, a ponrail." Mrs. E. NotMANa 

Ko. lift. " SayHmeiH tht Tyral." Adrian Stokes, 


Na 180. " Spirit oj the Morning," Robert Fowhr. 

No. 188. " 77it Comiih sea." C, N. Hemy. 



1 ^ 




No. ISO. "Jran, fataii, tijainiuttt." Mrs. Stahhofk Foibbs. 

No. IM. " Law lidt, Bouli^e-sur-Mtr." Abnold HelckJ. 


63 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

Ko. 200. " TTiiyeung detlor." Miss Flora Rud. 

Nj. 200. " Early ip^ngy Camillh Vernede. 


62 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 

'No. SIO. *'Sfa Urchins." ARTHUR Meade. 



•64 THE NEW GALLERY, 1892. 


" A winding leaUmiay." AhTHUR RvLt. 

j . , : . SOUTH ROOM. 

No. 2S1 "A Vetittian ferry." Miss Clama MoNtAIGA. 

66 THE Hew gallery, 1892. 

No. 128. ** Spring-Hmi." J. Whipple. 

Nc. 236. •' T&i mmin-lit vail." ALFaEo Hahtlbv. 


No. MS. "Soia Blyttka." T. R. Sfsnce. 


" Gctrgt and Meniyn, ant ej Major Edmin Dtl Sandys." 
H. Harris Brown. 

No,SU. "Theidgen/lhewcod, Bryn Cvtylan, 

Wellkslev Cotterell. 


Nft 249. "Childrtn oj tht misl." T. Graham. 

No. ?B?. "Thf cral^'s' ravi." John R. Reid. 


No. Mt- " The cattaway." G. P. Ja< 

No. asa. "Pi^lrait af :Sr FnderiA Millbank, Bari." Hbvwood Hardy. 
iBrtfrnhat- '/'.Mr. y. P. Mndea, tki iramtr nf tit caffrieki, bj nhem a t*ei'rrapnrr u t» U 


No. M6. •■ Tht ioek o/kve." Ckaklei M. Gbre. 


No, 88*. "When tmighl vttUs bmiath ihc maen mvay." M. Fishxs. 

No< 266. "Bnakfn." W, Aybr&t Ingsau, 



y Jleard mrladiei are naeet ; but those unhtara \ 

No. 868. " H^ilhiH nmnd^ the lea." Arthur Tomson. 


No. 8TS. " Harleth lanJi." DODCLAS ADAUS. 

No,>H. i „ _ 

I H'luH Ikt iyt aim lU 



t. 8TB> "DawH." ALifRiD East, 

" Thtindrr eleudt." C. E, Johnsos. 


No. IB4. "Ni^lfaU itiihc Dauphink:' H. U La Thjingue. 

No. S86. "Gwalirr, India." Rubirt W- ALL^N. 

< n ) 


Na 810. "Mtnnaid Stmt, Sye." No 81S. "St, Jacpia, Imeux." 

Phiup Norhan. T. m. Rookb. 

■"■• »'• ( "SixsfriSf""'") *■•"«'■ "»••■•". 



(79 ) 

Ko. 419. " O-mui." E. Roscoe Mullins. 

No. W^ "Faintain, Kurmaid, and tia Hem." Gkobci Simonds. 



No. 4Ut. "^rimf." 

No. US. "S^ ^<Tj-^ Mackin-Jt. " No. 4S8. "Cuninzk ime Grmim-m, Etq , 
G. E. Wade. Almbt Toft, 

. ' ■ 1 

THEl-Q RiimT W arehouse. 

117 & 119, REGENT ST., iONOON, W. 

(Two Doors from the NEW GAIjIjBRY.) 




Eastern ^ Hrt ♦ IProbuctions, 



Screens, Fans, Cabinets, 
Tables, Stands, Gongs, Trays, Curtains, 

Table Covers. 


®f eberg liesctiption. 

-"^^ vy syvj* w^*.^x>^>r\ /-s r-* ^'.•-s^^->^v>'»yv*^\,.^-vyx.^N..^r'»«<\y^^ 



From Sixpence to lOO Guineas. 


^w'fc^V-''^-' *^ \j.'-V-'\ 





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QTT foods 

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■'■--'•■'—■• - - " ' I 


TIM mm Ortiry; a 
FhM Arte -" 

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